This Week In P4

We have been primarily putting our snow globes together for our enterprise project. We have had a few issues but have problem solved and sorted them. The results are looking lovely,  ready for sale next week.  To support their learning they have been writing to Mrs Mill for a business loan to give us the start up costs of resources,  we have developed our understanding of what a budget is, and we have been practicing addition and subtraction of money in column/ chimney sums.

We have taken a senses walk around the school as we work towards writing a description of the school setting and mood.

We have had mini lessons, exploring place value and learning coin multiplication strategies.The children have enjoyed their reading buddy sessions with P1 and their music with karen from #nycos.

They are really developing their bench ball skills and growing in awareness of the value of tactics in the game.

Nex week we are exploring the subject of Advent for our assembly on Friday, and look forward to seeing you at the PATPALS session on Tuesday too.

P2 This Week

P2 have had a busy week. In Literacy we have been learning to spell words with the ‘ur’ sound. We have been working on writing capital letters E and F as well as alphabetical order activities. As part of book week the children enjoyed sharing their favourite books from home. We also decorated our classroom door in the style of a book cover taken from the novel we are reading at the moment, ‘The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark’ by Jill Tomlinson.

In maths we have continued our work on subtraction recording our answers on a number line. We have been measuring objects that are shorter or longer than 1 metre.

The children also had lots of fun making their hot chocolate reindeers for our Christmas Fair.

This week in P5…

Oliver is going to be our Class Blogger for today….

The class got to do some Spanish with Miss Greig, it was fun and the class liked the games. In Maths we have been learning chimney sums doing adding and subtracting with 3 digit numbers. We have also done a Maths Challenge sheet from Rigour maths. Primary 5 have been doing their class eader and also started reading Spiderwick Chronicles and discussing characters and what the features are of an Imaginary story. In PE we have been working on our Badminton skills and Mrs Taylor also let us have a game of Dodgeball using the proper rules. Primary 5 have also been trying to win Line awards and managed to get 4 this week which was 1 more than last week so we are getting better. In Science we were doing CSI investigation and looking at fingerprints.

Thank you Oliver!


Lots of great learning in P7 this week. No one has even mentioned Shakespeare, but we have been learning about him for Book Week. We have all been amazed that he invented so many words we still use today; like elbow, fair-play and majestic, and many, many more!

Brandon – The maths that I did with Mrs Marron was fun in the 11 times table.

Erin – I am proud of myself because I saved two goals in football so now I know I am improving!

Sophie M. – I really liked football with Neil even though it was really cold. I also liked practicing for the sports hall athletics and I think I am getting quite good at the sprinting and standing high jump.

Elise – I really think I improved a lot in Maths because at the start of learning long division I didn’t understand it but now I can even find the remainder.

Harry – I think I improvised in football when my knee got really sore I kept on going.

If you have any newspapers please could you send them in to help with our enterprise next week. Thank you!

P6 have had a busy week

This week Callum L is our Blog Master.

This week P6 played around with the coding app Scratch Junior.

“I loved playing on Scratch JR it was the best.”- Charlie

“It was fun programming the penguin to eat the fish.”- Logan”

“I loved Scratch JR because I loved messing around with it.”-Natalie

“I loved Scratch JR because it fun.”-Ellie

“I enjoyed playing around with Scratch JR because you can put your face on everything.”- Aiden

“I really enjoyed learning how to program Scratch Jr.”- Cade

“I really enjoyed doing Scratch Jr I really liked doing the sea theme with Ainslie.”-Rowan

” I really enjoyed Scratch Jr because the mechanics of it.”-Jamie

” I really enjoyed Scratch Jr.”-Logan F

“I enjoyed coding the sprite to spin around and I also got to put Polar Bears in Antarctica!” – Murray (Miss Marnie was not impressed!)

“It was pretty fun to do it.”- Finlay

“I enjoyed Scratch Junior because you could make the sprites do what you want.”- Lewis

“I liked Scratch Junior because you could choose from so many sprites.”-Cameron

“I loved Scratch because you control the character yourself.” -Kyle

“I enjoyed Scratch Jr because you can programme your own story.” – Eesa

This week P6 played dodgeball in PE with Mrs Taylor.

“I enjoyed doing dodgeball because we played full games.”-Zoe

“I really enjoyed dodgeball.”-Hayley B

“I liked dodgeball because you get to run around and throw balls at each other.”-Luke

“I enjoyed dodgeball because we get lots of exercise at the same time as having fun.”-Calum

“I liked playing the matches.”-Katy

This week P6 were learning all about Antarctica Week and Antarctica Day.

“I liked drawing penguins.” Hayley D

“I liked learning about Antarctica.  It’s at the very bottom of the world.  We drew a map of it and it was fun.” – Sri

“I liked researching about Antarctica because I learned new facts.” – Eesa

This week some P6  played handball in an afterschool club.  Some of us will play in the tournament next week.

“I liked playing handball because it was our first time playing actual games “- Ainslie

P6 are learning to times decimals.

“At the beginning of the math It was hard then now I understand after 1 day”- Silvester

“I liked learning how to multiply decimals because it was real life sums for our Christmas Fair Enterprise.” – Callum

“In maths this week we had to work out how much money we would need to spend on the ingredients to make some home baking for our Christmas Fair Enterprise.” – Charlie

“I liked maths this week because we had to work out which shop was the cheapest place to buy our ingredients from.” – Lewis


A note from Miss Marnie:  Don’t forget that Home Learning is due on Monday.  Be prepared to share your learning!




P1a Learning Reflection W/E 23rd November

In writing this week we wrote about a magic button and what it could do. We read One Button Benny which was in book bug bag and this inspired our writing lesson. We learned the sounds j and v. We thought of words with these sounds then made them on our magnetic boards and then wrote them down. We made jellyfish and volcanoes. We revised our tricky words. In Maths, we have been collecting, representing and answering questions about pictograms, tally charts and bar graphs. We made our own pictogram of eye colour, a tally chart of our favourite pets and a bar graph of our favourite book. We looked at toys and had to sort old and new toys.  In P.E, we played duck duck goose and dodgeball. We have been busy practising for our nativity in the hall as well this week. Our enterprise is nearly finished and pictures will be available shortly. Here are a few of the children’s reflections:

Here are a few of the children’s reflections:

Murdo: “I found it tricky to write the letter v.”

Euan: “I enjoyed learning about pictograms and in particular colouring in an eye for our pictogram.”

Sevinc: “I enjoyed learning about ways to represent data like pictograms.”

Leo:” I found it tricky when writing the letter j.”

Coben: “I found counting tally marks tricky.”

Rory: “I found it easy learning about j and v.”

Ziva: “I enjoyed doing tally marks and the volcanoes.”