P1 & Ms King

This week in P1 we have been learning the sounds: sh & r and tricky word so. They really enjoyed making shark hats with Miss Sommerville. In science the children have been experimenting with push and pull forces. Our numeracy focus is information handling. The children have explored tally marks and pictographs. In P.E they have been playing team games. Here are their highlights and challenges from the week:


L –  Learning the sh sound it has two letters when you mix them together it makes green.

J – Making the r, we go down the robot and round his arm.

P – Learning the sound sh. Two sounds together makes a new sound, and a different colour if you mix the blue s and the yellow h it makes green sh.

Al – Learning r because it’s a blue sound, robot starts with r.

Sus – We made a pictograph of eye colour. Brown is the most colour, blue was the least.

R – Doing sharks it has a sh.

So – Getting a certificate!

H – Making the shark was fun, shark begins with sh.

Ch – We done singing and watched Primary 5 assembly on Harry Potter.

Au – I liked doing the sharks. I had to stick on the teeth and make it scary with a big mouth. Sh is a s and a h, it’s a green sh because blue and yellow make green.

Sub – Learning sh and r, Shoe has sh at the start.

N – Making a shark because they have sharp teeth.


J – Making a shark they start with the sh sound. trying to stick the band on, you had to put lots of glue at the bottom to make it stick on.

P  – It was really hard trying to pick an eye colour because some people had both colours, like blue and green together.

Sus – We can’t use red and grey only blue green and brown.

L – It was very difficult to paint with your thumb because it was too big for the rainbow and it would go on the other colour. I did wee dots with your pinkie and it didn’t go onto the other colour.

So – Sounding and blending words because it was hard.

Au –  Reading the word search I had to concentrate.

Another fast and furious week in P7, finishing on a high as we finished the West Lothian Sumdog competition in 5th place having also been the daily winners on Wednesday. Special mention to Sophie  who finished 3rd in the individual competition, getting 952 correct answers out of 1000 questions.

Arron – This week I really enjoyed the division questions because the one with remainders I found really easy and now that has helped me with my division sums on the big maths questions. In P.E. we ran from one wall to another and we done it twice and I got 15 seconds all 3 times I ran back.

I think that my spelling improved this week because we had harder words and I got all of them right – Jack

Lewis – this week improved on dividing at maths. This week it was fun it was a bit hard to understand at first but when you got it, it was easy.

Kaitlyn – I found the division in maths hard but I think that I will get better

Harry – I enjoyed maths it was really fun because I got to help other people.

Tyler – I enjoyed football because the fitness and agility bit of the session and the matches at the end are very fun!

Liam – I am really happy because Mrs Mill offered me a solo to Walking in the Air from The Snowman in choir!

This week in Primary 6…

This week, Calum was our Blog Master. 

It has been another busy week in P6.

This week we were doing badminton.

“I enjoyed when we did the games.”-Zoe “I liked the rallies because you were able to do every job.”-Cameron

“I liked doing rallies in badminton.”-Callan

“I liked that we got to play the same people.”-Ainslie

This week we were learning about World War II.

“I enjoyed learning about rationing.”-Calum

“I enjoyed learning about rationing because I enjoyed learning about the different types of food that were rationed.”-Luke

This week we did some art based on our class novel, Holes.

“I liked doing art because it was fun.”-Logan F

“I enjoyed doing the art.”-Haley D

“I liked doing the lizards.”-Lewis

“I enjoyed doing the painting because we got to have fun with the paint to make the door for Book Week Scotland.”-Charlie

“I enjoyed doing my lizard.”-Natalie

“It was fun because we got to use lots of paint”.-Eesa

This week at Rumble…

“I enjoyed playing the drums.”-Cade.

“I enjoyed playing the drums.”-Finlay

“This week it was definitely my favorite one.”-Leon

This week we had some people doing Fresh Start.

“I wrote a letter to Mr Turner.” – Charlie


P3 Weekly Reflection 16.11.18

This week we have been having discussions about presenting a positive attitude to our learning.  We have been talking about why it is important that we come to school ready to learn and why we need to learn to manage distractions so we can focus on our tasks.  Next week in class we will have the target ‘To follow instructions first time’ so that we are ready for learning and not wasting precious time.

Lakshya enjoyed writing counting poems this week.  We had to think of rhyming words and try to use these in our poems, it was not as easy as you might think.

Anna liked watching the film clip about Joseph Lister when he invented antiseptic.  It is thanks to him that we can go in for operations and come out without infections.

Kayden enjoyed science with Mrs Fraser.  The children are learning about energy and the effect of cutting down lots of trees.  Some great discussion was had.

We enjoyed ending our week on a high by watching the Primary 5 assembly on Harry Potter, what an amazing effort from the children in P5.

Have a lovely weekend.

P1a Learning Reflection W/E 16/11/18

Another busy but quick week in P1. We started our enterprise for the Christmas fair. In Literacy we have learned the sounds sh and r. We made words with these sounds and learned how to write the sound r. We learned the tricky word so. In writing, we used our sounds to help us write a sentence about our buddies. Some of us wrote about our P7 buddy and some of us wrote about our P4 reading buddy. In Numeracy we have been continuing to learn our number bonds to 10. We are getting really good at recalling these facts. In health we listened to the story “The Dot” then we painted our own dot pictures and we made dots with our picture on one side and why we are special on the other side. In Science, we were learning about things that move and discussed what would be dangerous to stop. We have also been working hard with P1 and P2 on our nativity. We got given our parts and have been practising really hard.

Here are a few of the children’s reflections:

Euan: “I found it tricky learning the sound r.”

Ziva:” I enjoyed learning our letters this week.”

Isaac: “I found it tricky writing the letter r.”

Leighton: ” I enjoyed learning my number bonds to 10.”

Sam:”I enjoyed learning the sound sh.”

Emma:”I enjoyed making our Christmas enterprise.”

Murdo: ” I found learning the sound sh tricky.”