P3 Weekly Reflection 9.11.18

One of the main highlights this week has been developing our understanding of tessellations.  We drew round 2D shapes to create our own tessellation patterns.  Some people chose to colour theirs using felt pens while others used paint in the primary colours.  We have been looking for examples of tessellations around the school and wonder how many patterns you will find at home.

We have also been thinking about number patterns and have been learning how to identify the rule for given patterns.  We know that if the numbers increase then we are adding or multiplying and if the numbers are decreasing we need to subtract or divide.  Perhaps you could write some patterns at home for your child to continue?

On Monday Emma M, gave an excellent explanation to the class of who Guy Fawkes is and why we celebrate Bonfire Night.  The children were very interested in this and we had an informative discussion.  We also talked about Firework Safety and wrote our own Firework acrostic poems.  The children worked really hard on these and it is hoped that we can redraft these next week so we can display them in our new reading area for everyone to read.

This week the children have been excited to purchase a poppy and have been learning about why we wear poppies at this time of year and why we celebrate Remembrance Day.  This learning was reinforced during an interesting assembly with Mr Balaj today.  We will conclude our learning on Tuesday with a visit to the local church to see the lovely memorial that has been created by members of the parish.


P1 & Ms King

Learning Reflection for W/E 9.11.18

P1 learned the sounds h & l and tricky word yes. For  writing the children used some words to describe the loud and noisy sounds that fireworks make, such as: pop, zoom, bang, whoosh and boom!








We enjoyed taking a stroll to see the poppy display outside the church. In art we have started to make a poppy picture using our thumb prints. Our assembly this morning was about Remembrance Day. We learned that people in Scotland wear red poppies for remembrance, white poppies for peace and purple poppies to remember animals that died in war.

P1 Remembers…

Lewis – We remember when the people died.

James – I remember learning h.

Poppy – My great, great, Grandfather went in the war and he survived.

Alister – I remember doing the letter l, leg has l.

Hiba – The poppies are sad!

Austin – It is about the soldiers who died. Purple poppies remember all the animals that died.

Subhan – I remember the kindness song.

Kaelan – I remember that we need to be kind.

Nicholas – I remember doing shape in maths.

Christian – Singing kindness.

P1 & Ms King

Catch Up for W/E 2.11.18

The children all enjoyed the 3D shape lessons they had with Miss Sommerville last week. They were very busy, sorting, printing and hunting for 3D shapes. Their favourite activity was building 3D junk models.










S – I made a dinosaur, I used a circle and a cuboid.

K – I made a dinosaur. I used a circle, a cube, cuboid and a cylinder.

P – I made a car and a drum, I used a cylinder and a cuboid.

A – I made a rocket ship and a drum.

C – I made a drum it has circles.

A – I made a jet and a launch pad. I used a cylinder and a triangle. I used 2 cuboids to make the launch pad.

H – I made a craft box. I used a cylinder and a cuboid. a cuboid has rectangles. I used a rectangle of tape.

N – I made a dancing box.

C – I made a vampire and a haunted house.

L – I used a cylinder and a circle on the vampire.

R – I made a rocket ship. I used a cylinder and a cuboid. a cylinder is curvy.

J –  I made a car, I used a cylinder and a cone. The box has rectangles.

S – I made a car. The box has a rectangle, it is straight. The wheels are a cylinder, it is curvy.

S – I made a car, I used a cuboid.

This week in Primary 5

The children have had an action packed week with outdoor learning, badminton, Remembrance writing, learning how to present information on graphs, Judo instruction, a walk to visit our local church, drumming workshop, choir practice, finishing with a wonderful assembly led by Mr Balaj from Livingston Village Kirk.

Primary 5 spent some time on Tuesday making Leaf Identification dials then we ventured outside to try them out, gathering lots of data about the leafs we found. The children loved the time outside investigating and comparing leaf patterns, sizes and shapes. We then sorted our data and used it to create bar charts to demonstrate the different types of leafs found.

This week we have also visited Livingston Village Kirk to see the beautiful Poppy Memorial created by the members of our community. It really is a fitting way to remember those who gave their lives, so we could live ours. Our visit inspired some writing to say ‘thankyou’ to the many people ( and animals) who were so brave.

Yesterday we were delighted to welcome Scott from Jidel Judo for some Judo instruction. Scott is a Team GB competitor, so it was amazing for the children to learn from someone who had competed at such a high level! The children listened and followed instructions, and Scott was very complimentary of their enthusiasm to learn.

Finally today we ended our week with a lovely Assembly led by Mr Balaj. He talked about why it is important to remember important events in our lives, but that it is also important to remember and be thankful for the life that we live now, thanks to the sacrifices of others.

Next Friday is our Class Assembly, the children are hoping you will be SPELLBOUND by it…


Mrs Taylor



Primary 2 this week

We had great fun learning outdoors this week! We went a walk through the village with Miss Whigham and stopped to look at the war memorial at the church. With Mrs Fraser, we went on a nature walk and collected as many different autumn colours as possible.

We continued learning about subtraction and longer and shorter in maths. In P.E. we were developing our ball skills ready to learn handball. In science we learned about Day and Night and how the Earth revolves around the Sun. We have started having spelling tests on a Friday- these will focus on our words for the week. Thank you to everyone who handed their homework in on Thursday. Have a lovely weekend:)


Our class blog

This week the blog has been done completely by us.

Charlie: On Thursday we made remembrance day cards which was very fun and entertaining everyone put a message in their cards, I did a poem.

Sophie;This week we did division in maths, I found it a little hard and I don’t think I have the hang of it yet.

Katie: This week I found maths a little challanging and I found the remembrance cards fun.

Kaitlyn: I  found the maths hard and I enjoyed doing the remembrance cards.

Brandon  I found the maths hard and I liked doing the remembrance cards.

Kieran: I found the Junior Road Safety Officer induction really interesting because we got lots of ideas for the school.

Ben M: I found going to the church fun because I got inspiration from doing it to draw a picture of the war memorial.

Bobby: In maths we did significant figures and I found it hard at first but then I got the hang of it and it was easier than before and we learnt that you don’t always need brackets and that you always times first.

Harry: I enjoyed going to football we had lots of fun.

Liam: Over the course of two weeks I’ve enjoyed learning about significant figures, at first it was a bit confusing actually finding out how to do it because there was lots of different ways to do it online but once I got the hang of it it’s actually really simple and easy.

Photos from our judo taster.

This week in P6…

This week we were reflecting on our learning on Didbook..

“I liked the targets because it was my first target this year.” – Jamie

We also made soldier silhouettes this week to mark the centenary of WW1 ending.

“I liked to make silhouette’s because it’s fun.” – Ellie

“I liked learning about War and doing the silhouette’s because it was really fun!” – Rowan

“I liked the silhouette’s because it was fun!” – Eesa

We did Judo on Thursday this week.

“I liked Judo because the stuff we were doing was fun!” – Lewis

“I liked Judo because you get to fight and fly around because the coach picked us up and did some Judo moves.” – Silvester
“I really  enjoyed making the silhouette’s.” – Sri

“I enjoyed doing Judo because we got to play fun games.” – Calum

“I enjoyed doing judo because the games were fun.” -Cade

“I enjoyed doing the hold in Judo.” – Luke

“I really enjoyed Judo, I even kept my friend pinned down!”- Hayley B

“I really enjoyed Judo, the master threw me over his shoulder!” – Logan F

On sunday some of our students are going to lay the wreath at the church.

“I’m very excited to go and lay the reith because it will be fun.” – Katy

Our topic this term in  PE is Badminton.

“We did games and they were fun!” – Zoe

“I like our new PE topic Badminton, especially the rallys.” – Callan


P1a Learning Reflection W/E 9th November 2018

Another busy week in P1. We have been working hard during our phonics lessons with Miss Fraser. We learned two new sounds l and h. We also learned the tricky word you. We made words with these sounds, taught ted how to write them, made a lamb and a horse. In numeracy we have been learning about number bonds. We have been focusing on adding numbers together that make 10. Can you remember any pairs of  numbers that make 10? We have also been outdoors twice this week. On Tuesday we went for a lovely autumn walk to the church and around the local area. We looked at the beautiful poppy tree for remembrance Sunday. We were lucky enough to get to go in the church and see the beautiful display of poppies in there. Photos to follow on twitter. We created rubbings of leaves once back in class. Primary 1 and primary 2 have also been practising for our nativity. In Science we were learning about push and pull forces. Here are a few of the children’s reflections:

Ayden: “I enjoyed learning my number bonds to 10.”

Ziva: “I found it tricky writing l and h.”

Leighton: “I enjoyed learning how to say the sound l.”

Isaac: “I found writing the letter h tricky.”

Ch: I enjoyed our walk to the church and learning about what the poppy is for. They are for remembering the people who died during the wars.”

Lois: “I found writing the h tricky.”

Euan: “I found our two sounds this week tricky.”