2 weeks of P7 left!

Another hectic week this week, and that’s how it will be for the last 2 weeks too.

Another raffle prize was claimed today so we had a pyjama day. I wish I could do this all the time!

Lots of pupils visited JYHS this week for transition and they didn’t want to come back to LVPS.

“It was really good to make new friends.” – Holly

“The best bit was making new friends. I was a bit worried about that before but it was OK.” – Briony

“We got to light bunsen burners in science and we mixed liquids so they changed colour then we put them in a filter and the liquid came out clear and the yellow was left on the paper. It was so good.” – Eilidh

Don’t forget P7 have their leavers’ assembly on Friday morning at 9:15 – they think you should bring your hankies!