Learning Reflection for W/E 12.01.18



This week we have been learning how to subtract an amount from a group and then counting what is left to find the answer.

Scotland Focus


We started our Scotland topic by having a discussion about what we already know about Scotland. Here are the children’s responses:

Caleb – I live in Scotland

Andrew – The American president is Scottish and he is not a real president

Maizy – Scotland is a very cold place

Nathan – Scotland is a country

Andrew – I am a lucky boy because I was born and live in Scotland

Highlights of the week

Andrew – being a news reader, I was asking a person who saw Nessie questions

Emma – I learned about Nessie

Aakruti – we made a play dough Nessie

Maizy – Learning about subtraction, it’s when you take away

Maddie – the take away sign means subtraction

Sophia – Nessie lives in Loch Ness

Holly – I like doing word building, rock and sock rhyme, they end with special friend ck

Ms King – My highlight was noticing how much the children have grown over the two week holiday, not just in height but in their attitude towards learning.

Happy New Year to all, I hope you had a lovely rest over the festive holidays and are ready for a very busy term!

Ms King x