P1K Class News update for w/e 8.12.17


During our learning reflection discussion, the children wanted to discuss what they have been enjoying about the Nativity rehearsals, here are their comments:

Holly – going on stage

Arya – playing the instruments, I play the bell for Twinkling Stars and Angels song

Nathan – I like doing the actions on stage

Caleb – speaking on stage, we’re watching our sheep, I am a shepherd

Poppy – I like Donkey Plodding and it’s fun when we fly on stage

Aakruti – I like to bow on the stage

Emma  – I ride all the way to Bethlehem because I am a wise person


For writing this week the children designed posters to advertise their Nativity, these were hung around the school. The children all met the success criteria by creating posters with a bright picture, title, date, time and location. Well done P1 and good luck with the show!