This week in P4

We have had a great time being back in school after the holiday and are fully back to our learning. We have been busy updating our art gallery wall with a variety of art types. We have looked at a variety of artists and tried to recreate our own version of their famous artworks. This has been a topic that we have loved doing in P4!

In Numeracy, we have continued to look at multiplication and division and in maths this week we have started working on Venn diagrams as part of data handling.


P4 SSPCA workshop

P4 had a wonderful morning session with the SSPCA education officer. We learned all about their job and became rescue officers ourselves when we had to solve the problems that had happened to the different animals. We then got to do some coding and plan some sequences for our robotic animals. It was great fun!

This week in P3.

Happy Friday P3! … and Happy  Red Nose Day!

We loved seeing different super heroes in our classes today and we enjoyed listening to lots of jokes. Well done to Erin and Paul for confidently reading their jokes at our assembly. Thank you very much to everyone who made a donation to Comic Relief.

We have all been working so hard in P3 this week on writing information reports. We are have been discussing our core targets and thinking about how we can improve our writing. When we assess our writing we think about… what went well and even better if…

We have also been working on division and using our multiplication facts to help us work out the answer.

Well done everyone! Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Reid P3A             Mrs Robertson P3B


This week in P4!

What a great week in P4 again! We have learned a lot about homophones, planned and written a discussion text and completed lots of activities all about World Book Day. Thank you for sending photos of yourselves reading your favourite book and for taking part in the activities.  We looked at reading in unusual places, dressing up as a favourite character and enjoying a book in your pj’s among others. We have been learning all about position and direction this week in maths and have continued to look at our local community for our topic lessons. We were also the Daily Class Winner on Monday in the West Lothian Sumdog competition, well done everyone!  You have all worked so hard, here are just some examples of your great learning from World Book Day this week. There were so many wonderful photos on our Teams page P4 it was so difficult to choose just a few, well done!

I look forward to all of your learning next week. Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Cameron

This week in P4

What a fabulous week again P4! You have all worked so hard with your learning either in school or at home. We have looked at writing a discussion text and thinking about our arguments for and against a topic question; measuring in maths including measuring length, capacity and mass as well as practising our times tables and looking at our responsibilities in our health activities. We worked on a project all about Boudicca this week to learn more about her.

Here are some examples of our work:


Queen Boudica

You have had a great week everyone and I look forward to seeing what we can do next week!  Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Cameron

Thank You Primary 2A

Well done to everyone for all your hard work during remote learning. You have all put in so much effort to your learning and I continue to be impressed with all your amazing work every day. It is great that we were able to continue with our learning that we would have been doing in school and it has been amazing to see so much creativity. I am looking forward to continuing our learning journey when we go back to school on Monday.

Thank you also to all the parents and carers for your support on Seesaw. Your children wouldn’t have been so successful without your continued support and patience.


I am so proud of all of you and I am looking forward to seeing you on Monday. Stay safe and have a lovely weekend:)

Love from your very proud teacher,

Miss Marra


Matthew was working hard to sequence numbers from smallest to largest this week. Well done for your hard work Matthew:)


This is Isabella’s home-made play dough that she used to spell magic e words. Fantastic learning Isabella:)


Harry has been working hard to sequence numbers from smallest to largest. This is one of the “hot” tasks from this week. Well done for working so hard Harry:)



Thank you P3!

As we get ready to return to school on Monday we would like to say a  huge thank you to you all for your hard work over the last few weeks. We have been so  impressed by how well you have engaged with remote learning and with the standard of your work. Lots of you have tried hard to extend your learning at  home.

Also a massive thank you to all the mums and dads .. and some brothers and sisters, that have helped and supported you to do your best. It has not been easy at times.

We have managed to stay on track with our learning and we have covered work that we would be doing if we were in school. We hope you are feeling ready to continue in school and we know you will be excited to see your friends. It will all look and feel the same as before. There are now hand sanitiser dispensers on the wall at the door so this makes it very easy to remember to clean  our hands. We will let you know next week which days we will be having PE this term.

Looking forward to seeing all of your smiley faces on Monday!

Have a lovely weekend!

From your very proud… and excited teachers!

Miss Reid P3A                              Mrs Robertson P3B

Another Great Week of Home Learning in P2A

Dear parents/carers,

What a fantastic week this has been! We have had lots of snow but there has still been so much effort with our home learning. In Literacy, we have been learning magic e words with an o and we have been learning to find information in a text in Reading Comprehension. I have been so impressed with your thoughtful answers to the inference questions too. You worked super hard in Writing this week and you wrote the ending to your imaginative stories. Well done for working hard to use capital letters, finger spaces, full stops and connectives.


In Numeracy, we learned more about fractions and making equal groups to divide by 4. There have been some amazing photos of your equal groups uploaded to Seesaw to show how hard you are working. There has been so much creativity and well done to everyone who has been working on the remote learning grid tasks too. Jaysiel deserves a mention for her very expressive performance of “Chokey Chant” from Matilda the Musical which was one of your Drama tasks on the grid.


Harris has been doing some fantastic word building to practise spelling magic e with an o. Well done for working so hard to read and write your words Harris:)


Isabelle has been working hard to describe arrays in Number Talks this week. Well done for your hard work Isabelle:)
Look at Frankie’s amazing efforts with this week’s STEM challenge from Mrs Beattie. This is so impressive, Frankie! Well done for working so hard and you have shown great teamwork with mum and Danny to create this heart structure. Fantastic work:)
This is Evie’s super division task. She worked hard to describe the equal groups and write down how many objects were in each group. Brilliant Numeracy work Evie:)
This really impressed me this week! Isla’s wrote a fantastic ending to her imaginative story with capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. She even used some connectives too. Well done for writing such a creative story and for really working hard to develop your confidence in Writing:)
Well done to everyone for all your hard work this week. I am so proud of you all. Thank you also to parents and carers for your continued support. Have a lovely holiday everyone:)
Miss Marra


Amazing Learning in Primary 2A



Wow! What an amazing week of learning we have had. Well done for all your hard work this week as always. I am so proud of all your efforts and your positive attitude towards your learning. This week, we have been learning to read and write magic e words with an i and we have also been working hard on Reading Comprehension. In Writing, we have been learning to write the midde of a story, following on from our introductions from last wek. Your stories are looking fantastic so far! I can’t wait to read your endings. In Numeracy, we have been working hard in number talks and we have been learning about fractions this week. You found some great examples of halves and quarters at home.


Here are a few examples of your wonderful work.



Jaysiel wrote a fantastic middle to her imaginative story with capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. She also used connectives and wrote great descriptions. Well done Jaysiel:)


Max worked hard to calculate the missing addends in Numeracy this week. He did a great job counting on to work out the answers. Well done for working hard on this Max and for creating some of your own missing addend problems.


Ollie worked hard on this magic e roll, write and read task. You worked hard Ollie and you managed to write and read some new magic e words too. Well done!


This is Evie’s creative approach to this week’s STEM challenge. It has been amazing seeing everyone working so hard to be creative with these challenges every week. This week, we had to build a bridge using construction or any other materials at home. Well done for thinking outside the box Evie! It looks like your bridge was definitely strong enough for Nala to stand on. Fantastic work!


Keep up your hard work everyone. Have a lovely weekend and I will see you all on Monday:)


Super work P3!

You have treated us to some super work this week P3!

Thank you so much for your photos, videos, recordings and responses on Seesaw. We would also like to thank all of the adults at home who are doing a fantastic job supporting you in your learning.

This week we have –

    • continued to learn about multiplication and used Thinkboards to help us work out word problems…and completed a Check-up to see how we are progressing with our learning.
    • Started to learn how to write an information report.
    • Learned about adding ing and ed to words and practised spelling them
    • Read and used information from a text to label a drawing of a polar bear.
    • Looked at Steven Brown’s art work and designed our own Highland cows… and other animals.
    • Enjoyed lots of stories and books in National Storytelling week.. even recorded ourselves telling stories.
    • Found out about the different kinds of teeth we have.
    • Been active and participated in Mr Millar’s Fitness Week 4

Another fantastic week Primary 3. Keep it up. We are very proud of you all!

Have great weekend!

Miss Reid   P3A                 Mrs Robertson    P3B



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