Listening and Talking

At the start of this session classes will be focusing on our Listening rules and will refer to these daily.

Listening and talking skills are essential for good communication. We aim to give learners a wide range of opportunities to listen and talk for different purposes both at school and at home.

Many thanks to all of you who popped in to see us at our recent Meet the Teacher event. You might have picked up a copy of our school Listening and Talking leaflet.

We have included a copy on this post for those that might have missed it.

Listing and Talking Leaflet


If you have any concern’s about your child’s speech, please see details below of West Lothian’s Speech and Language service where you can get information about any concerns you might have.


Fantastic First Week in Primary 3B

We had a great first week back in Primary 3B! Everyone arrived on Tuesday morning ready to learn and excited to see our friends.

I have been so impressed with the listening skills in our class in our first week and you have already been working so hard. Mrs Stewart even popped in during Smart Start because she noticed you were all working hard and on task! We started off the week today with Active Spelling and you were all excited to use your brand new Literacy jotters. During our first week, you had many great conversations to share your thoughts, feelings and ideas about your new class.

Here are some of the conversations I observed from you during your first week in Primary 3.

I like being in this class.     Ava

We are so lucky because we get marbles and pom poms in our class.      Hannah

I love school.         Struan

It is nice that you are getting to know us and we are getting to know you. That means it’s fair.      Lucas

I like Maths at school.       Cormac

I love going outside for play and staying inside for play.         Lexi

Why don’t we change the Safe Space to over there because there is more room there.     Sophie B

This is fun Maths. I like having a special job to help everyone.    Aria

We are looking forward to sharing our learning with some photos at the end of the week. Keep working hard Primary 3!

P3 Art

We have been learning about Artists called Miro and Mondrian.  We talked about the shapes they made and colours they used.  We then created our own picture in their style.  Some of us even tried to draw animals using the same idea.  We then talked about what we thought about their artwork.  Most of us preferred Miro, especially if we were creating our own, as his lines are wiggly so easier to draw than Mondrian’s straight lines.  We then took our learning outdoors and created chalk drawings in their styles.

A Busy Week for P5/4

In P5/4, we have had a very busy week with all our learning. On Thursday, it was World Book Day and we celebrated by starting the day with “Relax and Read.” Our favourite thing about this is choosing where in the classroom we would like to read (as long as we choose a safe place.) As you will see from our photos, we chose some interesting places to enjoy a book.

We have been learning how to see ourselves as readers and we know that we enjoy reading more when we get to choose books we like. One of the highlights of our week was our first visit to the library. Unfortunately, Miss Marra forgot to pictures as she was enjoying it so much too. Caitlin proudly cut the ribbon and we were so excited to enjoy our new space. It was hard to choose from so many comfortable and exciting places to read. The choice of books was amazing too. Some of us even chose to read some nostalgic books from when we were younger. One of our favourites was Stick Man and Elmer. We can’t wait to go back for our next visit.

Another highlight in our learning this week was when we engaged in Drama to clarify our understanding of a text. In class, we have been reading the Harry Potter series as our class novels. We are currently reading Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. We engaged in a “Hot Seat” learning activity in which we chose to be in role as a character from the series and everyone had to ask us questions. Miss Marra modelled our learning first by being “in role” as Draco Malfoy which everyone found hilarious. Our Drama skills were very impressive and we used our knowledge of our chosen character well to engage in this learning activity.

We engage in Mental Maths daily and we have been working hard on using division to solve problems. We are developing our confidence using the “Bus Stop Method” and this is helping us apply our knowledge to word problems.

Our new Maths Topic is “Time.” We started our topic by having a great class discussion about why we need to learn to tell the time. We use time so much in our daily lives! We have been practising some of the different times we already know e.g. o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to. We engage in outdoor Maths and Numeracy every Thursday, and this week we practised telling the time in the playground. Struan did the honours, drawing a large analogue clock with our chalk. We then practised different times with some of us representing the hands. We had to jump to the correct number and we were able to talk about why this was the correct number, using the Numeracy skills we know and our prior knowledge of time. Our next step is to move on to five minute intervals.

Article 29: We have the right to develop our talents and abilities.




Learning in P4

We have been continuing to look at The War Years as part of our new topic in class and we have been having some great discussions from this.  We looked at photos from around the time of World War 1 and discussed in groups what we thought they were and what was happening in them.  We have been looking at how to write a discussion text in literacy and practising the skills that we need to write them correctly. We have been working on fractions and time in numeracy and enjoying using ICT to help develop our learning. We also enjoy playing number skills games each week to use what we have learned in numeracy.

P3 Magnet Work

The pupils were given magnets to explore and see what they could find out. First they found items in the class which the magnets would stick to and some that it didn’t. Then they worked in bases to experiment with the magnets. Some used them to make cars move while others found that they could move a magnet by putting one on the desk and moving it about with another under the desk. Others used the big horseshoe magnet to see how many paperclips they could pick up.

Scots whae hae!

Over the last few weeks all classes have been working on Scots language activities.

A knowledge and understanding of Scots language and Scottish texts allows children and young people to explore and appreciate Scottish culture. Learning Scots can often improve learners’ engagement in learning and their development of wider literacy skills.

In the nursery I enjoyed reading a story in Scots to the boys and girls. Some  made beaks and built a ‘waa’ for the three ‘Craws’. The Primary ones have made some super displays about ‘The Teeger that Cam for his tea’ and ‘Katie Morag’. Primary 2’s and 3’s have been learning and using lots of Scots words. Primary 4-7 have worked on creating their own Scots word lists and dictionaries. They have even been writing in Scots!

Primary 4-7 also took part in a live author event about Robert Burns with author Victoria Williamson. Primary 7 are really enjoying reading her novel ‘Hag Storm’.

We have been learning Scots poems and 2 pupils from each class were chosen to recite their poem at one of our two Scottish Assemblies. Well done to everyone who read aloud at assembly or in their class. It’s not easy to speak aloud in front of an audience.. and a special mention to Primary 1B for their amazing performance of ‘There was a wee lassie who swallowed a Midgie!’

We are currently working towards our Reading Schools Silver Award and part of our action plan is to celebrate books and special reading events. We now have lots of fabulous displays to demonstrate our learning of Scots language. Fantastic work everyone!

Article 30 I have the right to use my own language and culture.

This week in P4

This week has been busy looking more at Scot’s language through poems by different authors and enjoying listening to stories in Scot’s.  We created our own Scot’s dictionary using some online resources and got more familiar with Class Notebook through Microsoft Teams. We enjoyed listening to the online lesson from 2 authors this week all about Robert Burns and their books which involve him.  Well done to everyone for learning a Scot’s poem, it was great getting to hear everyone recite theirs to the class.

We have also been working on fractions in numeracy and looking at how to use Carroll diagrams in maths to sort data. We look at using our number skills in different ways for problem-solving and try out different games as well.

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