Science – International Space Station

Hello everyone!

One of the tasks you all had on your science grids was to go outside when it was dark and see if you could spot any stars or planets. If you time it well then you can also see the International Space Station flying over your head. I was lucky enough to spot it on Saturday night at around 8:30pm. I managed to take a video to share with you all. See if you can spot it! There are still opportunities for you to spot it yourself too, check the website at to see times of when it will be passing over where you live.

Happy star gazing!

Mrs Beattie


Science Home Learning Grids

Hi everyone!

I’ve attached below a science grid for each level for you to do at home. Have fun with them (and make sure someone at home knows what you are doing!)

I’m looking forward to seeing how you get on.


Mrs Beattie 🙂

Science Challenge Grid Early

Science Challenge Grid First Level

Science Challenge Grid Second Level

P2M Science with Mrs Beattie

We look forward to Science with Mrs Beattie every Tuesday and this term, we have been learning about materials. One of our favourite learning activities was when Mrs Beattie asked us to use different materials to build a bridge. We had to work collaboratively to decide which materials worked best and why. We used what we know about the properties of different materials to make decisions in our groups. Mrs Beattie was very impressed with the learning conversations that were taking place. We were proud to use all the collaborative skills we have learned in class to work as a team. We listened well to each other’s ideas and we made sure everyone took part in the challenge.

Article 13: We have the right to find out things and share what we think with others.


P2W Science Fun with Mrs Beattie

During our Science lessons this term we have been learning about different materials. Mrs Beattie set us a challenge to try and build our very own bridges using different materials.

Each group were given the choice between spaghetti and blue tac or cubes.  By the end of the lesson we were to create our own bridges using our chosen material followed by an explanation as to which method was better and why.

We are looking forward to learning even more about materials over the course of this term!


Article 28: Every child has the right to an education.

Food Tasting P3R

In Science we are learning about our 5 senses.

Today we were finding out about the sense of taste.

Mrs Beattie had different foods for us to taste and we had to record whether they were sweet, sour, bitter or salty.

Lots of us liked the salty crisps …but the lemon was not the class favourite!

Article  29  -We have the right to learn.

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