NURSERY – Learning at Home

Hi Everyone,

It’s hard to believe it’s the last week of term already.  Our end of term has been very different this year and unfortunately we have not been able to give our nursery leavers the proud celebration they so deserve before moving onto school.  Certificates are being posted on our Nursery Leavers Learning Journals this week this can be printed as a reminder of their early year’s journey (access PDF file this by pressing the options button on your child’s learning journal).

We will miss them all so much and feel privileged to have had the pleasure of watching them grow into confident little individuals at East Calder Nursery who are now ready to embrace the next exciting new journey in their lives.

Staff Changes

Sadly Mrs O’Neill will be leaving nursery as she retires this term.  We wish her well as she approaches a new and exciting time in her life.  She came to work at East Calder when the original  nursery was opened over 30 years ago, over this time she has supported and guided hundreds of children as they took their first steps into their school lives.  Many of our present parents still have precious memories of those first days in nursery and the support Mrs O’Neill gave them.  Good Luck Mrs O’Neill we will all miss you.

Mrs Sharkey our Pupil Support Worker is moving on to work at the school, she will also be such a loss at Nursery and we wish her well in her new adventure.

Mrs O’Neill has kindly written a poem for the children who are leaving to start school.  She will miss them dearly and wishes them all lots of happiness in their new adventure.


Leaving nursery now, full of different ideas

Onwards to school, lots of excitement and fears.

Gaining lots of confidence during the last 2 years

We had variation of emotions, laughter and tears.


Now starting to read, write and learn, continuing to grow

Transporting your thoughts and developing what you know.

The uniform for school you can wear and be ready

Everything you need in bag, but don’t need no teddy.


Old and new faces you can readily approach

A new teacher there smiling and ready to coach.

Learning in nursery will now be put to the test,

We all know you will do your very very best!


Have lots of fun, be happy, makes lots of new friends

Your learning experience can continue to extend.

Nursery, though fun will now be a thing of the past,

Now look forward to your own little special class.


New Term

We are looking forward to welcoming back our returning children and families in the new term and are busy preparing our nursery environment to make this a positive and supportive experience.  You will be notified shortly of when the nursery will resume.

New Staff

We would like to welcome  new staff to our team who are looking forward to meeting you all in the new term.

Mrs Murray  –  Early Years Officer

Miss  Ritchie  –  Nursery Nurse

Most of our nursery team will be busy working at hubs over the summer and our nursery will close until the new term, therefore this will be the last blog post until we return.  We wish all our families a safe summer and hope that you continue to enjoy making happy memories with your children. We have felt so proud when reading all the learning, experiences and achievements you have supported your children with over this challenging time and hope you recognise the great parents that you are.

A few idea’s to try at home – kindly shared by our families

Cloud Dough

This is an easy no cook recipe using just three ingredients and is great for sensory play and some hands on maths and science learning.

  • Plain Flour (4 cups)
  • Oil – baby or vegetable oil (1 cup)
  • Colour (grate in some coloured chalk or use gel food colouring)

Encourage your child to get involved when making it and as they count and measure the ingredients and observe the change in textures as the materials combine they are experiencing learning in maths and science.

L.1. I have experimented with everyday items as units of measure to investigate and compare sizes and amounts in my environment, sharing my findings with others.


Sunshine and Ice Cream

Enjoy the outdoors with plenty of fresh air and exercise, helping your child to use up energy, discovering new places together and practising gross motor skills.

L.1. I am enjoying daily opportunities to participate in different kinds of energetic play, both outdoors and indoors. 3 +






Further support and inspiration for learning is available at


EC Nursery Team

NURSERY – Fun and Learning at Home

Good Morning Everyone,

We hope you have all had a good weekend.

Keeping In Touch

We have enjoyed seeing your new photo’s on your Learning Journals, thank you for keeping in touch.  Since Covid-19 has had an effect on our lives and home learning began, you have responded and risen to this challenge amazingly by continuing to keep your little one’s minds active with fun learning experiences, invaluable life skills and lots of fresh air and exercise, which is so important for their health and wellbeing.

The Learning Journals have proved to be a great resource helping us to remain contacted with our families – we are very proud to announce that so far we have received over 464 posts from families keeping us updated with their child’s learning and progress.  Thank you so much for this, we are very proud of all our little ones and everything they do.  Please continue to keep in touch, this not only helps to build and maintain relationships between families and our Early Years Team it also gives us an understanding of your child’s experiences and how they have developed and coped over these last few months helping us to support them further when they return to nursery.

Sports Day at Home

Did you make your own Medal?  We hope you rewarded yourself for trying hard – you deserved it!

Our own little learner organised her sports day independently at home for her family to participate in and look at the fun they had. Well done – what a star! We are very proud of you.

Well done to everyone for trying this at home, we are so proud of you all.


Have you had fun staying active? We have enjoyed looking at all the photo’s you have shared with us and many have been outdoors exploring Calderwood and Almondell on bikes, scooters and foot.

Another little learner of ours has shared his amazing cycling achievements, what a star!

Encouraging your little one to cycle or scooter promotes many learning experiences whilst having fun.

  • Moving at different speeds, levels and directions and understanding speed in simple terms.
  • Maintaining balance when moving.
  • Developing knowledge and understanding of what a quality movement looks like and feels like.
  • Starting and stopping quickly and understanding speed in simple terms.
  • Learning how to stay safe with using equipment safely and being aware of roads, traffic cyclists and pedestrians.
  • Developing an awareness of self and an increasing self-reliance in dealing with new situations and new learning.


West Lothian Libraries

Information from West Lothian Libraries to share with our families.

As we approach some lockdown restrictions being eased and your services resuming in some way I am contacting you to advise about the digital resources we have available free to children who are members of West Lothian libraries.  I would be grateful if you could share this information with parents and carers please.

Every child in West Lothian can and should be a West Lothian library member and we endeavour to engage with and register as many children as possible as part of the ECALM initiative.  However, if a child is not already a library member and their parents/carers are interested in their child becoming a library member then they can simply complete the online application here: they will then be sent their child’s membership information and will have access to our digital resources and all of our libraries when we reopen.

During the lockdown we have significantly increased our collection of children’s e-Books and e-Audio books.  These can be accessed here:

We also have also purchased e-Books and e-audio books which allow multiple downloads, so there are no waiting lists for these.  The latest addition is Flying Fergus, The Great Cycle Challenge by Sir Chris Hoy and this can be accessed here:    

The e-audio books are particularly good for younger children providing them with their own personal story times, often with famous actors or even the authors themselves narrating.

If you require any assistance on the use of these resources or library membership applications please do not hesitate to contact me. Email:


Hopefully this week’s weather and our summer ahead will continue to provide lots of opportunities to get outdoors with your little one and enjoy the benefits of fresh air and exercise.  Please continue to share your fantastic photos, news and everything that makes you so very proud of your little learners as much as we are.

Further support and inspiration for learning is available at

EC Nursery Team



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