This week we started learning about grid references. We have different activities to help us. We used the Maths Wall to place pictures in the grid and then have to write the correct Co-ordinates. We had some work on Seesaw to complete placing and recording Co-ordinates and an Alien game to shoot the Alien crafts by getting the Co-ordinates correct. We played Billy Bug and had a sheet to colour the Co-ordinates to create a picture. Lots of learning!
Primary 4A Volume Investigation
Primary 4 Sharing the Learning
On Thursday the 25th of May Primary 4A invited their families into school to share our learning from this term. The children planned an afternoon full of activities linking to our learning in class. Adults then had to complete a Kahoot! Quiz using lots of information from the 7 different stations.
Thank you to all parents and carers who joined us.
P5 Personal Project
The first of our Personal Projects came in today and we were all very impressed with this pupil’s research on guineapigs. It was beautifully and clearly presented and contained lots of interesting information- there was even a word search and a quiz which we had fun completing. We look forward to seeing more projects as they come in.
Community Hub Visit
Today the Community Hub visited the KNEC Community Listening Project and Warm Hub in East Calder. The project aims to provide a space called a warm hub. Starting with 4 hours, 2 days a week (Monday and Thursday 11am-3pm) They open in the downstairs of East Calder Church Hall allowing people to come and sit in the warm. There will be a free bowl of soup, roll, warm drinks and biscuits available. There will also be free WI-FI which allows people to sit in and complete work if need be. This will also help people who would be isolated in their homes facing the potential of suffering loneliness.
We helped preparing lunch, getting plates ready and then, very carefully serving lunch. We also had a lesson about listening, as it is central to the ethos of the Warm Hub. Another group looked at the organisation of the Hub and how it accommodates everyone. It was great to be able to chat to so many of the visitors to the Hub. Later this week we will present the Hub with a cheque from our Dress Down Day fundraising. Thank you to everyone at the Hub for such a warm welcome.
P3B Dictionary Skills
The Lions and Giraffes Reading groups were learning to use a dictionary as a tool to support their learning. We started by finding out the meaning of some words in their Reading books; however, we then asked Miss Marra to give us different words to find. It was like a game, using the letters in the words to find them in the dictionary. We learned that the word “definition” is the meaning of words. We enjoyed finding out the definition to some words we already know, and we learned some new words too.
Miss Marra was impressed with the teamwork that was going on, as we all helped each other and we were very focused on our learning.
A special well done to Aria who was very eager to help others find the words once you felt confident. This was lovely to see, Aria. Well done!
P3B Data Handling
We have been learning to create and interpret graphs. We started by creating a whole class pictograph, showing different hair colour in our class. We realised that the most common hair colour in our class is blonde. We then answered questions to interpret the graph. We also create a pictograph showing our favourite flavours of crisps.
We have enjoyed interpreting different graphs and we have made some interesting observations, talking about what we notice, and answering and asking questions. We wrote on sticky notes to show our thinking and we shared our ideas with each other.
We displayed our learning on our Maths and Numeracy Wall to help us talk about what we learned. We were very confident talking about our learning using the correct language including data, graph, interpret, title and categories.
We have also learned to gather information and display this in a Tally Chart, and then use the information to create a bar chart. We are excited to take our learning outside next week, where we will be creating a Tally Chart and bar graph in our playground.
Article 13: We have the right to find out things and share what we think with others.
Finlay said this Article was displayed with our Learning Intention because the children were sharing their ideas and learning something new.
P3B Trip to the Owl Centre
We had am amazing time on our first school trip! We learned about the different owls and watched a brilliant flying show. We asked very thoughtful and intelligent questions about the owls and we enjoyed visiting all the owls around the centre. One of our favourite parts of the day was free play on the owl slide and at the park. We played so well together, and demonstrated our LEARN Values throughout the day. The behaviour was fantastic and everyone did really well coping with the change in routines.
Well done everyone!
Article 28: We have the right to learn.
Netball Success!
Congratulations to our P7 Netball team who have had a very successful month. The team won the South Livingston Netball League and the West Lothian Primary School Netball Tournament.
Our Netball club started back in September and has ran on Wednesdays continuously throughout the school year. A huge thank you to Mr Millar and Mrs Gall for running this club and taking pupils to after school events.