P5J Outdoor Learning

Primary 5J have been enjoying learning about quadrilaterals and triangles outside. We can now identify and talk about rhombus, parallelograms, trapeziums, as well as, isosceles and equilateral triangles.  We enjoyed making these shapes with our bodies to prove that we could remember their key features and differences.

Primary 1

Welcome back Primary 1!

We have had a very busy week learning to tell the time.  We are learning to tell the time to the hour and the half hour.

We have also been doing some lovely writing, working hard to remember finger spaces and to sound out our words.

On Monday we are all off to East Calder Library to choose new books, fingers crossed for good weather!


P6A – A positive chain reaction.

What an amazing term it has been with an amazing bunch! We ended this term on a positive note, talking about how our thoughts influence our feelings, which then influence our behaviour. Here are some of our paper chain reactions. #positivityrules


Positivity 🙂
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