Mrs Martin has created this 2 week assignment for you – enjoy!
We have been delighted to have had some super work emailed to us recently.
Miss Cameron and I are so proud that many of you are trying hard to complete tasks on your grid and are continuing your learning at home. Well Done !
We know it has been a while since we all saw each other. We miss school and our friends.
If you would like to get in touch, ask for help at home to send an email to the school. It will be forwarded to us and we can email back. You could also let us know by email if you would like us to call you by arranging a day and time that is suitable.
We will try to reply as soon as we can.
Remember you can take a photo of yourself and email it with your name and class to –
We would love to see what you are all doing and look forward to seeing more super learning!
Mrs Robertson P3R Miss Cameron P3/2
Here is this weeks grid. Additional help can be found on Teams.
I am hoping to go live on Teams at 10 o’clock tomorrow morning, Tuesday 28th April so I can video call you. You will be able to see & hear me but I will only hear you. All your camera’s are disabled for safety online. You can just come say hi or you could tell me your news just as though you were on the carpet in classroom.
Good Morning P4/3M,
Hope you all had a good weekend. Below are the learning grids and literacy booklet for this week. I have loved hearing about your learning and all the fun things you have been up to. Keep up the good work!
Miss Melaisi
Good morning everyone,
Here is P6Y’s learning grid and the documents you need to go with it.
Happy learning. I am looking forward to seeing your work this week.
Keep up the good work everyone!
Miss Young.
Negative number – word problems
Good morning P2M and P2W,
Hope you all had a lovely weekend and are keeping safe!
The week 4 home learning grid is attached below and has also been communicated with parents. There is a highlighted section on the grid which is new so please ensure to look at this.
We look forward to seeing some of your hard work.
Miss Walkingshaw and Miss Marra
Good morning P5B and P5/4C.
We hope you all had a nice weekend!
Here is the week 4 home learning grid. There is some extra information added to support reading at home.
ECPS Home Challenge Grid – Week 4
Miss Beattie & Mrs Campbell
Use some of the attched activities to help you learn your multiplication tables.
Good morning everyone,
I hope you all had a lovely Easter holiday with your family doing lots of fun activities.
Today is a very special day in the calendar called ‘Earth Day’. This year is even more special as it is the 50th anniversary. Below are some links for fun and interactive resources to give you more information about Earth Day. Have fun doing some of these activities.
Missing you all,
Miss Walkingshaw