Super work P3R!

Thank you very much P3R for sending me some more of your super work.

I am  so impressed at all the amazing things you have been doing at home. Designing a safety poster, planning a picnic, making games, reading, writing, cycling a new bike … and learning to sew buttons on!

We even had a special great granny getting a lovely, safe visit for her 90th birthday!  How wonderful!

You are all keeping busy, being kind, staying safe and learning some new skills.

I am so proud of all of you!

You can contact me by emailing your work or photos to the school web site address.

Remember there is a Sumdog competition on at the moment, and keep trying the Collins Big Cat reading books.

I love to see what you have all been doing.

Take care and stay safe.

Mrs Robertson

P4S Weekly Work Grid 11.5.20

Morning everyone.  Hope you have had a good weekend.  This week the grid is slightly different, making it more inline with other classes.  Please take your time with the tasks and don’t rush through them all on a Monday.  You will also receive an extra challenge literacy and Numeracy/Maths each week that you can find on Teams or here on the Blog on Tuesday.

This week there is a Sumdog Competition so the more you play the better our school will score.

This week I will be holding our video chat on Tuesday at 10 o’clock.  I look forward to hearing you then.  Try to come up with something you can chat about – it can be anything.  Maybe some information about something you have researched or read us one of your writing tasks.  As always I will enjoy hearing about what you have been up to as well.

Have a good week.

P4S – 11.05.20

P2M and P2W Home Learning Grid 11/05/2020

Good morning P2M and P2W,

Hope you all had a lovely weekend and are keeping safe.

Thank you to everyone who has sent in their fantastic work over the previous two weeks, it has been lovely to see so much hard work and creativity. Please try your best to keep doing this as we love seeing what you have been up to.

Please find attached this weeks home learning grid. There are links to assist and support your child’s learning, alongside some worksheets. If you have any issues or concerns please get in contact via the school office email address (FAO your teacher) and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Grid 7 – Maddie Moate and Greg Foote – Interactive clock

Half Past Drawing Hands

O’clock Drawing Hands

Quarter 2 Digital Challenge

Quarter Past Sheet Writing the Number

Quarter to Sheet Writing the Number

A reminder that the National Sumdog competition is running until this Thursday (14th May) which every child is entered into. The West Lothian competition will begin on Friday 15th May.

Stay home and stay safe,

Miss Walkingshaw and Miss Marra

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