Good morning,
Please find the homework and resources for P4 attached below for the next fortnight.
Please remember to use Microsoft Teams so I can see your fabulous learning.
09.11.20-all groups spelling words
Miss Cameron
Good morning,
Please find the homework and resources for P4 attached below for the next fortnight.
Please remember to use Microsoft Teams so I can see your fabulous learning.
09.11.20-all groups spelling words
Miss Cameron
P2 Spelling oa and ow 2nd November 2020
Please find above this week’s spelling words. These are linked to either cvc words or sounds oa and ow.
Mrs Meikle
Primary 2/1 have been working very hard since returning from our October break. Here are examples of a few things they’ve been up to.
Literacy Primary 1 have started their third set of sounds and learned ‘g’ and ‘o’ this week (‘o’ is sounded as in ‘on and off’). Primary 1s are enjoying using their bank of sounds to create words too and we had a lot of fun doing this together. Primary 2 have been learning the sounds ‘ai ay a_e’ this week and worked hard on their activities around this including making a table of words for each sound. They are also enjoying their twice weekly reading group sessions where they have the opportunity to think about prediction as well as fluency.
P2 Spelling ai and ay 26th October 2020
These are the words we used for this week’s sounds. These can be practised at home too.
French Primary 2/1 have enjoyed being introduced/reintroduced to French and we’ve touched on/revised Greetings this week. We have the help of a French puppet called Tibo to liven up the lessons!
Numeracy Primary 1 and Primary 2 have enjoyed their separate Number Talks activities in the mornings. This is a warm-up numeracy activity which follows a set of rules to encourage mental maths strategy thinking and uses discreet hand signals in order that students are not distracted by others putting their hands up. We also discuss any mistakes in a positive manner as we can use these to deepen our understanding of numbers. Primary 2s are also learning about addition strategies and understanding number sequences where we practised counting in 10s.
Science This term with Mrs. Beattie P2/1 have started to learn about Water and how this can change from one form to another. On Thursday the children had an outdoor lesson using a nature walk around the school playground to look for examples of where water is found and any examples of this changing form.
Health and Wellbeing We are learning more about our new toolkit for managing our emotions. This is called Zones of Regulation and the children can choose from four coloured zones to put their name in. We have Green for happy/calm, Yellow for worried/frustrated, Blue for sad/sick/bored and Red for anger/being out of control. We will continue to work more on our understanding of this and what strategies we can use to self-regulate should we need to feel calm.
P2 Homework Grid This has been also been posted in SeeSaw at the beginning of the week. All children should now have access to Seesaw to see the homework grid. If not, please can you get in contact as soon as possible to resolve this. Homework will run on a two week basis from Monday 26th October to Friday 6th November. Further information on Sumdog and Reading Diaries next week.
Joyeux Halloween, Primary 2/1.
Mrs Meikle
Good afternoon,
Homework for our P2 children has been provided today through the link below and Seesaw. Homework will run on a two week basis from Monday 26th October to Friday 6th November.
All children should now have access to Seesaw to see the homework grid. If not, please can you get in contact with us as soon as possible to resolve this.
P2B have received Frys’s words home to be completed on a weekly basis alongside their Reading Diaries and Sumdog passwords. Reading books have not yet been handed out. Information has been provided alongside the resources handed out should you have any questions.
P2A children will receive this next week.
Thank you for your continued support,
Miss Walkingshaw (P2B) and Miss Marra (P2A)
Homework grid and spelling words week beginning 26.10.20.
Please use Teams or Seesaw to upload work for me to see.
Mrs Spence
Good afternoon parents/carers,
We have had a super start to our Primary 2 journey! We have had lots of changes take place in our school life however we have coped extremely well and have shown fantastic resilience.
We have been learning lots of new things across all of our curricular areas and having lots of fun whilst doing so. One of our favourite activities was a STEM challenge set by Miss Walkingshaw. Miss Walkingshaw asked us to create our very own paper plate straw maze. We were provided with a list of things we could use:
1 pair of scissors
1 role of cello tape
1 paper plate
4 paper straws
We did an amazing job and are very proud of how they turned out!
Have a lovely weekend and keep safe.
Miss Walkingshaw
Primary 2/1 have been working very hard this term.
Literacy Primary 1 have completed their second set of sounds and have last week completed ‘m’ and ‘d’. Some children are beginning to blend three lettered words out of these sets. Primary 1s are also learning to write their name and some already can do this.
Primary 2 have also been completing their digraphs from their set and working on ‘oi’ and ‘oa’ last week. Primary 2 are also working hard on their Fry’s Sight Words and some have moved onto #26-50 with the others very close to starting these too. They have also been learning to uplevel their sentences using adjectives (describing words) and the children have had opportunities to create and talk about sentences they could write using pictures as a stimulus.
Numeracy Primary 1 have completed learning All About Number 10 and have been using associated activities to consolidate this. Primary 2s are learning about numbers up to 100 and doing activities to consolidate their learning in numbers before, after and within this range.
Science With Mrs. Beattie, P2/1 have been learning about Forces this term and made kites to learn about the power of the wind.
Health and Wellbeing P2/1 took part in the London Mini-Marathon Challenge of 2.6 miles (4,184metres) and took great pride in running around the upper years’ playground for up to 5 laps each which was a total of 500 metres. Multiplied by 21 children that day that adds up to 10,500 metres. P2/1 you did a fantastic job in cracking the challenge!
Have a great holiday P2/1
Mrs. Meikle
We have been really busy since we started Primary 2. We have been working hard to make sure we feel safe and happy at school. We have also been working hard on our learning. Here are some of the learning and activities we have enjoyed so far in Primary 2A.
I like playing in the “safe Corner” with my friends. Hugo
Kites use push and pull to move in the air. I have learned this in Science. Alex
In Science, we learned about push and pull forces. When we you use a bow and arrow, you pull to start with and then you push at the end. Jasmine
I like building with the straws that connect together. I like doing this with my friends. Harry
I like how we have a moving word when Miss Marra finishes giving us instructions. When she says the word, we can start to tidy up and move. Today, our moving word is monsters. Leila
I learned how to play Rob the Nest in P.E with Mr Millar. Ollie
I like Writing and I like playing with my friends. Isla
I like playing with the straws and the blocks. I also like Writing. Oscar C
I liked when we made the kites in Science and I also like P.E. Bruce
I like playing and I also like drawing. Noah
I like drawing and playing with my friends. My friends are Isla, Isabella, Lacey, Carly and Jasmine. Perry
I like Play Time outside. Jaysiel
I love playing with the cubes. Matthew
I like Break and when we play. Carly
I enjoy playing with my friends at break and after lunch. I also like playing football. I also like Maths and Play. Harris
I like doing Writing and Maths. Isabella
I like P.E and I also liked when we made our table names. Lacey
I like playing with Frankie. Oscar M
I like Maths. Cameron
I like playing and doing P.E. I like doing Science with the kites. I like football which I play after lunch when I go outside. I like when we go outside after lunch. I like nature too so I like going outside at school. I love Jasmine too. Jamie
I like playing football. Harley
I like when it is lunch time and story time. Isabelle
I like Writing and playing outside at break. I like Maths too. Frankie
We have had a fantastic few weeks in Primary 2A and we all work so hard.
Article 28: We have the right to learn.
Article 19: We have the right to be safe.