P7B – Rangers visit

Primary 7B had a visit from the rangers this week who helped educate us on the importance of our environment. We discussed how we used shared spaces safely and respectfully and how to take care of the space we use. We looked at a birds eye view map of East Calder to practise coordination skills by identifying houses, the school and areas we are familiar with and discussed the difference between public and private land.

We went outside to do an obstacle where we practised directional language and working as a team.

Thank you to the Rangers for helping us appreciate and learn about our surroundings!

Maths Week – P7

Last week we celebrated maths week and displayed our love of maths through different tasks. We kicked off maths week with maths through stories and read “Sir Cumference and the Dragon of Pi” This interesting story led to productive conversation on the key properties of a circle. We used language such as radius, diameter, circumference and measure/measurement. The class then set off on a task – to draw a perfect circle with only chalk, string and a metre stick. They used discussion skills and problem solving to work out the radius and diameter – and for one group the circumference – of a circle. The Primary 7 classes worked together for this task which gave us new perspectives and insight.

We looked at Parabolic curves to see how we could create a curve only using straight lines. The class were given minimal instructions and told to see what they could achieve. P7A created a display from their parabolic curves to discuss and share their learning.

Happy Maths Week!

Maths week in Primary 2

This week was maths week.

Primary 2 engaged in a number of different activities. This included an outdoor maths trail, maths through stories and welcoming visitors to tell us all about their jobs and how they use maths in everyday life.

Maths through stories developed our knowledge of 3D shapes. We drew and built 3D models. We enjoyed our outdoor maths trail and worked together, using 10 frames to record our answers. The visitors inspired us to write about a job that we would like to do in the future and we thought about the maths skills that we would need.

We used our problem solving, teamwork and  communication skills.
Well done P2!

‘The Perfect Fit’

It’s Maths Week! So in Drama this week we listened to ‘The Perfect Fit’  by Naomi and James Jones. We really enjoyed the story and used our bodies to try and make different shapes.

Poor Triangle tries hard to fit in with the other shapes but she  knows  they are not the same. She is searching for a group where she fits in perfectly.

We explored shape, patterns and tiling using lots of different objects.. counters, cubes, dice, pebbles, pompoms and even real tiles!

The story helped us learn about shapes but also about how we are all different and the importance of  being included.

Article  29 -You have the right to learn new things.


P3a Money

This week we have been trying hard to improve our work with money.  We used games on the iPad, coins in class, a class shop and challenge cards.

I am learning the value of coins.

We are playing shops to check we can lay out the correct coins to buy something.

We are playing games on the iPad to show we know how to use coins to pay for things.

P3a Maths Week Activities

A mysterious box was left in our classroom this morning. We tried to think what might be. When we opened it, it was filled with triangles. We looked at them and discussed what was the same and what was different. Then we heard a story about triangles. Next we split into groups and took part in different activities.

At Base 1 we were using 2d shapes to create a picture and then tried to name all the shapes we had used.

At Base 2 we were using construction to build 3d shapes. We then thought where we might see them in the world.

At Base 3 we were working on our money by setting up a shop and buying different items.

At Base 4 we logged onto our Sumdog accounts and worked on our Maths online.

Ranger Service Visit P6

We were lucky enough to have a visit from The West Lothian Ranger Service this week. This was an environmental workshop which engaged the class by running a range of nature inspired games to help them understand the community and environment around them. We started with a mapping activity where we saw an aerial shot of East Calder taken by a satellite. It was interesting to discuss what our access rights were to the land that surrounds us and how by following a few simple rules it will allow us all to assist in managing our natural heritage whilst also enhancing biodiversity.

P3a Money

We extended our learning on money by thinking about answering the question, ‘how are we going to show we know how to use money?’ Lots of discussion and groups then started setting up their own shops, writing labels for what they had on sale and making sure they gave the correct coins.

P7B Japanese Gardens

Primary 7B have been exploring the culture of Japanese gardens. We learned about the 3 main types of garden which we went on to create through play and art. We explored the gardens essential elements; water, plants and rocks and discusses the meaning behind these and the importance they have to the Japanese culture.  

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