Experiment – Science and HWB

Primary 7 have focussed on understanding the different ways unkind behaviour can be presented.

The mains things we discussed were:

  • How unkind words and actions impact people
  • How to help someone who is experiencing bullying or unkind behaviour
  • That unkind words and actions are not always direct to the person
  • How to notice if your behaviour is unkind and how to make up for your mistakes and make amends

We watched this award winning video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJsGGsPNakw

We decided to do an experiment on how unkind words and actions can harm any living thing. Instead of saying unkind things to plant 2, we put hand sanitiser in the water.

We ensured we had all the correct details in order to carry out a valid experiment, this included:

  • Diagrams
  • Controls
  • Variables
  • Predictions
  • Results

The results were similar to our predictions, that plant 2 would die.

We decided to see if we could reverse the negative actions by putting Plant 2 in with Plant 1 so it had plenty of water and food.

See below for our experiment notes.

This experiment helped us visualise what unkind words and actions can do to a living thing. We discussed the impact this has on others and how to help someone you think is struggling.

Book Week Winners and Runners up.

Today we had a small gathering in the library for our Book Week winners, and the Runners- up. They were all able to bring along a friend to join them. We enjoyed biscuits, juice and some festive cartoons.

We had so many fantastic book marks, drawings and book covers  it was a very difficult decision to choose winners. Thanks to the pupils in the Literacy Hub for  their help with the judging.

We have such a lot of artistic talent at East Calder Primary! Well done everyone!

Community visit to Manse Court P6

It was great to start making links with our local community once again. With it being the festive season P6 were keen to visit Manse Court in East Calder and share some Christmas Joy. We exchanged christmas cards, some Christmas goodies and even a rendition of Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer!  We hope that this will be just the beginning of developing our links with the community with a planned visit to the Partnership Centre already in the diary. Many thanks to our parent helpers.

P3a Numeracy

Continuing on from last week’s learning on place value we have been working on Hundred’s, Ten’s & One’s.  We had to find our partners by working out how many HTO’s a number had, then we had to get into order smallest to biggest.  We had checkers to make sure we had completed it correctly.  Then we got into our groups and worked on different activities.  One group work on Seesaw and had to put numbers in order and say which were greater than & less than while another worked with the concrete material.  Another group were given a 3 digit challenge to work out all the numbers that could be made from the 3 digits.  They then had to work out which were odd and which were even and then put them in order.  They were then challenged further by using 4 digits.

Primary 3a Number Talks

This week we have been learning about the value of numbers. We used the 100 square on the smart board and had to click on the correct number. If the number had 5 tens and 3 ones we would click on 53. Once we were confident in this we moved onto numbers to 1000. For this we used the place value flip chart. If the number had 3 hundreds, 4 tens and 3 ones we had to make the chart read 348. We are going to keep working on this next week.

Children during WWII

We had another informative visit from Alan Hamilton. We looked at what it was like for children during WWII, covering: jobs, accommodation, evacuees, toys, rationing and sweets! It was useful to link our findings with the UNCRC and our rights today.

The pupils felt inspired by Alan’s information on WWII games, so we decided to go outside and try some of them out, we even came up with some of our own.


Learning in P2/1

We have been learning about money and have had a great time playing in our class shop. We are beginning to recognise different coins and starting to add coins together. We also love to play the ‘topmarks toy shop’ game in the iPads.

 We have been extending our vocabulary during our learning about the weather. We learned the words ‘condensation’, ‘evaporation’ and ‘precipitation’. We played one of our favourite games in class (corners) to help us remember the different words.


Primary 1

This week Primary 1 have been very busy learning about measure.  We used a balance scale and have been using the words heavier and lighter to describe the objects we weighed.  We then estimated what we thought some classroom items might weigh then recorded how many cubes it took to make the scale balance.  We used measuring cups to make reindeer food to sell tomorrow at the Christmas Fayre.

In Literacy we have been learning the new sound ‘j’.  Some of us have been identifying and writing beginning sounds and others have been writing small words; stretching out the words to write the beginning, ending and middle sound.

We have started going onto the stage to practise our nativity and were very excited when the tickets went home!

We have always been discussing how to stay safe near roads and have learnt Super Cat’s rules; Stop! Look both ways.  Listen.  Think!

P3a Handwriting

Every Friday we work on our handwriting. We practice our letters lots of different ways – white boards, smart board, jotters and wipe clean boards.  We work on our letter formation so that we do it correctly in all of our work. Later on this year we will start to join letters so really need to be writing them the correct way.

Maths in an Everyday Context P6

We know how important it is to use our Numeracy skills in an everyday context and with our current topic of Money we have had plenty of opportunity to link our learning to the real world. The class have brought in a whole range of shopping receipts and we have used this to not only devise our own set of questions,so also linking to our literacy outcomes but also  answering our peers questions using all 4 operations. We also had the opportunity to demonstrate our skills further as P6 both collected and counted the Children In Need Donations. We had a group of bankers that did an amazing job! I think we can all see how important Numeracy is in our everday life and just how many times we use Maths perhaps without even realising it!

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