Book Week P7/6

We celebrated book week by making book covers for our competition, enjoyed our DEAR time (Drop Everything And Read) and were lucky enough to get a visit to our local East Calder library. We enjoyed being able to use our library space and learn how to find the books that interest us!

We would like to thank our secret readers for coming in to read to us!

This week in P2

This week has been an amazing week in P2. We have taken part in lots of book week activities such as Drop Everything And Read time, making book covers and bookmarks, creating finger puppets, having a secret reader in our class, watching a live reading session with Julia Donaldson and James Robertson (who translates Julia Donaldsons’ books into Scots language) and also receiving our new Bookbug reading bags.
We were also very lucky to be joined by our family and friends this week for our sharing the learning afternoon where we joined in with lots of other reading activities. Then we also had the chance to visit the book fair this week and read lots of books. It has been a super busy week but it has been brilliant!

P6 Book Week

Using our class novel, Light on Dumyat we applied a range of reading strategies to read and understand texts, for example, skimming, scanning, predicting and summarising. We read in a range of styles from paired to choral to echo and individual. We tried to read with increasing fluency, understanding and expression, using appropriate pace and tone.


We also visited the school library where we identified Non Fiction texts associated with our IDL context, Natural Disasters. Also in the library we pair read with our P2 buddies, so using the skills of reading to a different audience. We welcomed Mrs Stewart to our class as our Secret Reader who read a very interesting version of Little Red Riding Hood!


On Thursday we made community links with our local Library and enjoyed an afternoon of a variety of tasks all linked to our reading benchmarks and outcomes.


Finally, as part of the Book Week competition we all chose a book to either create our own version of the cover, blurb and spine or replicate it as closely as possible. As you can see from the photos we have some amazing artists!



Science – P7/6

In science we have been learning about mixtures and chemical reactions. We made our own lava lamps by mixing oil and coloured water and added an effervescent tablet to the bottle. This created a chemical reaction when the tablet mixed with the water and started to bubble.

P5A Library Visit

On Thursday, 9th November, P5A visited East Calder Library with Mrs Campbell and Mrs Robertson.

We met Deborah the librarian who told us all about how to become a member and explained all of the different services the library provides. We did some reading activities and then listened to a story. Lots of us were keen to get an application form so we can become members and visit the library more regularly.

It’s here! Our Book Fair opens on Monday.

Our Book Fair from Scholastic Travelling Books has arrived!

The Book Fair is packed with hundreds of the best children’s books for all ages – from award-winners and the newest titles to pocket-money pick-ups and treasured classics.

The range includes picture books, early readers, chapter books, books for reluctant readers, older fiction, non-fiction, home learning and lots more.

East Calder Primary receives rewards for every sale, so purchases you make will help us add to our book collections in school.

Payment at the Book Fair

Please note we unfortunately cannot take cash payment.

Payments can be made using our online payment system. Please use the link below. You can locate our school using the school’s postcode.

If you wish to purchase in person (again by card please, no cash)  see below for the opening times when the Book Fair will be open after school for parents and carers.

It is situated near the office . Please enter at the Primary 2 door.

Mon 13th – Thurs 16th Nov               3.15 until 4.15pm

Friday 17th                                                 12.15 until 1.15pm

Please also note if some titles prove to be popular and we have to order extra copies, these will be delivered to your child’s class when the Book Fair is collected on Wed 22nd November.



This week in P2

This week has been busy finishing off our climate posters and working in groups to display the correct animals that live in those climates. We have started to look at counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s and are discussing how this links to multiplication. We enjoy working on Sumdog in class as part of our maths lessons as well. We have also started a new genre of writing this week and we have been learning about information reports.  We are very much looking forward to Book Week next week and can’t wait for all of the activities.

P3 Learning

This week we recapped the time work we should know from P2 of o’clock, half past & quarter past. We worked in pairs to test each other. Then we challenged each other to try to tell quarter to times. We will continue to work using analogue clocks and start to use digital times next week.

We have just started learning to write a discussion. To do this we need to think about ‘arguments for’ and ‘arguments against’. So far we have completed discussion text for the questions, ‘Should children wear school uniform?’ and, ‘Should we have a class pet?’. Next week we will be thinking about the question, ‘Should children play at school?’.

We have also been learning about using question marks and have been enjoying finding them in our reading books.


Sportshall Athletics 2023


Well done to our Primary 7s who took part in Sportshall Athletics last Wednesday. The pupils worked really hard as a team and showed outstanding behaviour in front of the other schools. Everyone enjoyed taking part in the activities and cheering on their fellow pupils. We have now received our score and I can confirm that East Calder Primary got 149 points and came 5th out of the 9 schools competing! Well done everyone.

P6 -Literacy An Explanation

Explain Everything – Technology in the Curriculum

Literacy in P6-An Explanation

An Explanation

We have been looking at the Explanation Genre. This genre explains how or why something happens. We decided to link our Literacy to our current IDL context of Natural Disasters.

We also used our ICT skills by researching a Natural Disaster of our choice. We created notes in our first draft. We then looked at the features and layout of an Explanation and used this and the genre targets to improve our final draft, ensuring it included all the elements of the genre such as


Identifying Statement

Explanation Sequence

Summary Statement

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