P3a Grid References

This week we started learning about grid references. We have different activities to help us. We used the Maths Wall to place pictures in the grid and then have to write the correct Co-ordinates. We had some work on Seesaw to complete placing and recording Co-ordinates and an Alien game to shoot the Alien crafts by getting the Co-ordinates correct. We played Billy Bug and had a sheet to colour the Co-ordinates to create a picture. Lots of learning!

P3B Dictionary Skills


The Lions and Giraffes Reading groups were learning to use a dictionary as a tool to support their learning. We started by finding out the meaning of some words in their Reading books; however, we then asked Miss Marra to give us different words to find. It was like a game, using the letters in the words to find them in the dictionary. We learned that the word “definition” is the meaning of words. We enjoyed finding out the definition to some words we already know, and we learned some new words too.

Miss Marra was impressed with the teamwork that was going on, as we all helped each other and we were very focused on our learning.

A special well done to Aria who was very eager to help others find the words once you felt confident. This was lovely to see, Aria. Well done!

P3B Data Handling


We have been learning to create and interpret graphs. We started by creating a whole class pictograph, showing different hair colour in our class. We realised that the most common hair colour in our class is blonde. We then answered questions to interpret the graph. We also create a pictograph showing our favourite flavours of crisps.

We have enjoyed interpreting different graphs and we have made some interesting observations, talking about what we notice, and answering and asking questions. We wrote on sticky notes to show our thinking and we shared our ideas with each other.


We displayed our learning on our Maths and Numeracy Wall to help us talk about what we learned. We were very confident talking about our learning using the correct language including data, graph, interpret, title and categories.

We have also learned to gather information and display this in a Tally Chart, and then use the information to create a bar chart. We are excited to take our learning outside next week, where we will be creating a Tally Chart and bar graph in our playground.

Article 13: We have the right to find out things and share what we think with others.

Finlay said this Article was displayed with our Learning Intention because the children were sharing their ideas and learning something new.

P3B Trip to the Owl Centre

We had am amazing time on our first school trip! We learned about the different owls and watched a brilliant flying show. We asked very thoughtful and intelligent questions about the owls and we enjoyed visiting all the owls around the centre. One of our favourite parts of the day was free play on the owl slide and at the park. We played so well together, and demonstrated our LEARN Values throughout the day. The behaviour was fantastic and everyone did really well coping with the change in routines.

Well done everyone!

Article 28: We have the right to learn.

P3a Trip to Owl Centre

This week we went on a trip to the Owl Centre at Polkemmet Country Park. In the morning we met different owls and played a game to help us understand what they eat. Next we got to look round all the cages and try to find answers to different questions. Then we had a flying display where we found out even more information. We also got to play at the Owl Park which had a huge owl slide. In the afternoon we went on a forest walk and played some outdoor games, making us think about our natural surroundings. Finally we got to play at the park where they had a big wooden castle, dragon swing and flying fox. It was great fun!

P3a – Fractions on a Number Line

Today we came into class to several pieces of tape on the floor. We tried to think why they were there. Mrs Spence helped by placing a 0 at one end and a 1 at the other. As a class we worked out that they were number lines. Mrs Spence then put a blank piece of card right in the middle between the 0 & 1 and asked us what would go there? We then had to write the answer on the card. It was 1/2. We then put another piece of card in the middle between the 0 and 1/2. We worked out this would be 1/4. Then we put another piece between the 1/2 & 1 and worked out it needed to be 3/4. We then extended the line to 2 and had to work out what fractions went where. Then we split into groups and tried to complete the task. Some of us managed to work in 1/2’s from 0 to 5!

Bump it up Wall in P3B!


In P3B, we are very excited to announce that we are going to be the first class in East Calder to create a “bump it up wall” in Literacy. Our Literacy Learning Wall has been up in our classroom all year, and we recently realised we haven’t been using it nearly as much as our Numeracy Learning Wall.

We made a few changes to make our Literacy Wall more engaging and to make more use of it in different ways. Mrs Robertson then came to our class to talk to us about Bump it up Walls and we were excited to make a start this term. This week, we came in one day to find all the photos and everything on our Literacy Learning Wall was on a table.

Miss Marra explained that some of it had fallen off and she took everything else off because there was one problem: it wasn’t child-initiated enough. There are some changes that we would like to keep; however, we are now being provided with the opportunity to use our pupil voice and share our own ideas. We created a class mind map to record our thoughts and ideas about our “Bump it up Wall.” Here are a few examples:

“We could add magic e words to our wall and we could write them on the white board part of it.”    Hannah

“We could put up examples of our writing and more photos.”    Sophie B

“I would like some black and white for the colours on our wall.”   Finlay

“I still want to keep the folder with photos of our learning because it looked good on our wall.”    Peter

“Can we put up word that we use to help us learn like we do in Numeracy?”   Lucas

“I would like still like to keep our question cards for the wall.”    Emmi

“I would like dark green paper for our wall.”   Anav

This term, we are learning to write a narrative text in Writing and we wrote our first piece this week. We wrote our story together as a class and we shared our ideas for each part of the text. This was our first step to creating our “Bump it up Wall.” Miss Marra then copied six examples of our writing in A3 and we peer-assessed them in small groups. We made sure to link our feedback to the Success Criteria and we had the opportunity to share with the class.

We are still at the beginning stages of creating our “Literacy Bump it up Wall” and we are still learning more about this. We can’t wait to share more with you very soon. Watch this space!

Article 12: We have the right to be heard.

Article 29: We have the right to develop our talents and abilities.


A Very Busy Start to the Term in P3B


Welcome back everyone! We have had a very busy few weeks in P3B. We have been working hard to create posters about the “Zones of Regulation.” Each class has a chart and we use our names to show how we are feeling by placing our names in either the green, red, blue or yellow zones. This is a great way for us to talk about our feelings and we shared strategies that can help us regulate our emotions. We were so excited to visit P1 and P2/1 this week to share our learning with the younger children.

We had some great ideas, using our own experiences to help us. Many of us suggested strategies such as telling our trusted adult, taking deep breaths, taking five minutes to have some quiet time, brain breaks, write a note in our Worry Box, go to the Safe Space. The children were confident individuals as they spoke clearly and were eager to show the younger children the pictures on their posters. Well done everyone! Thank you so much to Mrs Murdoch, Ms Rutherford and the children in Primary 2/1 and Primary 1 for allowing us to come to your class.


This term, we are learning to summarise texts in Reading Comprehension and we are learning to write a Narrative text in Writing. We decided to link these two areas by summarising an example of well-known narrative texts. We had a choice between “Hansel and Gretel,” “Little Red Riding Hood,” Rapunzel” and ” “Goldilocks and the Three Bears.” We worked in random partners to read the text and write a short summary. We also had to write words down about who, what, why, where and when? This encouraged us to think about the Orientation section of a Narrative text.

In Maths, we have continued to consolidate our learning about Compass Directions. We practised all the directions we learned last term and worked in random partners to use compass directions on a map. One of our favourite days was when we took our learning outside. We try to take part in outdoor learning at least once a week if possible. Everyone was excited to practise compass directions in the playground and we used great vocabulary to demonstrate our learning.

Thank you to this amazing learner for volunteering to be our “human compass.” You did a great job following the directions you were given and you helped remind everyone about North West, South West, North East and South East.

We then played a game called “Captain’s Coming” where we had to listen to the instructions and use our learning about Compas    s Directions to help us. As you can see, we all really enjoyed our learning and we had a discussion to remind us the purpose of playing this game. Some of the children said it was helpful to have objects or areas as reference points in the playground to help them remember the directions.

Article 28: We have the right to learn.

Article 29: We have the right to develop our talents and abilities.

Article 13: We have the right to find out things and share what we think with others.

Article 12: We have the right to be heard.


P3a Number Talks

This week we have been working on counting back from 100.  We had to share our strategy with the rest of the class.  We then used the strategy to work out lots of different equations.  Next we tried using the same strategy when the number was lower than 100.  We worked out that the same strategy worked.  Lots of problem solving this week!!

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