P3 Scot’s Week

This week we took part in lots of different learning. We engaged with Fischy Music Scot’s concert and even got a ‘shout out’ from the presenters. We listened to some short stories in Scot’s, including The Boy in the Bunnet, and thought about all the Scot’s words we knew. We thought about and drew what the Loch Ness Monster might look like. We learned and recited a Scot’s poem to the class. We learned about Scot’s words for different parts of the body and sang Heid, shoulders, knaps & taes.

P3 Learning

We were learning to use the correct word in past tense. Some words were easy and we just had to add ‘ed’ when we changed it to past tense, like look & looked. Others were harder as the word changed, like drive & drove. We all chose a card and then had to find our different tense partner. Then we had to write a sentence using each of the words correctly.

We chose our new historical topic of Romans after Christmas. Today we worked with random partner to find out facts about Romans. We were also looking for when in history they lived and what language they spoke. We found out that Roman Empire was from 625BC to 476AD and they spoke Latin.

P3 Learning

We are learning to divide. As a class we used a PowerPoint to help us share 15 cupcakes between 3 people. We had to place the cupcakes on cakes, one on the first, one on the second, one on the third, next one back on to the first plate etc. we found out the answer was 5. Next we shared 30 apples between 10 plates. We continued this with different calculations. Then we were split into random partners. Using cubes we worked on  12/3, 12/2,12/4 and then 18/2 & 18/3.  We noticed that division links to multiplication and our times tables.

We have been learning to write extended, more interesting sentences. To help with this we looked at pictures and were to describe them. We started by thinking about the nouns we could see in the picture. Then we wrote adjectives to go with each noun. Then we use some of these words in a sentence. We completed the first one as a class. Then we were split into random partners and looked at a new picture. We wrote our nouns, adjectives and then sentences on our desks. Now we need to remember this any time we are writing sentences and try to make them better by adding in adjectives and connectives.

P3 Literacy

We have been learning how to write a discussion this term. We have to think about arguments for and against a topic. We have completed several this term including ‘Should we get a class pet?’ and ‘Should children be made to wear school uniform?’. We write our plan one day and then the nest we write our Discussion text. We have been trying really hard to remember our capital letters and full stops and are getting better at using our word logs for spelling.

We have started learning about verbs. We have been copying actions in a song and coming up with actions of our own. We have worked with random partners to find verbs in a passage and come up with sentences using interesting verbs.


P3 Learning

We are continuing our learning about using question marks. This week we worked with random partners to come up with questions about a picture. We wrote them on sticky notes so we could display them and remind ourselves what to do.

In Numeracy we have been learning about Fact families. A fact family is made up of three numbers and can be made up of at least four math facts. For example, if a child knows that 3 + 4 = 7 then they can also deduce that 4 + 3 = 7 and 7 – 4 = 3 and 7 – 3 = 4.

In Literacy we worked on the discussion, “Should children be allowed screen time?”.  We had a great discussion about it and came up with lots of arguments for and against. Ask your child what they think about it.

P3 Learning

This week we recapped the time work we should know from P2 of o’clock, half past & quarter past. We worked in pairs to test each other. Then we challenged each other to try to tell quarter to times. We will continue to work using analogue clocks and start to use digital times next week.

We have just started learning to write a discussion. To do this we need to think about ‘arguments for’ and ‘arguments against’. So far we have completed discussion text for the questions, ‘Should children wear school uniform?’ and, ‘Should we have a class pet?’. Next week we will be thinking about the question, ‘Should children play at school?’.

We have also been learning about using question marks and have been enjoying finding them in our reading books.


Lego Club

A great time was had by all at the first session of Lego Club. We have been very lucky to acquire 10 brand new Lego sets. Pupils worked in their choice of individual, pairs or threes. They used their problem solving, communication and collaboration skills to build the new models. Some chose to free build from the huge box of blocks in the class. Roll on next week when they get the chance to do it all again!

P3 Learning

This week we have been learning about writing questions.  We had to try to write question marks on the table.  They are quite a difficult shape!  Then with our random partner we thought of a question and wrote it on the desk.  We shared our questions and then tried to write two more.  Someone wrote a sentence by mistake but as a class we were able to turn it into a question by changing some of the words.  Again we shared our questions.  As a class we realised that most of the questions began with the same words.  We will continue working on questions next week.

We continued our work on money by completing lots of different activities from recognising coins to giving correct coins to £10.00.

P 3 Learning Times Tables

We have been using arrays to help us learn our times table. As a class we worked on our 2 x table, making arrays with counters, drawing them on our desks and then writing the calculation. Some people were able to do this quickly so moved onto the 5 times table. By the of the week, a small group were able in their 5 times table so after the holidays will start work on the 3 times table. Lots of learning at each child’s own level.

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