We had a great first week back in Primary 3B! Everyone arrived on Tuesday morning ready to learn and excited to see our friends.
I have been so impressed with the listening skills in our class in our first week and you have already been working so hard. Mrs Stewart even popped in during Smart Start because she noticed you were all working hard and on task! We started off the week today with Active Spelling and you were all excited to use your brand new Literacy jotters. During our first week, you had many great conversations to share your thoughts, feelings and ideas about your new class.
Here are some of the conversations I observed from you during your first week in Primary 3.
I like being in this class. Ava
We are so lucky because we get marbles and pom poms in our class. Hannah
I love school. Struan
It is nice that you are getting to know us and we are getting to know you. That means it’s fair. Lucas
I like Maths at school. Cormac
I love going outside for play and staying inside for play. Lexi
Why don’t we change the Safe Space to over there because there is more room there. Sophie B
This is fun Maths. I like having a special job to help everyone. Aria
We are looking forward to sharing our learning with some photos at the end of the week. Keep working hard Primary 3!