P3R / P3/2C Home Learning grid

Good morning P3R and P3/2C,

We hope you are all well and have had a good weekend.

Here is this week’s home learning grid and the instructions for the talking and listening activities.


Home learning grid 19th May


Remember you can email us some of your work. We love to see what you are all doing.

Keep up the good work!

Mrs Robertson and Miss Cameron

PE – Speed Bounce Development Grid

Good morning everyone,

I hope you had a good long weekend! This week is focused on the Speed Bounce.

Speed Bounce

There are 6 activities that will develop your bouncing, speed, jumping and rebounding.

Remember to also get your 60 minutes of activity each day – I have been doing this by running, walking and cycling!

Mr. Millar

Primary 7/6L and P7S Home Learning Grids

Good morning everyone,
We hope you had a nice long weekend. Here is your learning grid and supporting resources for the rest of the week. Please let us know on Teams if we can help at all with any tasks. Please note there are slightly different grids this week for Primary 6 and Primary 7.
Mrs Lewis and Mrs Stewart

Home Learning Grid P1

Dear Primary 1,

How are you all? We hope you had a lovely long weekend. One of our activities this week is to write a letter, so we decided to put our Blog Post in the form of a letter to help out with your layout.

Attached is the Home Learning Grid, some ideas for playing Staying Quiet games to help our Listening skills and, the next common words for the group who reads with Ms Boyes and Mrs Forbes.

All Numberblocks episodes are now available to watch on the BBC iplayer, to help you with your Numeracy skills.

Have a good week learning.

Love from,

Mrs Grieve, Mrs Murdoch, Mrs Forbes and Ms Boyes.

P1 Home Learning 19th May

Staying quiet game

fry_5th_100 (1)


NURSERY – Fun and Learning at Home

Painted Rocks Hidden In East Calder

We have painted and hidden some rocks close to the school in East Calder.  If your out and about for a walk, have a look to see if you can find any (close to infant gate entrance – along the path and on the grass).

If you find any, please take a photo and share on the Home Learning in your child’s Learning Journal.  It would be lovely to leave the rocks where they are or to hide them somewhere close by for other children to enjoy.


You might find them around here ……..


Good Luck!

EC Nursery Team


Home Learning Grid P3/2C and P3R

Hi everyone,

I hope you are all well and enjoyed the Monday holiday today.

I have attached the new home learning grid for this week. We hope you enjoy the new activities and we look forward to seeing more of your home learning this week.

Home learning grid 19th May

This photo above is part of the listening and talking activity in the home learning grid this week and gives examples of games to try at home.

Remember the West Lothian Schools Sumdog competition is running this week!

Have a great week everyone!

Miss Cameron and Mrs Robertson

N-P1 Transition Task – Week 1

Nursery – P1 Transition
Dear Parents/Carers – you should have received an email today with a copy of our N-P1 Transition Timeline, photographs of our P1 staff and details about our Week 1 ‘Transition Task’. Please click on the link below to access our N-P1 Transition Timeline.
 As part of this years transition process we would like to email you a weekly transition task for you and your child to complete. Our Week 1 Transition Task is ‘Getting To Know You’. So we can get to know your child a little bit, we would love if you could email a photograph of your child surrounded by some of their favourite things. It could be a favourite toy, a favourite book etc, they could be wearing their favourite outfit etc.
Please email your photo to laura.donnelly@westlothian.org.uk so I can share it with the P1 teachers and display it on a ‘Welcome Wall’ in the Primary 1 area of the school.
Please click on the link below to meet our P1 staff.
We look forward to seeing the photos of our soon to be Primary 1 pupils surrounded by some of their favourite things  🙂

Fantastic Home Learning in P2M

You have been so creative making your own puppet theatre, Isla-Mae. It looks amazing and I am sure your baby brother loves your puppet shows. Well done!

This is a great idea for a “vegetable hero” Callan. Supper effort with your capital letters and full stops too. Well done!

You have worked so hard to make your own 10 square Finlay. Now you can practise counting on and back to add and subtract numbers up to 100. Well done for this amazing effort!

You have been growing your own rainbow vegetables that you got as a gift for your birthday. You love Science and it is great to see you are enjoying learning more about the world at home. I can’t wait to see how these look soon. Well done for all your hard work!


Have a lovely weekend everyone. Your fantastic learning might appear on the blog next week. Stay safe and have fun!

Miss Marra

Brilliant home learning in P3/2C

Good afternoon P3/2C,

Hope you and your families are staying safe and well and you are able to get outside for some exercise or just some fresh air.

It has been great to see more of your home learning this week and I am really enjoying seeing what you have been up to. Here are just some of the examples of home learning that have come in:


  • There is a West Lothian Schools Sumdog competition which starts today, Friday 15th May, which all pupils are entered in. There are also a variety of games to play on this website including spelling and reading games which are available during the school closures.

I look forward to seeing more of your home learning very soon.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Cameron

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