Primary 7/6L had an excellent workshop yesterday looking at the importance of Remembrance Day and Armistice Day. We learnt all about the Poppy and why it is a symbol of Remembrance. We also learnt a lot about World War 1. Alan Hamilton from the Royal British Legion visited our class yesterday to share with us his wealth of knowledge and personal experience in the armed forces and of East Calder Primary School and local area as a former pupil himself. Not only has Alan served in the army but he shared with us the experiences of both his great uncle who fought during World War 1 and his father who fought during World War 2. After lunch we learnt all about local people from East Calder who had been soldiers during the war and visited East Calder Cemetery to lay poppy crosses. Before leaving Alan shared with us the wonderful story of his Uncles army whistle he was given in 1916! What a journey his whistle has had! A very valuable learning experience yesterday which taught us all the importance of Remembrance Day.