Category Archives: Glenvue Nursery

Developing Community Connections

During the nursery  topic – My Home,  the children were learning about their local environment. They discovered how some of the buildings and resources are used by their community.  As a result of this investigation the children at Glenvue Nursery have established a link with Livingston Care Home which is in Bankton. The adults who live here look forward to their weekly visit from the children who sing songs and interact with the residents.  Some of the primary 6 children who buddy the pre-school children have also went along, encouraging the adults to engage in draughts and chess games.

Bringing these two groups of people together, will help to break down some of the barriers that we sometimes see and will have benefits for all generations. The experience allows the children to learn about ageing and disabilities, teaching them about respect for others.  Building their confidence and enhancing their social and emotional development.

We also hope that these visits bring  significant health benefits to the elderly residents, allowing them to feel less socially isolated and more stimulated.






School Meal Price Increase – £2.04

Pupil (including flexi nursery children) school meals increased in price from 1st April to £2.04.  We apologise that this was not communicated to parents/carers before now.  School meals should be paid for via your child’s iPayimpact account.  Please speak to office staff if you require login details.






Edinburgh Herriot Watt Free Family Fun Day – Saturday 14th April

Please see the link below to details about a free family fun day that Edinburgh Herriot Watt University are running as part of Edinburgh International Science Festival.  It is being held on Saturday 14th April between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. at the Orium Campus, Edinburgh.




Lots of Socks – Down’s Syndrome Scotland

Thank you to all pupils, nursery pupils and staff who made the effort to wear odd socks in aid of Down’s Syndrome Scotland.

We are delighted to announce that between the nursery and school we raised a total of £167.00.  This will be donated to Down’s Syndrome Scotland.

Thank you again for your continued generosity.

Image result for odd socks

Glenvue visits the Lanthorn Church

As part of the ‘My Home-My Town topic the children have been investigating the many different buildings and their uses within their local community. They have been building  towns with giant Nexus and enjoy playing with the small world dolls house, garage and cars.  Some of them have been building hospitals, shops, houses and a church, which had a tall spire and a clock. With only 1 week left to the Easter / Spring break most of the children at Glenvue have been listening to stories about Jesus and have been talking about the Christian festival of Easter.  A visit was arranged to the local church which is situated within the Lanthorn Community Centre which also houses the local library.

The children met Stephanie who told us about some special objects which can be found in the Christian church; a font, a cross and the Bible.  We listened carefully and enjoyed the opportunity to represent our nursery in the local community. We walked safely to and from the church, using the underpass and remembered our ‘Road Safety’ rules whilst crossing the road.

Visit to Lanthorn Church

Glenvue Nursery – Lots of Socks – Thursday 22nd March in aid of Down’s Syndrome Scotland

At Glenvue Nursery school on Thursday 22nd March we will be supporting the Lots of Socks campaign in aid of Down’s Syndrome Scotland.  Children can wear odd socks, lots of socks, one sock, brightly coloured socks, mismatched socks or any variation of socks.  The more inventive they are in how they wear their socks the better!  A suggested donation of £1 is requested.  Many thanks.

Dedridge Primary and Glenvue Nursery Open Mon 5th March to Pupils

Dedridge Primary and Glenvue Nursery School will re-open to pupils from Monday 5th March.  This decision has been made following thorough safety checks.

Breakfast Club will not be available and pupils will not be able to enter via the playgrounds.  Pupils should enter via the community wing door at the front of the school from 8.25 a.m.  If your child attends Oak, Willow, Rowan or Sycamore class please contact your taxi provider re: school transport.

As per council policy we ask that parents/carers do not bring cars into the school car park. The school lunch menu may vary.  Further details are available on the council website

Glenvue Nursery – wraparound care will be available from tomorrow.  Glenvue parent appointments will now take place between Mon 12th and Friday 16th March. Please speak to your child’s key worker.

Further closures – Thursday 1st March

Both the school and nursery will be closed on Thursday 1st March due to the contining hazardous wintry conditions.

Please keep checking the blog, council website and social media for more updates.

Parent consultation evenings will be rescheduled when school reopens.

Please continue to share what you are doing in the snow with us via Glow but remember to wrap up warm and stay safe.