Category Archives: Glenvue Nursery

Zoo Lab visit

This week  the children were very excited when Sophie the snake, Gary the gecko, Sally the snail, Maxine the millipede, Toya the tarantula and Kevin the cockroach popped in to say Hello!

Ranger Barry came along with the visitors to deliver a fun learning experience, gaining the immediate interest of the children and exciting their curiosity. The children really enjoyed seeing all the animals. Barry answered all their questions in a calm and interesting way and gave encouragement to those a little unsure.

Thank you ZooLab for a very interesting and informative activity.

Smoke Free Homes and Zones – A message from Primary 6

Dear Parents / Carers,

We have been taking part in the Smoke Free Homes and Zones programme where we have learned about the dangers of second-hand smoke.

We would like to ask you to pledge to have a smoke-free home and car. We are not asking you to stop smoking, just to go outside.

Your child has been given a leaflet with information on some of the dangers of second-hand smoke. Please read this then sign and return your pledge to have a smoke-free home. Even if you don’t smoke you can still pledge to say you already have a smoke free homes. Please return this form to the school byFriday 10th May 2019.

We appreciate your help.
Thank you.

From Primay 6

Book 5 Everyone loves…

This week it’s a classic author for children’s stories, Julia Donaldson. It  is a favourite I love to read to the children as the illustrations have so much in them that children can ‘read’ so much from them. And the story, like all classics, have a wonderful message to pass onto all who read them. Wait I can hear you say… what is the name of this marvelous book…it’s


This week’s words are STAMP(your foot) !, Stern (more finger pointing to make it different from Firm. Conveying you are not please with behaviour/action, Tangled (children said it was ‘tuggy’) and Mumbled.

Please find in the green folder a wee ‘work’ sheet to reinforce these words at home. They are for you to keep at home.

Aria said she likes this fairy queen because “she go flying with her wings on the tree.” I do too, what fun she must have.

Story Sacks are here…

Spring has suddenly left us and we have now returned to winter…

…So we have created 10 story sacks. They are an excellent way to create and sustain an interest in books. Children enjoy fun and interactive activities, and this is a perfect way to allow children to be more hands on during story time, stimulating their minds and imagination by bringing stories to life.

If you are interested and would like to take home one of our bags for a week, please see a member of staff. They are an invaluable resource in developing your child’s language in a fun way.

Furthermore, we have an opportunity for you (parents/carers) to come and play with your child at nursery. The week beginning Monday 11th March – Thursday 14th March 2019 our doors will be open for you to spend an hour in our Stay, Play and Learn. This could be at drop off time, an hour before you pick your child up or somewhere in between. As always you are warmly welcome.

Dedridge Does Summer

Dedridge Does Summer!

This summer sees the return of our popular Dedridge does Summer event. The doors will open at 11am and the events will run until 1pm.  All children should be accompanied by an adult.

Tuesday 10th July – carnival theme
Tuesday 17th July  – possible trip to Beecraigs. Further details to follow.
Tuesday 24th July  – fun in the sun!!!!

There will be reminders nearer the time and keep your eye on the Parent Council Facebook page for further information and the school blog.


Kathryn French
