All posts by Mrs Sharkey

Invitation to all…

This coming week is another opportunity for parents and carers to drop in and play with their child(ren) as we look forward to Stay, Play and Learn. This is the last for this year although you are more than welcome to visit any time.

Also, on Wednesday, children had the opportunity to learn or practice their judo moves as Destination Judo provided a wee taster session. They all appeared to be highly engaged and followed the instructor’s  instructions to a tee. “It was great fun. I got to go and hit a post. Like this.” (arm action and suitable noise followed)

Transition has been happening over the last two weeks and children appear to be having fun as they engage in class activities. They also met their buddies -which was exciting for them. The buddies were keen to share their snack time and they chatted along like old friends.

We would like to share with you the Book Bug app which can be downloaded on the App Store or Get it on Goggle Play -

The Bookbug App was launched on 23 January 2019 and has been downloaded over 13500 times. The Bookbug app is about creating good screen time. It is also so much fun as rhymes, stories and lots of other resources can be found here. It builds a love for literacy and further extends language development which impacts on all areas of their learning.

This week’s Word Boost book is Grumpy Cat. The words are balance, leap, soggy and snooze. I can see lots of different scenario’s these words can conjure up at home, in the nursery or just practice for our Sport’s Day on June 6th. You could take a photograph and share it with us of your child demonstrating this weeks focused words. Also, Word Boost Parent Postcards are available in the green folder found in the cloakroom.



When I grow up…

Good day to all, a big thank you to all the parents who provided a photograph of their child. They’re now going to create a picture of themselves as to what they think they may look like in the future. This should be interesting as I’ve been informed by some of the children, “mummies and daddies weren’t a baby…’cause they’re my mummy and daddy.” “When I grow up I’ll be 5…6…even 7!” or “When I grow up I’ll be big, bigger ‘n’ BIGGER and BIGGER!!”

The nursery newsletter was given out last week, if you haven’t got a copy, just ask a member of staff where we will be happy to give you one. There are lots of dates for your diary, such as Sports day, Stay, play and game and our last May day holiday before we break up for our Summer holiday.

For children who start school this August, our transition starts this coming Tuesday (May 14th) from 9:15 – 9:45 am. Parents are welcome to bring their child for their first visit inside the class room – they can be collected from here if they attend during the morning session.

We are in the process of creating a new menu for the start of next year- August 2019 and we understand that there are all sorts of tasty, healthy and nutritious snacks/meals your child thoroughly enjoys. This is one of the reasons why we have requested for your suggestions: in the newsletter, as to what it is and how do you cook/make them? Your suggestions could also provide inspiration for other parents or carers to try at home. We could include them in our recipe book we hope to create with children’s support.Scaredy Cat and Boo By Michael Broad

Word Boost continues this week with a story by Micheal Broad – Scaredy  Cat and Boo. The words are, shiver, giggle, creak and discover. There are postcards inside the Word Boost green folder in the entrance where you can have fun with your child and see how many words you can include to make up a sentence or story… Remember you can add your own stories, event and occasions on your child’s home link section found in their Learners Journals.

Welcome back…

Welcome back for our last term before the holidays at the end of June. All staff hope everyone is feeling refreshed, batteries are charged and raring to start … and we especially welcome some new children and their families this term.

It is a busy time with those families who are getting organised for transition. Plans for this are taking place and will start shortly. One focus for this will include looking at developing the young workforce. We have already noted interest from children wishing to be chefs, hairdressers and builders (ships). More information will be given to these parents.

All parents are warmly invited to attend Stay, Play and Learn for the week beginning Monday 27th May. This is a drop in session as the feedback from parents appear to enjoy this approach – so please come and see what your child is learning. Sports day is planned for 6th June weather permitting- information to follow.

Word boost will continue with the story Ernest …a large moose with a BIG problem. Words children will be learning include;- struggle, disappointed, fetch and careful. A parent’s sheet to support your child can be found in the usual green folder. Please take one home, they are fun and informative.


Just a little reminder nursery and school will be closed on Monday 6th May and Tuesday 7th May and Monday 20th May.


This is a marvelous story, the illustrations are lovely and clear and children engage with Patrick (main character of the story) as he wakes up to discover he’s no longer like all his other friends. He goes on a journey and returns to discover nobody really reacts to this change.

This weeks words have been: edge, dip, crowd and polite. The parent’s postcards are for all parents to have an opportunity to share our learning at home. Please feel free to take one. They can be found on the entrance shelf inside the green folder.

Next weeks words are a review of the last three stories: Freddie and the Fairy, Tom’s tail and Pink. Postcard in the green folder to take away. If unsure please do not hesitate to ask a member of staff


Next week is our last week before the end of term and we will be focusing on Easter and have some activities planned. However we need some resources from home. On your journey to nursery you could collect little stones, leaves/shoots and some more daffodils or other spring flowers (permission first from the owner), for our transient art: no glue required for this activity as children arrange loose part objects into wonderful imaginative and creative works of art for them to photograph and display in the setting.

Book 5 – Tom’s Tail

This book is quite funny or at least the children think so as Tom isn’t satisfied with his tail. With support from his friends to help him with his dilemma he discovers that his tail isn’t so bad after all but something else is….

This weeks words have been comfortable, miserable, shove and ache.

A parent’s sheet for this particular story is found within the green Word Boost folder for you to take home.

Next week is a terrific little story …. Pink

Please remember next week (wk bg. 25th March) is parent’s consultation.  We look forward to meeting you and sharing the learning about your child.

There has been changes and we recognise this can be challenging and we appreciate all the support you have been giving us. Signing in and out on the registers has two benefits 1) fire safety which is really important as it enables us to accurately account for children both in and out the building. 2) It provides a small opportunity for you to come inside the nursery and see what’s happening, to be welcomed by staff and it shows your child that we work together: parents and staff. You can discuss any interests your child has at home and we can link this within the setting by providing or extending their experiences.

Book 5 Everyone loves…

This week it’s a classic author for children’s stories, Julia Donaldson. It  is a favourite I love to read to the children as the illustrations have so much in them that children can ‘read’ so much from them. And the story, like all classics, have a wonderful message to pass onto all who read them. Wait I can hear you say… what is the name of this marvelous book…it’s


This week’s words are STAMP(your foot) !, Stern (more finger pointing to make it different from Firm. Conveying you are not please with behaviour/action, Tangled (children said it was ‘tuggy’) and Mumbled.

Please find in the green folder a wee ‘work’ sheet to reinforce these words at home. They are for you to keep at home.

Aria said she likes this fairy queen because “she go flying with her wings on the tree.” I do too, what fun she must have.

World Book Day…

Good morning , What a week we’ve had from torrential rain to icy roads and blue skies. However inside our setting we have been rather busy and next week  looks as though it’s going to be too.

At the start of the week children from P7 came over to read stories to all the children. This was a surprise for the wee ones as they did not expect this however they all enjoyed it. Finley said, “He read me a story about pirates. I like them.” Other children who are generally more shy sat engaged listening and looking at the illustrations. Thank you P7.

Yesterday was World Book Day and we celebrated this day first with some children making sandwiches for our planned ‘Tea’ party. They never realised how hard it is too do “This is really hard Mrs Sharkey…The knife isn’t working.” before   listening to the story The Tiger Who came to Tea by Judith Kerr. We had our own special enormous (word boost word) tiger and he came and shared the children’s tea – eating some of the children’s cakes and drinking their milk too. Though to be honest they were very keen to share their ‘tea’ party with him. There are some stories and wonderful drawings of this on the literacy wall – everyone welcome to see.

Stay, Play and Learn starts next week: Monday March 11th until Thursday March 14th. This is a pop in session where you can spend an hour with your child. There are no set times so it’s up to you when you come however you will be welcomed anytime.

The following week: Thursday 21st March is Down Syndrome Awareness Day and we will be encouraging EVERYONE to wear odd socks on this day. Also parent’s evening is this week too if you can’t remember your time slot please see a member of staff.

One of our topics is looking outside to see what we can see and hear. If the weather is clear this week end, perhaps going for a walk to the shops or to the park, you and your child can take a moment to peer at the trees and stop to listen to the different bird calls, cats.

Story Sacks are here…

Spring has suddenly left us and we have now returned to winter…

…So we have created 10 story sacks. They are an excellent way to create and sustain an interest in books. Children enjoy fun and interactive activities, and this is a perfect way to allow children to be more hands on during story time, stimulating their minds and imagination by bringing stories to life.

If you are interested and would like to take home one of our bags for a week, please see a member of staff. They are an invaluable resource in developing your child’s language in a fun way.

Furthermore, we have an opportunity for you (parents/carers) to come and play with your child at nursery. The week beginning Monday 11th March – Thursday 14th March 2019 our doors will be open for you to spend an hour in our Stay, Play and Learn. This could be at drop off time, an hour before you pick your child up or somewhere in between. As always you are warmly welcome.

Book 4… Here we go…

Good morning to all, such a beautiful Spring morning.

Yesterday we had a welcomed visitor from the Lanthorn Library, Eileen Campbell. She actively engages with all the children present in the morning as she introduces Book Bug.

This week we are listening to a new story Salty and Button. The words for this story are: – Adventure, Rough, Peer and Enormous. Already children are discussing “real adventures” they have experienced at home. They all sound amazing that I’m sorry I wasn’t on them as I missed seeing an enormous lion, a spotty cheetah and best of all, climbing a “ginormous tree in the woods.”

The activity sheet is available for you to take home a copy (in the green folder) and to see what adventures you can do together… All the staff love hearing stories and telling us of things they do at home.


Just a wee update regarding next week as we focus on Book Week. Children can bring in a book which they can share with friends. On Thursday (March 7th 2019): World Book Day, we will be having our own Tiger Came to Tea to celebrate this event in the form of a tea party and maybe, a tiger might just come to visit us too. Let us hope he remembers to tidy up any mess he has made… and leave us a wee sandwich or two.

Success for Welly Walk

Oh what a beautiful morning to have our very successful sponsored Welly Walk. Everything went perfect including our weather. It was extremely enjoyable and there was certainly lots to view as we strolled along the paths and over the bridge. Children were amazed at seeing so many ducks coming towards us and there were a couple of swans too. Olivia said they were coming to us “because I feed them bread with my mummy.” Thomas enjoyed finding numbers around the pond and Alfie enjoyed the “Woods and leaves. I enjoyed going myself.”

There was a fantastic response from parents as they turned up to walk with their child(ren) including some from the afternoon.

Staff loved this event as it was good to see so many of us (children and adults) together and all with smiling faces


Children have asked if we can do it again and we certainly will be.

Going on walks is a fantastic resource; lots to see and talk about as well as do- especially as the weather is certainly showing signs of Spring.

Thank you for the tremendous support given to us and for your generous donations through your  sponsorship.

Note: just a wee reminder about this weekend as we are on holiday on Monday and it is an In-service to all staff on Tuesday so all children will return on Wednesday 20th February. Have a lovely weekend and fingers crossed it’s a sunny time too.