All posts by Mrs Keegan

P3 Zentangle Art

Primary 3 are taking  time to create a Zentangle design using the visual elements of line, shape, form, colour,  and pattern.

They will be required to show resilience by not giving up on this task, they  must stay focused and concentrate on detail at all times. I can’t wait to see the finished pieces of work.


P3 Clap for Heroes Thursday 23rd April 2020

Good Morning – It’s Clap for our Heroes Thursday!

It’s been great to hear from so many Primary 3  children this week you really are a fantastic bunch who continue to make me proud.

Thursday at 8 o’clock is the when everyone ‘Claps for our Heroes’. Have you been taking part? Last week I was banging a metal tray with a wooden spoon to try and make as much noise as possible so that all our local Heroes could hear me.  There are so many people who go out of their homes every day to help keep us healthy and safe. From nurses who help us hospitals to the bin men who come round every week to collect our household waste – we should thank them all.


Please keep taking pictures and email them to me



On the SUMDOG site I have created a spelling competition focused around previous learning in your Spelling Groups.  The Competition doesn’t end until the 30th April and there will be a prize for each group, so good luck!


Here are today’s challenges.

P3 – Wednesday 22nd April

Good Morning Children, I am a high 5!!!!

I heard from lots of Primary 3  children yesterday. Some contacted me through email or via the blog comments while others I could see were busy on Sumdog.


Some lovely stone painting has been going on and I imagine that many of you are able to put them in your garden or display them in your house. This picture put a big smile on my face!

I was told how Miss D had lots of fun climbing trees!! Well what a coincidence as I was doing the same thing at the weekend.

Please keep taking pictures and email them to me



On the SUMDOG site I have created a spelling competition focused around previous learning in your Spelling Groups.  The Competition doesn’t end until the 30th April and there will be a prize for each group, so good luck!


Here are today’s other challenges for you.

P3 – Tuesday 21st April

Good Morning Children,

I’ve not heard  from anyone yet so only feeling a 1 today!  Let me know what you have been doing and how you are getting on?  You can leave a quick comment below.

Next week I am hoping to start sharing some of your news on the blog, this will help you to keep in touch with your friends. You can send examples of your maths, literacy, stories, poems, art work or even photos of yourself  keeping busy doing  fun things while at home. This may give other kids ideas so please take pictures and email them to me

On the SUMDOG site I have created a spelling competition focused around previous learning in your Spelling Groups. Well done so far to Miss D, Miss I and Mr R who are all at the top of their groups leaderboards so far but there is plenty time for this to change so keep working hard as  the Competition doesn’t end until the 30th April and there will be a prize for each group, so good luck!

Here are today’s other challenges for you.

P3 Monday 20th April

Good Morning Children,

I can’t wait to hear from you all again. Let me know what you have been doing and how you are getting on?  You can leave a quick comment below.

Next week I am hoping to start sharing some of your news on the blog, this will help you to keep in touch with your friends. You can send examples of your maths, literacy, stories, poems, art work or even photos of yourself  keeping busy doing  fun things while at home. This may give other kids ideas so please take pictures and email them to me

I have been in my garden and I have also been going for short cycles on my bike.



On the SUMDOG site I have created a spelling competition focused around previous learning in your Spelling Groups. Please look for this on SUMDOG. Competition ends 30th April and there will be a prize, so good luck!   Here are today’s other challenges for you.


Hi everyone, hope you are all having a restful Easter break. For anyone who likes a challenge I have created a Spelling Competition on SUMDOG for all the children in Primary 3.  Please join in and have a try, the competition ends on the 30th April.  There will be a PRIZE!!!

Also please remember and check the TASKS button where you can slide the tab up and down to choose games using skills from different curriculum areas.  I have set up challenges for spelling patterns and multiplication tables which you have been learning at school. This will help you to consolidate skills taught.

Remember keep building up your coins. I have started to send gifts to some of the children and I was very pleased to have received  2 gifts of a table for my house. Thank you!

Hope anyone who was having a problem with accessing the House/Friend request section have managed to solve the issue. I was informed by one mum that it was accessible by smartphone but not on their laptop. Remember to request me as a friend my username is KK333023



Good Morning Primary 3 – Let’s Check In!

How are you all today?  I’m a HIGH 5 after receiving an email from Mr R  with  a completed challenge – Draw the United Kingdom and label the 4 different countries.  Wow! I was blown away by the quality of this work!

Thank you again to those children who left me a comment in blog comment box below.  If you want to invite me as a friend on Sumdog my name is KK3330223. All areas of SUMDOG are now open to play so have a try at the Spelling games – I really enjoy them.

Here are today’s challenges:



Good morning all.   I’m checking in as only a 2 today as I didn’t have a very good sleep. I hope to improve to at least a 4 as the day goes on.  Tonight I will go to bed a bit earlier as I know how important sleep is to my body


Please send me any work you have completed by taking a picture and sending it to the school office email or my own. It really cheers me up. I am missing you all and remember your teacher is always here for you.

Here are today’s challenges  – click on image to enlarge.


Here is the describing bubble to help you with your Adjective Challenge.