Glenvue visits the Lanthorn Church

As part of the ‘My Home-My Town topic the children have been investigating the many different buildings and their uses within their local community. They have been building  towns with giant Nexus and enjoy playing with the small world dolls house, garage and cars.  Some of them have been building hospitals, shops, houses and a church, which had a tall spire and a clock. With only 1 week left to the Easter / Spring break most of the children at Glenvue have been listening to stories about Jesus and have been talking about the Christian festival of Easter.  A visit was arranged to the local church which is situated within the Lanthorn Community Centre which also houses the local library.

The children met Stephanie who told us about some special objects which can be found in the Christian church; a font, a cross and the Bible.  We listened carefully and enjoyed the opportunity to represent our nursery in the local community. We walked safely to and from the church, using the underpass and remembered our ‘Road Safety’ rules whilst crossing the road.

Visit to Lanthorn Church

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