P4/3 Update

It has been another quick and busy week as we near the end of our time together in P4/3. The children have adapted well to change and enjoyed meeting their new teachers for next term. Mrs Morrison is proud of you all.

Health and Well-Being

We continued our ‘Changing Me’ topic and explored how our bodies change as we get older. The children displayed great maturity discussing the subject and both Mrs Morrison and Ms Webster were proud of them all. Well done P4/3!

Literacy and Numeracy

We have revised our writing skills as the children created their own imaginative stories. Mrs Morrison enjoyed reading them.

We revised our mental numeracy strategies that we have worked on during our number talks lessons. Keep practising P4/3!

Next week is our last week together and what a journey it has been. I am so proud of each and every one of them as they have adapted so well to the changes that have occurred throughout the year. Well done P4/3!



Weekly Update From P1A

I hope you have all had a good week. It has been very exciting in Primary 1, the children have now all had the opportunity to meet their new Primary 2 teacher. Both Miss Borsby and Miss Orr were very impressed by the children, so off to a great start!

Some pictures the children wanted to share-

Maths – Money

This week we have revisited the topic of money. The children have been identifying coins, matching coins and making different amounts using a range of coins.

The children also enjoyed playing a number frame loop game and taking part in an interactive game called “Hit the button” where the children have a minute to answer either number bond or addition questions.


The children wrote to the dragon for the last time. They explained what they enjoyed most about his visits. Some pictures below-

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I will be back next week with the final blog from P1A!

Primary 1B Learning Highlights

This week we have had a focus on Money in our maths work. We have been investigating all of the different coins, what they look like, how they feel and of course how we can use them. We have discussed how important it is to be able to recognise coins, their value and to be able to add up amounts.

We have been sorting coins into their values.


We have been playing games on the smartboard to help us practise adding up using different coins to make different amounts.


We have been rubbing coins to make our own ‘Money Trees’.

We have been labelling the coins with their correct value.


This week we have also had the opportunity to meet our new teachers for a sort introductory session. We can’t wait for all the exciting learning that Primary Two will bring!


We hope you enjoyed a snapshot of our week. We are looking forward to our final week in Primary 1!

Mrs Stevenson and Primary 1B

This Week in Primary 4

This week in Primary 4 we have been finishing off our reading books ready for starting fresh ones in the new session. We have had some good discussion around these and Mrs Hillan is seeing a big difference in many of us with our confidence in reading aloud and our use of expression.

We have also completed a spelling baseline of the spelling words/patterns that we have been focusing on this term. This gives Mrs Hillan a good idea of how well we have been practising these words and our next steps in spelling.

In writing we got to create our own narrative stories based on characters that we had created a couple of weeks ago. We had to ensure that we used correct punctuation, paragraphs, and exciting words, as well as including a complication and resolution in our stories.

In Numeracy we have done some work on Division. This topic links in nicely with our previous topic of multiplication. This is something that will be continuing in our new session as we move on to Primary 5.

In our topic this week we have created some Egyptian jewellery:

Summer – I thought it was very interesting to make something out of pasta and paper plates

Shay – I liked it because it reminded me of Gucci.

Maisy – It was fun and a little bit sticky!

Alyssa – I thought it was fun and I just loved to see how people made pieces that were totally different from each other.

Derry – It was fun!

Ryley – It was really messy!

Olivia – It was fun and exciting to make these and all of the designs were so different.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!!

This Week in P3/2


We have been learning to spell our new spelling words accurately. We have also been practising our words daily through rainbow writing, Play-Doh writing and quizzing our friends.

In writing this week, we were developing our skills to create a narrative piece of writing. We had to look at our feedback from last week to develop our writing. This week, we had to write about getting lost. We used our plans to develop the characters, settings and story line.

In reading, we were developing reading with expression. We were echo reading which is when the teacher would read a page with expression and we would echo it back in the same way.


In numeracy this week, we started our new topic about fractions. We have been looking at wholes, halves and quarters. We have been splitting shapes into these factions and also writing fractions.

We also had to colour a shape representing a whole, half or quarter. We then gave the worksheet to a friend and they had to write the fraction of the shape shown. After they had wrote their answers, we had to mark the sheet and give peer feedback.


During our world of work topic, we were learning about interviews. We were learning about how to apply for an interview, what type of questions will be asked and how we should dress.

During art, we were using watercolours to add shading and texture to our landscapes of Edinburgh. We were experimenting with the paints to make different colours using the primary colours, black and white.

P5/6 week


In literacy we did some science/literacy/art/health. Mr Colverson found a passage called Bens burger we had to draw the digestive system we had to draw a human body in art. we also done jigsaw the Primary 6’s had to go into a different room while p5,s were learning different things.



In  maths we done money and division we had to divide money and use calculators to add them up. For ICT/ we’ve been doing teaching money and education city.


In spelling we have been using our spelling words with our spelling sheets and practising our words .




MG-  I enjoyed writing a Science Fiction story this week.  We have been working if adding adjectives, onomatopoeia, similes and conjunctions in our writing to make it a good story.

For PE, we played a new game. It’s like rounders but instead of using bat and ball, we use football to kick it.

In Numeracy and MathsWe learned to create triangular and square numbers.    We also revised on area and perimeter.  We also identified various 3D shapes.

Update from P2

Have a read to see what we have been up to this week!


Charli – “We practised chimney sums for adding and subtracting”

Vrishti – “You always start at the right side and go to the left”


Louie – “We worked with Mrs Stewart to make our own characters after watching a video about a girl that likes bubbles”

Connor – “My character had brown hair, a red hat and a blue suit”

Archie M – “My character was yellow with black ears, a thunder tail and brown stripes on his back”


Jayden – “We used bean bags to help us practise our spelling words”


Euan – “We went out to the field and some of us were racing, some of us were climbing trees and some of us were practising gymnastics”

Charli – “I was trying to do a cartwheel and a handstand”

Oliver – “We were trying to do rolly pollies”

Alfie – “I was doing forward rolls and backwards rolls”

If you have any reading books at home, we would really appreciate it if you could return these as soon as possible. Thank you! 

Weekly Update From P1A

I hope you have all had a good week. We have had another very busy week of learning in Primary 1. The children have enjoyed yoga with Mrs Anderson and a trip to our school library.

Writing – The Three Billy Goats Gruff

The children have completed a number of writing activities around the fairytale The Three Billy Goats Gruff. Firstly, they used a guided draw to help create their very own trolls. They then thought of some good descriptive words they could use to descibe how he looks and his personality.  Some scary examples below-

After reading the story, we began to think about where the troll might have gone after he was pushed into the river by the big billy goat. The children drew Wanted posters and extended the story by using their own ideas. Some super examples below-


Some children went on to seqeunce the story-

Health and Wellbeing – Changing Me

We are continuing to explore the changes that occur as we grow and develop. This week we focused on differences that occur in our bodies from birth until the aged of 5. Some examples below-

Numeracy – Addition and Subtraction

This week we have carried out a number of tasks around number bonds to 10. The focus being, to help make the connection between addition and subtraction. Making connections can be a tricky concept but, I am pleased to say that almost everyone can now see the link and hopefully will use this strategy when adding bigger numbers. The children chose the pictures below to be included in this weeks blog.



I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I will be back next week with our second last Primary 1A post!

P5 Weekly Blog Post


We enjoyed the sunny weather this week and played rounders on the field.

Jaxson – I am getting better at hitting the ball.

Hope – I am getting better at catching.

Miss Stanway – I nearly caught Jaxson out but the ball bounced out of my hands!


We practised using effective verbs in order to improve our writing. We used a thesaurus to improve our vocabulary.


We learnt how to write fractions and decimals as percentages.

We have also continued to practise our x12 tables.

Bailey – I enjoyed the Sumdog maths competition and learning about when we use percentages in real life.


During coding practice we used our programming skills to solve various challenges.


This week we learnt about puberty and the changes that happen to our bodies. We have a worry box in class so if we have a question we can post it in the box so that the class can discuss it.


Our new topic is inheritance and reproduction.

Bailey – I enjoyed learning about how wolves have evolved into dogs.


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