Teamwork across the year groups!

Dean and Harry were working together to complete a puzzle. They were very methodical: looking for all the corners and edges first and then helping each other to find the correct pieces. It was often tricky but they persevered and managed to complete it. Mrs Duke was very impressed. Great work, team – high five!

P6 Sharing the Learning

P6 invited parents/carers in to share in their learning with them. They gave presentations on what they have learned so far on The Rainforest. The children made up these presentations in their groups, thinking of what they wanted to say and also adding in some good questions for their audience.

Afterwards P6 shared pieces of drama that they had written the scripts for. The children enjoyed acting these out in front of their audience.

P6 did a great job and we hope everyone who came along enjoyed sharing our learning with us! Thank you again for supporting us!

Invite to P2’s Sharing the Learning

Parents/Carers are invited to attend our final sharing the learning session of primary 2. The event will take place on Monday 11th June @ 9.30am in the gym hall. Our theme will be ‘Read, Write and Count’ and we hope to share some ideas of how you can help your child with their learning over the summer holidays! See you there!!

P3’s adventure to Low Port

P3 children enjoyed a fantastic couple of days at Low Port Outdoor Education Centre. The weather was especially kind to us and we had fun taking part in different activities ,such as Orienteering, visit to the canal centre and a woodland adventure at Beecraigs. We all enjoyed the disco on the Thursday evening and the children took great delight in watching Mrs Walker and Mrs Morrison show off their moves on the dance floor!! All children behaved well and were a credit to themselves, their parents and the school. Well done boys and girls. Photographs will be uploaded to the blog next week.

P2/3 Wedding

P2/3 had a class ‘wedding’ last week – the day before the Royal wedding.Ā  We’ve been learning about weddings and enjoyed taking on different roles.Ā  We rearranged our classroom, and we recycled our castle walls from our castle topic and transformed our class.Ā  We used named lolly sticks drawn at random to allocate who would have each role, and then we all got dressed up in costumes.

After our ‘wedding’ we had a parade to share our learning with other classes in the infant department.Ā  We had a great time.


What’s on this week…

Week beginning 28th May 2018


1.20-3pm – Rookie Rockstars working with whole school


1.30pm – Get cooking group with Mrs Wood

1.20-3pm – Rookie Rockstars working with whole school


1.45-2.45pm – PEEP session

1.20-3pm – Rookie Rockstars working with whole school


9 – 12pm – West Lothian college Science session for p3 and 4

1.20-3pm – Rookie Rockstars working with whole school


9.15-12pm – Family fun day, more info to follow!

Woodlands topic

Primary 4 are continuing to learn all about the Woodlands. We have already been out in the playground and on the field identifying trees by looking at leaves and flowers. We have learned to categorise creatures into vertebrates and invertebrates and this week focused on minibeasts and life cycles.

We are also almost finished our cooperative group challenge to design and make a tree house from recycled materials. These will be ready for our next Sharing the Learning in June.

Having learnt about halves and quarters last week in numeracy, we continued our learning about fractions finding out about thirds. We also had to place fractions on a number line – this was tricky till we asked would you rather have half of your favourite pizza – sharing with 2 friends, or a tenth – sharing with 10 !

We are looking forward to “Rookie Rockstars” next week!

Fractions Fun outside!

Primary 6 enjoyed enhancing their fractions knowledge in the outdoors. A quiz was set up around the playground area that contained various fractions related questions and each question came with a clue. Once all questions were answered and all clues collected, we then had to use the clues to work out the secret message at the end. The children worked well in their pairs and enjoyed taking Maths outdoors.

Sophie said “I liked having to find all of the hidden clues.”

Corey commented “I liked the challenge afterwards to figure out the secret message!”

Jessica said “I learned that I’m good at team work.”

P6 do Judo

Primary 6 enjoyed taking part in a Judo session last week. We learned some new skills as well as having lots of fun!

Louie said “I liked bringing my partner to the floor!”

Emma commented “I learned that you have to be very careful and observant when doing Judo.”

Hopefully the session has inspired some of our children to take Judo up as a hobby.

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