P1 Bookbug Event!

Bookbug will once again be gifting a Bookbug Primary 1 Family Bag to every P1 child in Scotland during Book Week Scotland, 19-25 November.  This Bookbug Bag will help to create a lasting link between reading at school and at home. This bag also allows your child to take part in the The Bookbug Picture Book Prize. They can use the voting slip to vote for their favourite book from the bag, encouraging their love of reading by celebrating their choices.

We would like to invite you to our P1 Bookbug event on Tuesday 20th November from 1:30-2:30pm. This will provide an opportunity for you to take part in and enjoy activities linked to the family bag with your child and also to explore the school library.


Primary 7 have spent time this week learning about Remembrance in preparation for this Sunday when we learned that it will be 100 years since Armistice Day – which marked the end of the first World War.

We wrote emotive poems , designed a poppy bench or Poppy Garden and also sketched flowers inspired by the poem “Flander’s fields” and poppies from our own school garden!

Primary 7 are very pleased to have completed their SNSA testing this week and have been looking forward to their DCHS transition morning where they will be studying social subjects.

What’s on…

Week beginning 12th November:

Monday –

Football After School Club


Tuesday –

Let’s cook session @1.30pm

P4 and p3/4 Sharing the learning @ 2.15pm


Wednesday –

PEEP sessions

Scripture Union lunch club

Football After school club @ 3.30-4.30pm

Choir After school club @ 3.14-4pm


Thursday –

Pupil Photographs (p1-7)

Youth choir working with p3/4 and p4


Friday –

Children in Need Dress down day – monetary donations please

Futsal – P4

Road Safety assembly (pupils only)

P1/2 Science

Today Primary 1/2 have been learning about materials in science with Mrs Moyes. We learned about 5 different materials – wood, glass, metal, plastic and paper. We looked around the classroom to find these different materials, then we went on an investigation round the school. Mrs Mrs pointed to different objects and we had to identify which material they were made of. We were really good at this! Next week in science we are going to do a material grouping activity with real-life items.

P3/4’s Weekly Reflection

It has been another busy week in primary 3/4. We learned about Guy Fawkes and wrote a fact file about the Gunpowder Plot. Here is some information of what we learned:

” Guy Fawkes and his 12 friends including Robert Catesby did not like the decisions King James 1 made and so decided to kill him” (Hope)

“The plot was not successful because the King’s guards discovered the barrels under the Houses of Parliament and they sent Guy Fawkes and his friends to jail.” (Jaxson)

In science we looked at living and non- living things and grouped them accordingly.

With Mrs Dobbie ,we learned the story of Moses and worked together to sequence the events in the correct order.

It has been a busy week and we are looking forward to out sharing the learning event next week.

A Tttt..terrific Week in Primary 1 and Primary 1/2

We have been learning a totally tremendous new sound. We made ‘t’ tigers using our cutting and gluing skills.  Skye really enjoyed making the tigers and felt she did a good job! Well done Skye!!

We practised forming ‘t’ using the rhyme ‘Down the tower, out the tower and across the tower’ we even did some ‘t’ graffiti                                                      Roman – It was fun to lie on our tummies and write as many as we could.

As part of our ‘People Who Help Us in our Community’ topic we were learning about emergency vehicles.  We used our collage skills to make Police cars and Fire engines.

Daniel- It was fun making my fire engine.

Lennon – I made a pattern with yellow and blue squares. I think I made a great police car.

This week has been all about lucky number 7. We read the story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.                                                                                                  Roman was able to confidently retell the story including lots of details.

We used the formation rhyme ‘Across the sky and down from heaven, that’s the way to make a 7’  Keep practising at home…..we keep getting our 7’s back to front. OOps!

We had a challenge to make a 7 in a team using only our bodies. Charlie was able to lead the learning and his group successfully completed the challenge.

We also discovered that there are seven colours in the rainbow and also seven days in the week.  Chloe was able to name all seven colours in order!!

We learned all about Guy Fawkes and the gun powder plot.  We know a lot about the reason we celebrate Bonfire Night.                                                                    Scarlet explained to the class that they were trying to kill the King.

Kayden- They had 34 barrels of gun powder.

Daniel- They hid it in the basement.

Lexie- The guards wanted Guy Fawkes to tell the truth but he didn’t for three days. We have been displaying our learning through play.                                  These are some of the ways we chose to show what we know.

Lexie drew a bonfire.                               Tadas made the basement and barrel.

Mason made a bonfire collage.             Kullyn practised writing the word firework.

Charlie made some chalk fireworks.





In PE this week we have been doing different ways of travelling. Also in PE we have been learning how to dribble and shoot.

Also this week we have been learning about apostrophes.

Today we had our photos taken.

We shared our learning……

On Wednesday we were sharing our learning with our parents. We had a few activities for parents to try out based on our Titanic topic. These were – True or False, create a passenger and create a picture of a cabin.

Here are some of the Titanic passengers our parents created…..


By Charlie and Miss Aikman

Sharing our learning in P5/6

This week we have been busy preparing for our Sharing the Learning event which takes place on Wednesday (7th November)  this week at 2.15.

Pupils worked in groups to prepare for this. The team leaders made sure everyone in their group was on task, some pupils prepared resources and others carried out extra research to double check their facts were correct.

We really hope you can make it!

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