Busy Times in Primary 3/4!!

It has been a busy week in P 3/4 as Christmas preparations are underway. P3 children have been learning songs to perform at the infant nativity. We are confident our lessons from Karen of NYCOS will help us become fabulous singers!!

Whilst the primary 3 children have been practising for the nativity, primary 4 have been revising their learning on making their own power points. They have enjoyed developing their skills and are looking forward to next week, when they will peer tutor the primary 3 children and help them create their own power points. Wish us luck!!!

Art in P5/6

Yesterday in P5/6 we used chalk pastels to create pictures of the Titanic wreckage. First we discussed pictures of the wreckage thinking about the colours created by the rust and sea. We then practiced blending colours together in our sketch books before starting our pictures.

I loved blending the colours – Amy-Louise

I learned that you can blend pastels and that the Titanic is rusty – Charlie Priestley

I learned that some colours you wouldn’t usually put together can be blended and look nice- Alicia

It’s Snowing!

Today we made snow in The Den! We measured 2 cups of baking powder and half a cup of white conditioner and slowly mixed them together. This made lovely, cold pretend snow. Most of us enjoyed touching it and we even made mini snowmen. Mrs Moyes then added some precious stones to the snow for us to find, we then chose to play together, adding vehicles and figures to the snow, we really enjoyed this imaginative play with one another.


Primary 4

It has been a very busy couple of weeks in P4. Last week we were busy getting organised for the Christmas Fayre. Lots of pupils popped by to help out on the stall and it was lovely to see such a good turnout despite the rainy weather.

This week we have started a new novel for Christmas called the Christmasaurus by Tom Fletcher. The class are really enjoying it so far and are keen to find out what happens next.

Everyone is looking forward to our last session of futsal this week. The pupils have engaged really well with these sessions and have shown great enthusiasm and sportmanship.

In maths this week we have been working on the topic of money. We have been calculating change using our mental maths strategies. We have had to revise counting on and back in 2’s and 5’s to assist with this. Pupils have been asked to help work out change or count up coins at home to help develop their confidence and speed when doing this.

Busy,Busy, Busy!


We have been making stress-balls, Christmas Crackers and loop games for the Christmas Fayre. We had fun making all these things. We also made a game called pin the nose on Rudolph.

Primary 6/7 have been doing Judo. Boys doing together and then the girls. This picture shows an example of what we did. We had a great time at Judo. We had a great time as a class.

P1/2 PE

Today in PE with Mrs Moyes we tried out some yoga moves. The gym hall was being used by the nurses giving the flu vaccinations so we went along to The Den.

We stretched our bodies to start off with then did some yoga using Cosmic Yoga on the SmartBoard. We listened to a story called Squish the Fish and did yoga moves along to it.

Joseph – We had fun together

Calvin – Yoga was really, really good

Lewis – I liked the surf board pose

Daniel – The shark pose was my favourite

We would all like to try yoga again soon!

Sharing Shed

We are delighted to share the news with you that our ‘Sharing Shed’ will be open for use as of Tuesday 4th December! It is located outside the main front door of the school.

Our Sharing Shed will contain a variety of food and toiletries for you to help yourselves to if you need to.

There will also be some delicious recipes provided for you to take home and try out – if you have any of your own recipes please let us know so we can share them with our school community!

What’s on this week…

What’s on this week…


Week beginning 3rd December:

Monday –

Rookie Rockstars Reunion @ 1.45pm

Choir being filmed @ 2.45pm


Tuesday –

Flu Immunisations


Wednesday –

PEEP sessions

Nurture Stay and Play @ 9.30am

Scripture Union lunch club

Choir After school club @ 3.15-4pm


Thursday –

Youth choir working with p3/4 and p4

P2 Sharing the Learning @2.15pm

Family Movie Night showing The Grinch @ 5pm

A big thank you from Primary 3/4 and 4

Thank you to all who attended the Christmas Fayre on Friday and purchased teddies from our stall. It is lovely to know they have all been re-homed and will be looked after with care and kindness.

We still have some bags of Christmas playdough to sell for 50pence. They will be available to buy in class this week. Thank you.

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