Families Connect

Today at Families Connect we were taking part in ‘book talk’.

We had a variety of children’s books which we looked through and thought about questions we could ask our children about them – we discussed how it is not only important for children to be able to sound out and decode words, but also show understanding of what is happening – comprehension.

When the children joined us we had snack together and then each child was able to choose two books each to read with their adult. Throughout reading the story, each adult asked their child relevant questions about what was happening/going to happen next. Adults and children then thought up an activity related to their book – for example, the pair who read ‘Aliens Love Underpants’ designed their own pairs of giant pants and those who read ‘Dragon Stew’ drew dragons!

Children were able to keep the two books they had chosen.

After the holidays we are going to be looking ‘beyond the page’ to encourage children to read a variety of texts on different devices.

Primary 4

The last week before our Easter holidays has been a very busy one. On Tuesday this week our class, P3/4 and P3 went to the Chambers Street museum in Edinburgh. As you will know we have been learning about the Egyptians and they have a great exhibition on just now. We visited different areas and found lots of interesting things to look at, smell and feel. Pupils enjoyed weighing themselves as a group to see which animal they compared to. One of our groups managed to reach the weight of a polar bear!

Some people were fascinated by the quartz and mineral displays, especially the diamond. The dinosaur and sperm whale bones were huge and really helped everyone to imagine their size. It was a great day out and thank you to those who were able to come along as helpers on the day, it was very much appreciated. I would imagine everyone slept well that night as there was also a lot of stairs to go up and down! Pupils tell me they are keen to go back and see the parts we didn’t have time to visit, especially the interactive areas. So if you are at a loose end during the holidays that would be a good day out. We hope you all have great holiday.

Andy’s Marbles

Andy has lost his marbles! He only has 14 left. We had to use our knowledge of fractions to work out how many he had to start with.

Can you work it out?

Here is the link –



P3/4 visit the Museum of Scotland

Today, p3/4 along with p3 and p4 visited the Museum Scotland in Edinburgh.  We thoroughly enjoyed the visit and had fun exploring the different artefacts on display. We especially enjoyed looking at all the Egyptian displays and learning new information to help us with our topic.

All children behaved well and were a credit to the school. Mrs Morrison is proud of you all!! A big thank you to the parent helpers  and support staff who accompanied us, we couldn’t have gone on the trip without you!!


P6/7 have been playing basketball and learning new moves. As a warm up P6/7 have been practising dribbling and passing. We have been going into groups of two or three to learn how to dribble the ball. We have been playing games and everybody has improved. We have been working on our teamwork skills. In the last game the “man of the match” was the stage!

Ancient Egyptians

Primary 3 are working hard learning about the Ancient Egyptians.  This week, we have been learning about mummification, and we have been creating beautiful sarcophagus designs.

We have written letters to Mrs Wallace about a trip to the Museum in Edinburgh, and we are planning to visit the new Ancient Egyptian gallery there next week.  We have created a large pyramid in our class.  It has blocks on the outside, and hieroglyphics on the inside.

We have been learning to play a game from Ancient Egyptian times.  It is called Mehen,  and it is quite tricky but a lot of fun.

What’s on…

Week beginning 1st April:

Monday –

P7’s at Easter Code 9.30am

P4-7 Football After School club 3.30-4.30pm


Tuesday –

P3, P3/4 and P4 Trip

Let’s cook @ 1.30pm


Wednesday –

IEP meetings

Soundstories groups AM

Scripture Union Lunch club

P1-3 Football After School club 3.30-4.30pm


Thursday –

IEP meetings

P5 Trip

Families connect @1pm


Friday –

Easter Assembly (pupils only)

Last day of term.

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