This week in Primary 3

Primary 3 have been learning about Time in Numeracy. This week some of us have been showing our knowledge of half past the hour, whilst the rest of us have been sharing our knowledge of quarter past. We have been demonstrating this knowledge through communicating with everyone during the class teach, through recording it and also by playing some online Time games. This is something we will continue to explore and extend our knowledge of.  Next week we will hopefully create our own clocks to help us.

In literacy this week we have been discussing the importance of comprehension and why it is necessary that we understand what we read. The children were able to explain how this helps them now for their own enjoyment of a text as well as being able to explain it to others, but also how these skills will be vital in the future when it comes to interviewing for a job as well as within the jobs we may pick. We decided that being able to understand text of any sort would be a key factor in all jobs. We have been using our group reading books to show our comprehension skills and we have been answering different types of questions to demonstrate this. Primary 3 have also started looking at the Blooms Superheroes who help us to use and develop our skills in Remembering, Understanding, Applying our own knowledge, Analysing, Evaluating and Creating within our reading.

P6/7 are developing their creative cake decorating skills.

On Thursday afternoon we had our second visit from Katy’s mum, who shares a local cake decorating and sweets business with her sister, called “M and S “.

Katy’s mum visited previously when we set up our class “Crafty!” business to discuss logos, branding , advertising and budgeting.

On this occasion, she returned to share some of the skills herself and her sister  use when decorating cakes, which are made to order.

Everyone in P 6/7 had 2 cupcakes to decorate and a huge range of icing, sweets, fudge and sprinkles of various kinds to decorate with. Most popular- and most challenging -was using the piping bags! For fun, we had an in-class design competition to encourage creativity.

The class and Miss Taylor would like to say thanks so much for the generosity shown, in providing all of the resources and sharing expertise!





Primary 7


Wednesday 5th February

Today we went to Livingston Stadium for a careers day. We found out about the many different career paths in the NHS and some of the skills required to apply for the jobs. There were many stalls to visit. They  were allvery important.

David – All the stalls were really good and I never realised how important and how much effort was put in to each job


Lee – The event was very inspiring and interesting and overall a really good time.

Thursday 6th of February 

On Thursday morning we carried on with our learning of algebra and in the afternoon we practised for our assembly.

Friday 7th of February

Today we performed our  assembly and it went well.

Thank you to David and Lee for preparing this week’s blog.

Another Great Week in P3/4!

The children continued their block of athletics in P.E this week. We explored they different ways in which to throw objects depending on their weight and size. We have linked this to our knowledge of force and motion in science.

We have also continued to work with P3 in our ‘Oor wee tour of Scotland’ topic. We worked hard this week to finish our leaflets, posters and fact files that are full of fantastic and interesting facts about these wonderful cities in the past and present. This allowed the children to showcase their collaborative and communication skills, by helping and listening to others ideas and using all these great suggestions in their work.

In R.E this week the children were introduced to the six key beliefs of Islam and also explored the five pillars of this faith. The children did a fantastic job of working in their groups to act out each of these five pillars.

To end our fantastic week we had our participation Friday. We were lucky enough to get a visit from S3 pupils from Dean’s Community High School. They had come in to help the P3/4 children explore ‘My World of Work’. This resource provides children with the opportunity to create a work profile. This links in to Deans Primary Schools focus on work skills 4.0. The children really enjoyed answering questions about their personality and  traits. At the end of this the children are given an animal that best fits them, this is also followed by different career suggestions that the children’s skills would work well in. After the children had completed this on their ‘My World of Work’ profile the children then drew themselves in the career that grabbed their interest the most and they drew their animal logo at the top. Well done P3/4 you were all brilliant during participation Friday and have done Deans proud!


I hope you all have a lovely weekend!


Deans Den visit P5/6

We were lucky enough to be invited to the P5/6 class to watch them perform their musical talents which they had been developing during a music workshop. We were so impressed that the children could keep in time with the music and perform a variety of songs. Some of the Deans Den children joined in the singing and dancing and Mrs Morrison was so proud of them all, well done boys and girls!!

Whats’ on…

Week beginning 10th February 2020

Mon –

Nursery outdoor learning session 1.20pm

P1 and P2 multi-sports lunch club

P4-7 Football club 3.15pm

P5-7 art club 3.15pm

P1 science club 3.15pm



PEEP sessions

NYCOS working with p4

Planet soccer nursery session

Netball club at 3.15pm

Home learning club 3.15pm



Scripture Union lunch club

Planet soccer nursery session

Netball team tournament at Inveralmond HS 3.15pm

P1-3 football club 3.15pm

Sewing club 3.15pm

Lego club 3.15pm

Numeracy club 3.15pm



P4 Futsal session

Zumba club 3.15pm

Cookery club 3.15pm

Lego club 3.15pm




Don’t forget the school is closed to pupils until Wednesday 19th February

P2 Update

We have been continuing to learn about time.
Scarlet - "We have been practicing quarter to and quarter past."
Brendan - "We know about half past and o'clock."

We have been learning about writing notes. 

Ethan - "You don't need full sentences when you write notes."
Lexie - "We have been learning to write a sentence from our notes."

We have been learning different jumps. 

Isla - "We did bunny jumps over a bench."
Darby - "You need to bend your knees when you land."

We started our new topic of Castles. 

Finlay - "We learned the different bits of a castle."
Lexie - "There is a moat around the castle which is hard to get over because it is super deep."
Isla - "There are pointy towers."
Sophia - "There are tiny windows called arrow loops so that you could shoot arrows out of them."

Today was Participation Friday. We had a special visitor come in to work with us and help us begin the design process of our products for the spring fayre. Keep an eye out to see the finished products!

Update from Primary One

This week we have been working hard to become more independent learners. We have focused on strategies that we could use when writing to help us become more independent. The main strategies we have found to be most useful are using a wordbank, an alphabet strip and attempting to sound out words phonetically. The children have done so well and are becoming more confident and willing to “give it a go”. Some examples below.

Hamish McHaggis

We have just about come to the end of our tour of Scotland with Hamish. The children have really enjoyed it. This week we drew pictures of Nessie and tried to think about words to describe her. The children thought she was beautiful, shy, friendly, enormous etc.

We also tried to plot some towns and cities he had visited on a map of Scotland.

Also a big thank you to Elizabeth who along with her mum made this beautiful tartan handbag.

Developing the Young Workforce

Children are becoming more confident when leading learning and are now more readily volunteering.  We are working on the skills required to lead e.g. good listening, fairness, encouraging members of their team etc.

Children have also been trying to work collaboratively with each other and developing turn taking as well as listening and talking skills.

Numeracy Challenge

This week the children worked in small groups. They had to add 2 numbers together and display the answer using dots patterns.

Have a lovely weekend!


P5 Enjoy Their Performance!


We have practised our visualisation skills. After reading a section of our class novel we looked for clues in the text and drew in detail the picture that was in our head.


We discussed the difference between short and long vowel sounds. Then we compared words such as hoping and hopping and biter and bitten. We learnt that if there is a long sounding vowel in the middle of the word then there will usually be 2 consonants after it e.g. dinner. Some of us found lots of examples when we went on a dictionary hunt looking for these types of words.


We used the laptops and played games to help us recall our table facts quickly.

Also we have started to learn about fractions.

This week some of us beat our previous score in BIG MATHS!


This week we learnt about how the dreams and goals of children in different cultures are sometimes different from our own.

We made dream spirals for these children:


After a recap of our work on using line last week we completed observational drawings of various objects. Afterwards we wandered round and looked at other people’s work and gave them feedback. We were particularly impressed with these: 

Don’t forget your fluffy, cuddly toy for next week’s observational drawing session!


This week was our last ‘Move to the Beat’ session and we invited some of the other children in the school to our last workshop.

Keris – I enjoyed it because all the little ones started dancing.

Chloe – The little ones started singing.

Georgie – I liked the drumming when we split into 2 groups.

Topic – Mary Queen of Scots

After reading through some more information about her life, we drew a comic strip representing the key points. These will be displayed in our classroom soon!


Look at who got the compliments this week!

Finally this week Keris would like to mention she has felt more confident at putting her hand up in class.

Well done Keris!

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