Snack choices in Deans Den

It has been a short but busy week in Deans Den. The children continue to develop their reading skills by using known strategies such as looking at the picture clues. Most children are becoming more confident to share their suggestions with others, well done !!

Snack time and preparation is a key part of group time as it enables children to become more independent and develop their social skills, whilst sitting at the dining table. This week we have discussed changing our snack options and here are some of the suggestions:

” cheese sandwiches with sauce” Andrew

” bagels, oranges and carrots” Charli- Mae

” cherries and carrots” Maddison

” Crackers and cheese” Max

Updated snack menus will be sent home on Monday.



Well it has been a shorter week this week in P3/4.


In numeracy  this week we have continued to explore different strategies to use in subtraction. Last week the circles were introduced to the inverse rule of addition and subtraction within numbers up to 100. This week they continued to use this strategy to check their answers to an addition problem. They were able to achieve this by reversing the process and using a subtraction sum to see if their answer was correct in the addition sum. The triangles and rectangles were introduced to this strategy this week. They were challenged to use the inverse rule working with numbers up to 20. The children were able to use their knowledge of number facts of numbers within 20 to successfully use this strategy. The children were given an extra challenge, they were asked to try using this strategies


P3/4 and P3 continued working on ‘Oor Wee Tour of Scotland’ topic. The children worked collaboratively in their groups to create  a dramatatised advert to encourage tourism in Glasgow. The children were to use their acting skilss to show what Glasgow has to offer and why people should visit. The children were also tasked with writing their own script of facts about Glasgow today and Glasgow in the past.

The children were given the opportunity lead their own learning by working in their groups and sharing ideas with one one another. This really helped the children to solidify their idea for an advert and how they would present. The children then were given the chance to do a practice run, this allowed feedback from their peers with a clear picture of any next steps needed to tighten up their advert for when they come to recording it.


We used our dictionary skills to locate this weeks spelling words. the children were asked to find the definition of the word and write them next to their spelling words. The children enjoy using this strategy. Next the children will be asked to use a thesaurus to find words of a similar meaning. This will help them expand their vocabulary and attain an understanding of when and how to use different words.

A short week in P2

This week has been very short after the long weekend!

We have been continuing to learn about time. 

Tyler: "I'm good at time, I like that I challenge myself to get the correct answers."
Isla: "It's hard sometimes but I never give up."

We have been trying to use adjectives in our writing. 

Darby: "An adjective is a describing word."
Ethan: "Some adjectives are big, teeny and small."

We have been learning about the Creation Story. 

Brendan: "We had to wear pictures and order ourselves to put the story in order."
Lucy: "Eve ate the fruit from the tree when she wasn't allowed to."

We have been creating different kinds of lines by making 2D shapes. 

Aayan: "We had to use special dot paper to draw 2D shapes using a ruler."
Sophie: "We used lots of bright colours to colour each shape a different colour."

Primary One Update

A shorter update than normal because of the holiday weekend.


The children are continuing to enjoy writing independently. During smart start they are using a word mat and the tricky word wall to create interesting sentences. Vrishti, Oliver and Louie were very proud of the work they produced.

Over the past weeks we have been working very hard to write sentences that include the who and what they are doing (some extending their work to include where the sentence takes place) This week we tried to add some descriptive phrases to make our writing more interesting. The children came up with some great describing words (they had a picture of a teddy bear) such as missing eye, chewed ear, fluffy fur, big smile and much loved. Some examples below.



We are continuing with subtraction in a very hands on way using the children themselves,  leaves and cubes.

We are also now doing 5 mental maths questions a day, the children are really enjoying this challenge.

Have a lovely weekend.

P6/7 getting “Crafty!” again

With the countdown to the Deans Primary Spring Fair on now (6 weeks on Friday!) P6/7 have started preparing resources for their Easter Craft packs  and creating products to sell. We also looked at ways of advertising.

One of our new products  to sell at the Fair, is a jar of chocolate micro eggs (mini eggs but smaller!) with a bunny or chick on top. These will sell at £1.00.

Someone who previously supported our Forky craft sales, heard about this new product and ordered 20!! Our first bulk order was completed on Thursday afternoon -hooray!


P3/4 Health and Wellbeing challenges!

As part of our whole school Health and Wellbeing  programme  “JIGSAW” , our theme for this block of time is “Dreams and Goals”.

P3/4 were given the challenge of designing their Dream Garden including each child creating a building/ area of their own choosing eg a games area, tree house, outside cafe etc.

Continuing the challenge this week, the class were asked to do a tour- appointing a spokesperson and writer – but were given only written instructions and only 10 minutes to discuss and prepare! This was a difficult and sometimes frustrating task, and afterwards we discussed how we deal with frustrations as part of developing our skills in collaborating and team work. Mrs Stewart went on the tours with the class and agreed that the designs were very creative and that it would be amazing if we could make the designs into real gardens!

The JIGSAW programme suggests a “SOLVE IT!” approach and we were able to incorporate this new learning in our Writing task on Thursday. The challenge then was to write about an Adventure in the Dream Garden! The groups had to again work closely, sharing ideas and creating a collaborative piece of writing.

We have since created a display of our new vocabulary alongside our finished Dream Gardens!                                          

Primary 7

Monday 10th February

Primary 7 started off their day with a 5 minute exercise routine by Joe Wicks.


Primary 7 have started to learn the properties  of shapes                                          “It was a bit difficult to start with but we got there” – Logan                                       Primary 7 also learned how to identify a complementary or a supplementary angle .


Primary 7 have been reading Charlotte’s web, we have been working on a worksheet where we had to find WOW words from Charlotte’s  web and find the dictionary definition.


Primary 7 continued the Circuits they have been working on : skipping, hurdles, step ups, zig zaging through cones and a shuttlecock. run. We also played line up tag.

Tuesday 11th February

Primary 7 started of their day with an 8 minute exercise routine again from Joe Wicks.


Primary 7 were learning to collect “like” terms and multiply terms in algebraic expressions. w x 4 = 4w             5g x 2g x g = 10g3                m x m = m2


Primary 7 collaborated with  Primary 4 to understand to reasons for the Hindu  festival of Holi.


Primary 7 continued with circuits: skipping, hurdles, step ups, zig zaging through cones and a shuttlecocks run. Hopefully this is helping to increase our fitness. After the holiday we are going to change some of our circuit activities.

Wednesday 12th February

Primary 7 started off their day with a few games of dodge ball


Primary 7 continued to learn solve calculations with “like” terms and multiply terms in algebraic expressions. P x P = P²    Y x 4 = 4Y     w x 9 = 9w

Thursday 13th February

Primary 7 started off their day with a 5 minute exercise from Joe Wicks. It is a good start to the morning and helps us with our work.


Today we were finding information for our holiday  brochure. We chose to find the information on

  • History
  • Food
  • Language
  • Religion
  • Money

We catagorised all the information using a mind-map so we are now ready to write it up, in our own words, for the brochure.

Thank you to Logan and Alannah for preparing this weeks Blog.




Primary One News

It has been another exciting week in Primary one. Firstly our class won the weekly peg challenge. Pegs can be awarded by any member of staff (except their own teacher) for a number of reasons, it can be for excellent work, displaying our school values or for completing a challenge. It is the first time this year we have won and our reward is an extra playtime if the weather ever improves.


This week we welcomed 2 new members into our Deans family. We have 2 beautiful baby guinea pigs! More are due any day from our other pregnant mummy guinea pig.

Health and Wellbeing

This week we have been focusing on our “Dreams and Goals” We are going to create a display explaining what they are and how we hope to achieve them.


Some of their goals included learning to swim, being a better friend, developing good listening skills etc. I will keep you updated as we think a little more about how we can achieve these goals.


We are continuing to develop our independent writing skills. Most children are now using our tricky word wall and alphabet strips. We tried hard to write instruction about how to build a snowman and to write more detailed sentences describing who, what they were doing and where.



This week we have begun looking at subtraction. It has been introduced in a very practical and active way. We shall continue to focus on this skill and I am hopeful that the children will make the connection between addition and subtraction quickly.

I hope you all enjoy the long weekend and I look forward to seeing the children on Wednesday 19th.

The Art of Persuasion!(P5)


This week we have been learning about the features of persuasive texts.

In spelling we learnt about how to spell different homophones – words that sound the same but are spelt differently and have different meanings.

Lewis – I enjoyed learning about homophones.


This week we learnt about mixed number fractions and how to find fractions of amounts.

Bella – I found it tricky but fun!

Aleena – I enjoyed the fractions of amounts because it was challenging but also fun.

Monika – I enjoyed fractions. It was fun but challenging. I hope we can do more on Wednesday.


Charlie – I liked doing hockey in P.E.


We brought in fluffy teddy bears to draw and used line for effect.

Keris -I enjoyed drawing our teddies.

Maia – It was challenging drawing the teddies.


We imagined what it would be like to be Mary Queen of Scots and wrote about how she felt at different times in her life.


Samuel – I enjoyed finishing off my invention that turns people into villagers.

This week in P2

This week in P2 we have been learning how to take notes using bullet points. From these notes, we have been working on writing facts in our own words.

During numeracy, we have been learning how to calculate one hour after and one hour before on both digital and analogue clocks. Some of us have been learning how to calculate durations in whole hours.

We have also been learning about St. Valentine this week. We learnt why he is known and why Valentines Day originated. We wrote wonderful poems inside Valentines cards for our loved ones which we made by ourselves.

We even had the chance to see the baby guinea pigs! Ask us how cute they are and we will be happy to tell you!

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