A Mysterious Visitor…..

It’s been a very exciting week in Primary 1/2! On Monday a very curious and strange thing happened. During our wet lunch time we returned to the Primary One classroom where we found a sparkly glitter trail leading into the story corner! It was such a surprise! At first Mrs Fleming and Mrs Stevenson thought it was us children! Some of us even thought we had a ghost in the class. Tadas thought it was a glitter monster and Ashley thought it might be a robber! Upon further inspection we discovered a very smoky smelling and burnt letter addressed to us. This letter was from a very sad dragon who has nowhere to live,  his home Fairyland has been destroyed because people aren’t reading enough fairytales and believing anymore. It is so sad.  Primary 1 and Primary 1/2 have decided to help this poor dragon out. We are going to help rebuild Fairyland and give the dragon and his friends somewhere to live one again.

We wasted no time in getting straight to work. In the letter, the dragon spoke of Jack not having a beanstalk anymore, so our first job was to read Jack and The Beanstalk.  We had  couple of different versions of the story which we have been reading and listening to over the course of the week, we discovered that there are many differences between each one. We definitely love the ‘Stinky’ Jack one the best. Euan loved that he had to sleep outside in the barn with Daisy the cow!

In Primary 2/1 we are all fantastic artists and very creative, so we decided to make Jack his very own beanstalk in our classroom. We used lots of different materials to create textured leaves to add to the vines. We even used fine black liner to add little beasties. Watch this space as our beanstalk grows over the next week, it is going to be amazing!


Reading the fairytale Jack and the Beanstalk got us talking about whether we would climb a beanstalk or not, or what we would trade for some magic beans. I must say we are all very brave in Primary 1/2 as most of us said we would definitely want to climb up!

Belle wanted to see the view and Ashley fancied a golden egg so she would be rich!!  Kayden said he would trade his Xbox for some magic beans to be rich.  Nathaniel said he would trade his toilet!!! for some magic beans because he has two already!

We practised our writing skills and as we are focusing on extending our sentences we used the word ‘because’ in our writing to explain our reasons. We created a lovely display of our work by adding dangling legs and clouds to our pictures. We think Jack would be impressed. We also added some pictures of Daisy the cow to our display. We worked really hard on our listening skills to follow instructions to draw a cow step by step. Jordon thinks our display looks good and is excited to add more to it.


Later on in the week our friendly dragon delivered a shiny mail box to outside our classroom, we have had great fun writing letters and drawing pictures to him to help cheer him up.

In Numeracy and Maths this week we have still been working hard on our tools for subtraction. We are getting really good at using a number line to help us jump backwards to take away. The friendly dragon must want to help us with our learning too, as he left us a little maths measuring challenge. We had to find classroom objects longer and shorter than the giants footprint. This was a great activity for estimating and using a variety of non standard units and of course getting us used to using this mathematical language.


Other learning highlights this week.

Andrew really enjoyed making a castle in the Den this week, he used pencils and pens and made sure to colour in the lines.

Elkie loved building the leaves for the beanstalk, because she liked painting and even added ladybirds to hers.

Euan loved making the giants legs in our writing task.

Kayden felt really proud of himself this week for writing so many oo words by himself.

Belle really challenged herself when writing the oo sound and joining the two letters together.

We are really excited about what is going to happen in Fairyland next week.


This week in Primary 3

P3 are Telling the Time!

This week in Numeracy and Maths we have been focusing on Time. We have been looking at O’Clock, Half Past, Quarter Past and Quarter To. We made our own clocks and have been using these to help us. We enjoyed creating our own designs on the clocks. We have been working hard to learn our times and Mrs Hillan will be asking us our times often throughout the day. Some of us have been matching written times to the clocks and some of us have been recording times in digital and analogue.  As a class we have been using some interactive games to test our knowledge and also help us learn something new. We will continue to consolidate the times we have learned so far, as well as trying new ones next week.


“When the big hand is pointing to the 9 it means quarter to”– Ryley


“When the big hand is at 9 on analogue, on digital you would write 45 for quarter to” – Summer


“When the big hand points to the 3 and the small hand points to the 8, it is quarter past 8″– Olivia


“When the big hand goes from one number to another number that means it’s been 5 minutes” – Erin


“When the big hand gets to the 6 that means half past” – Lewis D


“When the big hand points to the 12, it is o’clock” – Shay



P3 Filming with P3/4

This week we filmed our TV adverts to encourage people to visit Glasgow. We were working with P3/4 in mixed groups. We had to create a script as well as a piece of drama. We had lots of fun and had a few laughs along the way! We gave feedback to each group as we watched and filmed. A lot of similar feedback came up for our next steps, such as projecting our voices more and not having our backs to the audience. There was also a lot of positive feedback such as good acting in our dramas, sharing good information and some of us spoke loudly and clearly.  Unfortunately we can’t upload the videos as the files are too large!


Snack menu in Deans Den

Here is the snack menu for the coming week; (paper copies will also be sent home)

Monday- Fruit

Tuesday- Ham or cheese sandwiches

Wednesday- Bagels with ham or cheese

Thursday- Fruit platter

Friday- Yoghurts or fruit choice

Special dietary requirements will be catered for. Any concerns please talk to Mrs Morrison ASAP, thank you.


Primary One Science Club

Today in science club we finally got to make our own volcano eruption.

We started off by learning a little bit about volcanoes and what makes them erupt. Did you know that lava starts off as magma when it is below ground? We also learned that there are many different types of volcanoes, the one we found most interesting was an underwater one!!

The experiment was really simple and one that can be easily tried out at home. All we needed was bicarbonate of soda and some vinegar ( we added some food colouring …just for fun!)

We made some predictions about what we thought was going to happen and took turns to put the ingredients into plastic bottles. It was great fun watching the volcanoes erupt. Not every volcano erupted and we had some super discussions about what we would change and do differently next time to ensure a more dramatic eruption.

It was lots of fun watching the eruptions and learning about volcanoes.


P1/2 helping with Story in a Box competition

On Friday morning P1/2 had a chat about the whole school competition for World Book Day – which is to create a Story / Scene in a box. This has to be brought in on Thursday 5th March as part of our World Book Day celebrations.

A favourite story in P1/2 is “The Rainbow Fish”. We read the story again, discussed the characters and then created our own individual rainbow fish with colourful designs- and each one had a silver shiny scale and a rainbow scale.

We also worked together to create a Story in a box scene using all the characters. We were pleased with our results !! We now all know what to do to take part in the whole school competition!




This week our class have been learning how to multiply decimals. We tried our best to ensure that we put the the decimal point in the right place.  In addition to jotter work, we further embedded the skill we learnt by playing boards, card and Sumdog games.

For Science, learnt about the Principles of Ecotourism.  We then created our very own Resort Plan which follows the three basic principles of Ecotourism.


Primary 7

Wednesday 19th February


In the morning we were working on our topic.We were finishing off our mind maps and our calendars .We call ourselves “Deans Travel Agents.”In P7 we use pathways to come up with learning intentions .

Maths pathways ~                                                                      I can carry out money calculations involving the four operations.

I can collect, organise and display data accurately on a verity of ways including the use of digital technologies. 

Reading pathways ~

I can organise my notes and present my information in different forms including mind-maps,                                                                       

Community Garden

P7 now have some seeds to plant (indoors) so when the weather improves we can get outside and plant them in the garden.

We are also Chitting potatoes we got from the RHET (Royal Highland Education Trust) and hopefully when the weather improves we can get them outside as well.  The potatoes are part of a competition, Super Sonic Spuds, to see which school involved can grow the heaviest crop.

What’s on…

Week beginning 21st  February 2020



Mon –

 P1 and P2 multi-sports lunch club

P4-7 Football club 3.15pm

P5-7 art club 3.15pm

P1 science club 3.15pm

P5-7 Choir 3.15pm



PEEP sessions

NYCOS working with p4

Ukulele lunch club

Basketball lunch club

P3/4 Sharing the Learning

Planet soccer nursery session

Netball club at 3.15pm

Home learning club 3.15pm



Scripture Union lunch club

Planet soccer nursery session

P1-3 football club 3.15pm

Lego club 3.15pm

Numeracy club 3.15pm



P4 Futsal session

Zumba club 3.15pm

Cookery club 3.15pm

Lego club 3.15pm

Football tournament 3.15pm at DCHS



Handball P3-5 12.30pm


Despite it only being a short week we have still worked hard!


This week in our ongoing learning about fractions we recapped how to find fractions of amounts and practised finding equivalent fractions.

Monika – Fractions was hard but fun!

Leigha – I enjoyed learning different ways of working things out.

We also played fraction games to reinforce our learning.

After practising the x9 table for the last few weeks we are now going to practise the x3 table for the next two weeks before having a test.

Big Maths – More of us beat our score this week and we were very happy about that!


We have been learning about how to write persuasively.

Princess – I enjoyed doing the advert because I like designing things.

Shantell – I enjoyed the adverts – it was fun.


Using the laptops we researched the meaning of Christian artefacts.


We found out what would happen to our bodies if we misused alcohol.

Hannah – I enjoyed learning about the effects alcohol can have on the body.

Aleena – It was very interesting.


We continued our learning about how line is important when drawing. The work of Pablo Picasso and Joan Miro was considered before we went on to complete some expressive work. Some of us drew a person with spaghetti, nails or string for hair and then we tried to draw a hairy spider.

Samuel really enjoyed this work. He thought it was fun!

Mason-I liked the art.

Keris – My favourite part was drawing the hairy spiders.


Bella – I enjoyed flicking the ball in P.E. when we played hockey.

New Topic – WWII

Next week we will start learning about WWII.

Lewis – I enjoyed the WWII brainstorm. I am looking forward to our new topic.


In our class some people entered the school design competition and their brilliant designs earnt them a certificate. The overall class winner won a ‘Build a Volcano’ set.


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