Good Morning Deans Den

Hope you are well this morning and ready to start a new day!! A little note for your grown ups- there is a Deans Den booklet within their class work folder. Today the children could look at number formation and using pencil control to write the numbers correctly. Also, ask your child to sing you the days of the week song and the whole body listening song. Have a great day everyone and stay safe.

David Walliams Stories

Good Morning Primary 2!

I just wanted to let you all know that every day, David Walliams will be posting an extract from one of his books which is free to listen to! This is a great opportunity to listen to some fantastic stories and you could even use it in place of our class novel as he is the author we have been focusing on. Follow the link below each day for a new story! Happy reading!

Elevenses with The World of David Walliams

Primary 2 Update

Hello Primary 2, I hope you are all safe and well!

You should now all have your packs home which have 3 weeks of learning inside. If you haven’t yet collected your pack, it is available from the office until 3pm today. Please work through the ‘Week 1’ grid this week and tick off each activity as you go.

Remember to read your personal reading books every day and there are lots of games on Education City for you to play under the ‘Classwork’ section.

Please keep your eye on the blog as I will provide you with any updates to learning through this platform.

Stay safe and happy learning!


Miss Borsbey

Deans Den update

I would like to say ‘hello’ to our Deans Den group and hope you’re all well. I will keep in touch with you through the blog, but just a little reminder that if you haven’t already done so, then school work packs can be collected from the front of the school until 3pm today. Thank you and stay safe xx

Primary One Update

Morning everyone, hope you and your family are all well. Most children have now got a pack which has 3 weeks learning inside. If you don’t have one you can collect one from school (they are at the front door on a table). I will keep in touch with you through the blog so please check it regularly.

Keep safe.

P5 Take Cover



In group reading this week some of us practised summarising what we had read and some of us practised answering questions about the text with Mrs Stewart.


Last Friday we learnt about Anne Frank, a Jewish girl who wrote a diary while hiding for two years from the Nazis. We then wrote our own diary based on a WWII story we are reading called The Lion and the Unicorn by Shirley Hughes.


Number Patterns

We learnt about the Fibonacci sequence and how to continue the next numbers in this pattern. We then completed the missing numbers in ‘Pascal’s Triangle’ and discussed patterns we noticed.

Measurement – Length

We practised using a ruler to measure accurately in cm and mm.

The following day we practised estimating the length of objects then measured them with a ruler to see how close our predictions were.

Lacey – I estimated the glue to be 11cm and it was!

Liam – I estimated my shoe to be 20.6 cm and it was 21.5cm.

Georgie – I thought my shoe would be shorter than it was!


We learnt about how important music was during WWII and listened to artists such as Vera Lynn and Glen Miller.

We researched shelters used to keep people safe during, ‘The Battle of Britain,’ using the laptops.

During our lessons if the air raid siren goes off we have to take cover under the tables!


We continued to learn about tone and this time practised gradually adding black to a colour when painting in order to see how its shade became darker.



Mini Spring Fair!

As you may be aware, P6/7 have been creating products and activity packs since the start of this term as part of their “Crafty” enterprise business. The products are completed and ready for sale and as our whole school Spring Fair has been cancelled, we have the opportunity to have a Mini  Spring fair instead!

The products shown below will be on sale on THURSDAY in school. There are a limited supply of products, however, so classes will be “drawn from the hat” to decide which classes come when.

Our products with micro eggs and cream egg would make ideal small Easter gifts and the card, activity and Easter bonnet packs are ideal for keeping busy and creative! 

Cream egg basket or Micro egg jar = £1.00

Card activity pack (contains 2 cards ) = 1.00

Easter activity pack (contains 4 items ) = £1.00

Make your own bonnet = £2.00

Guess the chick’s name (a raffle) = 50p

What’s on this week…

Week beginning 16th March 2020

Mon –

P2 and Miss Borsbey Sharing the Learning 2pm

P1 and P2 multi-sports lunch club

P4-7 Football club 3.15pm

P5-7 art club 3.15pm



PEEP sessions @ 9.10am and 2pm

NYCOS working with p4

Ukulele lunch club

Planet soccer nursery session

Netball club at 3.15pm

Home learning club 3.15pm



Scripture Union lunch club

Planet soccer nursery session

Basketball lunch club

P1-3 football club 3.15pm

Lego club 3.15pm



Dental Checks

P4 Sharing the Learning

Zumba club 3.15pm

Cookery club 3.15pm

Lego club 3.15pm



Fitness Friday Breakfast club (p1-3)

P3/4 Assembly at 9.30am

Handball P3-5 12.30pm


P2 Trip to Stirling Castle

We had a fantastic time at Stirling Castle on Wednesday!

We got to see statues of lots of different people! We had the chance to try on pieces of armour – they were very heavy! We also had the chance to wear costumes and be different characters!

We saw different people dressed up who were telling us about their jobs in a castle and what it was like to live hundreds of years ago. We were very lucky as one of the actors showed us a real unicorn horn! She taught us that unicorn horns can cure people from poison!We also got to see the  King and Queen’s bedroom!

We started our tour in the Great Hall. The Great Hall is where the King and Queen went to eat. The more important you were, the closer to the King and Queen you got to sit! The Great Hall is also where the Castle staff slept at night time – there would sometimes be over 300 people in the hall sleeping!

We had a brilliant time and learned so much! Ask us about our favourite and least favourite part of our day when you see us!

Latest Exciting News from Primary one

Our start award winner from last week was Viktor, he received his reward for displaying our school values by making everyone feel included.

We have had another visit from the dragon! We came back from lunch on Monday to find a trail of green glitter leading to 3 bears sitting beside 3 bowls of porridge.

From the clues we guessed that the dragon wanted us to read Goldilocks and the 3 Bears. We have had great fun reading and carrying out activities around the story. We created a story map using pictures to tell the story and we have completed 2 pieces of writing. The first one was a wanted poster. The children had to describe Goldilocks and where she was last seen. The second was a letter from Goldilocks saying sorry to the bears for going into their cottage without permission and causing damage. Some pictures below.

We are also creating an interesting wall display. Pictures in next weeks blog.  Great news our bean plants now have little shoots. This week we have explored the life cycle of the bean plant and are early tracking their progress!

A group of children worked really hard to sequence the story. They communicate, collaborated and problem solved (all skills from Developing the Young Workforce). They were very proud of the results.

We are continuing to look at different ways of displaying information. This week we created a pictogram using our eye colour  and a bar graph of animals in the zoo. The children can now identify just by looking at the graphs what is the most/least  popular and some can say how much more popular one is than another.

Almost all children are now leading some part of learning, and some are feeling confident enough to support others. See below.

Some of our highlights as described by the children.

Vrishti – “I enjoyed writing  the sorry letter to the bears”

Mark – “Number talks so that I can challenge myself”

Sophie “writing facts about Goldilocks for the wanted poster”

Archie – “writing sentences”

Louie – “using the big number line to count on and back”

Summer – ” learning our new l sound”

Connor ” reading fairytales”

We hope you can make it to our sharing the learning tomorrow. I will post pictures next week incase you are unable to come.

Have a lovely weekend.


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