Primary 2 – Friday 27th March

Good Morning Primary 2!

How have we been getting on with Joe Wicks? Exercise is great for the mind and body, especially when it may be difficult for us to get outside just now. Miss Borsbey is slowly beginning to find it a bit easier – how about you? Here’s the link again;


Today, it would be great if you could practise doubles to 20. I have attached a link below for ‘Hit the Button’. When in the game, select ‘Doubles’ and then ‘Doubles to 10’ and it will take you to the game we play in class. In addition to this, I have attached the doubles song. Sing it nice and loud for everyone to hear!


Everyone in class loves the alphablocks! Below, I have attached videos for each group depending on the different spelling sounds you have learned so far. Watch your groups video and see if you can spot any of your spelling words!

Green, Purple and Pink – ‘aw’ revision

Yellow – ‘th’ revision 

Blue – ‘d’ revision 

Have a great weekend and I’ll be back on Monday with some more fun learning tasks!

Miss Borsbey

Hello P.1/2

I hope you are all well this morning and ready for another day of learning!

Mrs Stevenson has encouraged me to do the Joe Wicks workout. Use her link again for you and anyone else in your house who wants to join in and get moving.It’s a great start to your day!

I thought we could carry on some of our information handling work. We are good now at taking information and creating a bar graph. Can you use this information in the sheet below to make a bar graph. You would need an adult to draw the outline of the graph or print zoo-bar-graph-activity-activity-sheet_ver_1

Also we have been looking at the Christian religion in class. Now we are focusing on our values. An important value, which is stressed in many religions, is one of forgiveness. Being able to say sorry plays a big part in that.

I have uploaded the powerpoint we looked at before as a reminder for you.p.1.2 -sorry-powerpoint (1)

Try to think of ways you can show you are sorry. I have some ideas. Maybe you could draw a picture to show you were sorry, you could do something nice for the person you have upset, you could give them a hug or you could simply say sorry.

Draw a picture of your best way to say sorry and write the word sorry underneath.

Have a great day.


Good Morning Primary 1/2

Good morning everybody.

I hope you are all well this morning and ready for another day of learning!


After hearing so much about Joe Wicks and his workouts, I thought I would have a go this morning. It was great and really got my heart pumping and even worked up a sweat!

Here is the link, why don’t you persuade whoever is in your household to join in with you and get moving. It really is a great way to start the day and get a little bit of exercise.  I certainly will be making this part of my morning routine.

Another idea for something to add into your daily routine is completing our class date chart each morning to keep track of the date, days and the weather. Here is the link for this activity.

Mrs Anderson would normally be taking the class this morning but instead she has sent us all a 30 day Mindfulness Challenge. There are lots of ideas for you to work through at home to help you feel calm and relaxed. Start today……

Mrs Anderson’s yoga website has lots of fun activities and one I would recommend is the sleepy bedtime yoga. Check it out before bedtime.

I hope everybody had a go at some of the new sound tasks yesterday. Today  we should have a practise at writing the sound. I know how amazing you all were at joining oo, ee and ai, this is the same idea. You keep your pencil on the paper until you finish. You can use your purple jotters to have a go…. don’t forget to green for growth and tickle pink when you have finished…you could even draw your own traffic light too!

I bet you could all easily share the success criteria for our handwriting lessons with an adult… have a go!

  • sharp pencil
  • Letters on the line
  • letters the right size
  • Keep your pencil on the paper until you have finished
  • Take your time

How many did you remember?

Here is a visual to help you below, again you can print this or just display it on your screen, ai is included too so have a go at that one also as a little recap.

oa and ai letter formation

Once you have had a practise see how many oa words you can write in your jotters, not forgetting the join. You could even draw a detailed picture to go with each of your words. For those of you who are feeling confident, write a silly sentence with as many oa words as you can fit in. Remember the sillier the better.  This is my silly sentence, you can use this if you can’t think of your own.

‘The toad went to the shop to get a loaf and some soap.’


One of your tasks in the pack was focusing on learning the number bonds for 10.

Could you get an adult to test you as part of your daily 5 task?

Here is a song to help you remember..

Here is a little follow up task..

Making 10 .

There is a ten frame at the top to help you.  You could either print the sheet off or simply display it on your screen to fill in the answers in your purple jotters. Good luck!

Have a great day everybody. Mrs Lockhart will be adding to our blog tomorrow but I will pop on and say hello at some point.

Remember you can log onto Educationcity (passwords/usernames in jotters) to have a go at some of the activities..

‘Goat Load’  –  oa sound

‘Addition Impossible’ and  ‘Hustle and Bustle’ for number bonds to 10.

News for Primary One

Good morning everyone, I hope you are all well and keeping yourselves busy. I have noticed that children have been making and sticking rainbows in their windows and chalking them on pavements. A rainbow has always been the sign of hope and children have been doing this to spread a little happiness at this difficult time.  Click on the word rainbow below it will take you to a link, you can print the rainbow,  colour it and put it in your window or draw one yourself. You can find lots of pictures online to help with the colours.


Activity One Literacy  – I hope you all had a go at our new ee sound yesterday. Please continue to practice it. I would not normally introduce 2 sounds so quickly however, there are activities I can post to support both sounds. Give it a go, challenge yourself. New sound is oo. oo is the sound the ghost makes. He lives in the top right window of Inky’s vowel house and makes this sound because the light won’t go on.



L.I. To understand that two letters make can make 1 sound

S.C. I can say the sound to match the letter shape

S.C. I can blend this sound with other sounds to read words

S.C. I can write this sound by joining two letters

S.C. I can spell words with this sound

Practice saying the sound and blending it with others (as I said yesterday it maybe useful to have individual alphabet letters and ee and oo sounds on pieces of paper or card). Try to make the words – m-oo-n, b-oo-t, h-oo-t, f-oo-t, c-oo-k, h-oo-k, b-oo-k, l-oo-p, h-oo-d, f-oo-d, b-oo-m etc. You can write them, make up your own bingo game, draw a picture to match each word whatever helps you to recognize them. Good luck!

Activity 2 Numeracy – Continue to practice counting collections, extend the number in your collection. Are you estimations becoming more accurate? To support counting on and back it maybe a good idea to create your own number line. We use lots of different kinds of number lines in the classroom, it can be 0-10, 0-20, 0-30 or however may you feel comfortable with.

L.I. To add and subtract numbers

S.C. I can recognize numbers on a number line

S.C. I can say the number that is one more and one less

Practice saying the number that is one more and one less e.g. point to 11 ask the question what number is one more?, what number would be one less? extend by asking what would be 2 more, 3 less etc. Can you write the sum to match the action e.g. 11+1 =12

Activity 3 – Yoga. We all know how important it is to relax our body and mind try this 30 day Yoga Mindfulness Challenge. Start today!!

Hope you all have a great day, keep safe



Deans Den

Good morning all!! I hope your day is going well so far. I hope the number formation practise is going well. Today, I would like the children to work on matching numbers to its correct quantity. Cut up pieces of paper and write one number (up to 10) on each piece. Jumble the numbers up and let your child pick out a number. Say they pick the number 5, then they have to go and find 5 objects (eg: toys) Have fun!!

Lucy’s still blue…

Lucy is still feeling a bit blue

But is trying her best to find something to do!

She has been outside looking for signs of Spring and found crocuses in the garden.

She tried some yoga too – although that wasn’t one of the positions Mrs Anderson suggested!!

I wonder what she might do next? ….

Reading for enjoyment!


Did you manage to find your favourite books yesterday? If you have them  all in one place how about making your own mini library from an empty box?

How big the box needs to be depends on how many books you have and what size they are.

Maybe you could paint it/ decorate it with coloured paper. You could write or stick on some famous reading quotes (see below). Think where is best to put your library so you can get to your books whenever you want to snuggle up and read. Maybe having some cuddly toys nearby would be a good idea too?

You can keep a note of all the books you have or have read with the reading journal page above.




P3 Shape Hunt

P3 have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes this term – why don’t you go on a shape hunt around your house or in your garden? You can use these sheets to help you keep tally of what you see, or you could create your own record sheet.

shape hunt

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