P.4 Friday

We were inspired by watching Jacqueline Wilson on Author’s Live to write our own stories and share them with the class. Actually it was a class from Deans Primary with Mrs Hillan who were in the audience for the Author’s Live show!

Weekly Update From P1A

I hope you enjoyed the Easter holidays and managed to take advantage of the lovely weather. It was great to see all the children back  for their last term in Primary 1! Some of the learning that has taken place this week-

Writing –

This term we have started a new writing genre and shall be writing a number of recounts pieces. Bascially for us in Primary one, that means writing that retells events that have already occured. The first piece was titled “Playing in my Bedroom”. The children had to write sentences saying where they were, what they were doing, what they made and how they felt. I think they did really well and I can see a big improvement in their writing skills. Some writing examples below.


Phonics and Reading

We have been working really hard on our blends – ch, th, sh, wh and ng. The children have been creating words and reading sentences which contain the  blends.

Health and Wellbeing – Health Me

For the first part of this term we will be looking at how to keep our bodies and minds healthy. We began by idenifying something that we already do to keep us healthy. Some examples below-

Next, we drew examples of healthy food we would like to have in our lunch boxes-


Numeracy – Subtraction and numbers up to 20

We are continuing to learn how to subtract numbers and make numbers beyond 10 using 10 as a base. Some pictures below-


I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I shall be back next week with more updates from P1A.


Weekly Update from P1A

Hello everyone and welcome to this weeks blog. We have had another busy learning week which has included some Easter crafts.  We have made Easter cards using finger paints. We hope you like them!


We have also made Easter baskets which have little chicks inside and a few chocolate eggs. Enjoy!

Writing –

This week the children continued to develop their information writing skills. Our topic was Easter and children had to write sentences explaining when it was, what it was and how it is celebrated. Some excellent examples below-

Some very exciting news, Aaron, Robbie and Liam have been asked by Mrs Stewart to read their information reports to the whole school during our virtual Easter Assembly. Well done boys I am so proud of you!

Literacy –

During Literacy this week the children have been completing some free writing tasks. It is great to see them challenging themselves to write 4 and 5 sentences independently!

Some more images of the children completing reading skills tasks and making sentences with our new ch sound.

Numeracy and Maths –

As well as our usual numeracy, this week we attempted to make symmetrical eggs. It was a very challenging task however, the children displayed a growth mindset and didn’t give up!

I hope you all have a wonderful Easter! Eat lots of chocolate eggs and enjoy time with your family.

Weekly Update from P1A

Welcome to our weekly update. This week we have continued to welcome signs of spring. We drew and painted blossom trees using the bottom of a plastic bottle to give the effect of  blossoms.


We also looked at the life cycle of bees and found out lots of interesting facts about their hives and the Queen Bee.


We have now finished our “Hello Spring” display. As you can see we have created lifecycles for frogs, butterflies and bees. We are very proud of it!

Writing – Information Reports 

The Spring theme continued into our weekly writing. The children were asked to write a report containing information about frogs. What they look like, where they live and what they can do. We had a fantastic discussion and found out lots of interesting facts e.g. frogs are nocturnal, they can camouflage themselves and some are poisonous. Some examples below-



When the children come in class in the morning they now complete a daily number challenge. This challenge takes place as we are ordering lunches and completing the register. It is a super way to get motivated for the day and the children are keen to challenge themselves to complete as many questions as they can.

This week we have began looking at subtraction and are exploring the concept in an active way.


I hope you have a lovely weekend, keep safe and I will post more updates next week.

Weekly Update from P1A

Hello everyone and welcome back to our class blog. It is great to be back and hopefully things can now get back to feeling a little more normal.

Although Spring does not officially start until the 20th of March, we have been enjoying the lovely sunny weather and have began investigating how our environment changes as we welcome the new season. We wanted our classroom to reflect some of the changes going on outside and have started creating new Spring wall displays.

We read a lovely story called Cody the Cautious Caterpillar. This inspired us to investigate the life cycle of a butterfly. As you can see from the picture above we made caterpillars using finger paints and butterflies using collage materials. At the top right of the picture you can see a diagram detailing the cycle. We moved onto look at the life cycle of a frog. As you can see from the picture below, we drew frogs using a guided draw and created life cycle diagrams. Investigating Spring has definitely made us all feel positive!

Writing –

This term we are focusing on the genre of report writing. The children have been learning to write about leaves, shoes and tents so far. They have detailed what they look like, where you might find them and what there purpose is. Some examples below-

Numeracy –

Since we all came back to class we have been focusing on addition and combining different combination of numbers to 10. Some of the activities the children done to support their understanding of this concept pictured below –



I hope you all have a great weekend. Stay safe and I will post more updates next week.

Primary 1B Highlights

Welcome back to our first blog post of the new year. Although we have been back in class for a while we haven’t been blogging about all of the wonderful learning we have been getting up to in class, so here is a little overview of what we have been covering this week.

This week we have seen nicer weather outside and have started to learn a little bit about Spring and all of it’s wonderful associations. During our Monday morning check in, some of the children mentioned having come across frog spawn at the weekend. This sparked a wonderful discussion about life cycles and led us to ask some curious questions that helped shape one of our learning focuses for the week.


We watched a fascinating time lapse of frog spawn changing through the stages of a life cycle into frogs. We learned lots of new and exciting vocabulary and had a go at sequencing our own frog life cycle. We ordered the pictures and discussed what was happening at each stage.

Did you know that the baby froglet eats the jelly like substance that makes up the frog spawn?

We had a go at using our listening skills to follow instructions to complete a drawing of a frog. We used real life colours to finish our drawing. Here are some examples of our fabulous work.

We have also been investigating all the different changes that we have bee noticing during the beginning of the season. We discussed the weather and how we have had quite a few wet play times so far. We talked about April showers and how the temperature and weather should start to improve later on in the season (fingers crossed!).

We completed some wonderful blue wash/crayon resist paintings including none other than ourselves! Have a look at our super artwork.

We have not only been investigating the weather we talked about the different types of spring flowers that have been beginning to pop up! We tried our hand at drawing, tulips, daisies and daffodils. We all worked extremely hard to get the petals on each flower perfect. We are very proud of our work.


Our new writing genre focus for this term is ‘Information Reports’. We are, as always using our core targets to help shape our writing and are providing the reader with information about our chosen topic, this week being ‘Tents’. Here are examples of some of our work. We have been working very hard using our listening skills and alphabet strips to help us ‘have a go’ at sounding out words we are unsure of how to spell. We are gaining confidence everyday!

This is just a very short snapshot of what we have been working on throughout the week. We hope that you have enjoyed reading our blog and looking at our pictures.

Mrs Stevenson and Primary 1B

Wednesday 10th March 2021 – P7

9am – 9:30am

Busy start – numeracy focus

The Daily Rigour

The Daily Rigour 238


9:30am – 10:30am


*Live* Information report writing





11am – 11:30am


Dictation videos for each group

Red – https://youtu.be/lmmNLm1UpXo

Blue – https://youtu.be/AxMO9n1I7T4


11:30am – 12:30pm


*Live* Next chapter of ‘Pig Heart Boy’ and related comprehension task

Wed 10th March – Pig Heart Boy Comprehension




1:30pm – 2:15pm


Mixed problem revision/practise

Wed 10th March – Mixed Problems – Circles

Wed 10th March – Mixed Problems – Squares and Rectangles

Wed 10th March – Mixed Problems – Triangles


2:30pm – 3:15pm


Topic brainstorm

Monday 8th March 2021 – P7

9am – 9:30am

Activity of choice from:


9:30am – 10:30am


*Live* Next chapter of ‘Pig Heart Boy’ and continuation of learning about ‘questioning’

Bloom’s Question Posters





11am – 11:30am


Introduction of new words for each group and pupil choice of activity from grid

Spelling Words 08.03.21

Spelling Activities


11:30am – 12:30pm


*Live* Continuation of expressions and equations and independent activity

Mon 8th March – Expressions and Equations – Circles

Mon 8th March – Expressions and Equations – Rectangles

Mon 8th March – Expressions and Equations – Squares

Mon 8th March – Expressions and Equations – Triangles




1:30pm – 3:15pm

French and RME

Mrs Dobbie

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