Primary 1B Learning Highlights

It has been another short but busy week in Primary 1B.

We have taken our learning outside this week on a few occasions even though the weather has not been kind to us. We have been focusing on using the correct symbols in the correct place for addition and subtraction stories. We have been using loose parts to develop our own number stories, telling the story and then recording the calculations. We have been so imaginative and it has been great fun. We have had tanks being attacked, 3 little pigs houses blown down by the wolf, scary rabbits being chased and funny faces all with a story to tell!

When it got a bit wet we took shelter with our work!

We have been working on improving our drawing and listening skills. We have come a long way with both of these skills. One of our favourite little activities as a treat is to complete a guided draw. This week we wanted to draw a dragon. We are planning to name our dragons and write a story about some of his adventures next week. So watch this space…. Here are some of our wonderful drawings. We are all so proud of our work.

We hope you enjoyed this short blog post featuring only some of our learning highlights this week.

Mrs Stevenson and Primary 1B

Weekly Update From P1A

I hope you have all had a good week. We have been really busy  turning our classroom into fairyland! As promised last week I have pictures of the beans that we planted. They are coming along nicely and the children are enjoying looking after them. I will send them home next week and hopefully they will continue to grow in your garden.

The Three Little Pigs

We have really enjoyed reading The Three Little Pigs and have completed a number of activities around the story. Firstly we re-told the story .


Next we decided to carry out a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) Challenge. We wanted to know if we could build a house strong enough to withstand the big bad wolf as he huffed and puffed. Firstly, we investigated materials around the classroom to find out what we could use.


Next we gathered materials  (wooden sticks, lolly pop sticks, straws, lego and wooden bricks) and started to build. I went around with a hairdryer. To represent the huffing and puffing of the big bad wolf. Some “houses” were more successful that others!

On Wednesday we came back from lunch to find that the dragon had visited and left a letter and a gift for all the children.

The children were thrilled with the letter and castle booklets!

Writing – The Three Little Pigs

I gave the the children a picture from the story and they were asked to write what happens next. Some super examples-

Writing – The Three Billy Goats Gruff

The children also re-told the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff, using simple sequencing. Some examples below-

The children made a bridge for the Billy Goats to cross.

I hope you have enjoyed seeing some of the fantastic learning that has taken place this week. Have a lovely long weekend and I shall post more updates next week.

This Week in P3/2


During reading this week, we were developing our questioning skills. We took notes during our class novel to help us construct a question. When taking notes, we only wrote the important parts and did not write in sentences. Using our notes, we constructed a question and gave it a friend to answer.

Think week, we continued to develop our explanation writing skills. We had to explain the life cycle of a frog. It is very important that the title informs the reader of the content.

“We were writing explanation sequences of the life cycle of a frog” S.C.

“At the sequence explanation part we have to use the words, first, next and then.”  S-L.W.



This week, we finished our times table topic. We were using the knowledge we have developed through this topic to help us tackle multiplication word problems. These can be challenging as we need to use our problem solving skills to calculate the answer.

“I have been using the pop its to calculate the answer. If it’s 2 x 2 I pop 2 along the way and I pop 2 down the way and then count the total.” B.P.

We were linking our multiplication to our word of work topic. In P3/2 we created our own bakery. We were given an equation and had to make cakes and add candles to the cakes to solve the equations.

“We used our times tables when working in the bakery. We had to put the candles in the cakes and find the total.” K.M.

Health and Wellbeing

For our topic of relationships we were looking at friendships. We had to identify the traits we look for in a friend and had to think about why these traits are important. During our class discussion, we identified that a lot of the traits we look for in a friend were also our school values.

During P.E., we were developing our football skills. We had to gain control of the ball when dribbling. We were also passing the ball to our team mates. This involved us adjusting our technique depending on where our team mates were.

Weekly Update From P1A

I Hope you have all had a good week , we certainly have here in P1. We have been very busy. We now have a beautiful castle for the dragon. The children have made crowns and shields and have really enjoyed using their imagination as they play  in and around the castle. Some pictures below-

Last week we planted some beans in soil, this week we have planted some bean seeds in our own very special  see through “green houses”(some pictures below). By planting them in this way, I hope that we can see how the bean takes root and can begin to identify the different parts of a plant.

Writing –

This week we have been enjoying reading the story of the Three Little Pigs. The children have created  a narrative story about one of the little pigs. They had to describe the setting, explain what happens and how the character felt. Amazing writing by everyone!

Numeracy  and Maths

We have spent  part of the week creating simple graphs to display information. The children are becoming more confident when identifying  the most and least popular item. In the pictures below you can see that most children liked the blue bean.

During smart start the children have been using dried beans to count collections and completing a bean jigsaw challenge.

We have also been looking at 10 as a base number and have been bundling groups of 10 using sticks to support the understanding of teen numbers.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I will post more updates next week.




This week in Primary 4

Welcome to another week of learning in Primary 4.

In Writing we have continued with our genre of Explanation Report Writing. We reminded ourselves how this sort of text had to be written in the present tense and also how this was not a text where we mention I or We or talk about our feelings. This week’s piece was on The Life Cycle of a Butterfly. We used a smart start activity where we had to order the stages of the Life Cycle of a Butterfly, then we watched a video about this and took some notes. After this, Mrs Hillan showed us an example piece and we talked through this together before creating our own versions. Read some of our pieces below:


In Numeracy we have continued working on our tables, with a focus on all tables again this week. We will soon be completing our post-topic assessment on this to see how we have improved since the start.


In Spelling this week we have created interesting sentences using our words as well as testing our partners on the words for the week. We have also created some spelling pictures for our words.


In Reading we have continued to use our summarising skills. We have summarised our own group texts again. We need to ensure that we remember our punctuation as we write. We have also worked on our comprehension skills by answering questions based on our group texts.


In our topic this week we got to see some cool objects and artefacts from Ancient Egyptian times. Here are our thoughts:

Sophie C – When Mrs Hillan opened the box, it was like we were in history.

Summer – It was very interesting seeing all the things from Ancient Egypt.

Erin R – It was fascinating learning about the Egyptians beliefs.

Emily – I liked the cat statue because they thought they would be protected by it.

Sophie G – I liked seeing different things with hieroglyphics on it.

Olivia – It was exciting and there was some cool things inside the box.


This week we have begun our personal class talks where we have been sharing information on a topic of our choice. Mrs Hillan and our peers have been assessing us on our skills in doing this. The skills we have looked at are being able to speak loudly, speak clearly, look at our audience and share facts. We have really enjoyed hearing these so far, some really interesting subject choices. We will continue these next week.

Well done P4 for another busy week!

Weekly Update From P1A

I hope you all enjoyed the long weekend and managed to have some fun time with your family.  Although it has been a short week we have been very busy carrying out tasks from the dragon. We have finished Jack’s beanstalk and made a beautiful golden goose. Some pictures below –

Writing – Narrative

The children have really enjoyed writing “once upon a time” stories where they have been encouraged to use their imagination. They have written stories about kings, princes, wolves, hungry dragons etc. Some super examples below-

We thought it woulds be a good idea to grow our own beanstalks. So we have planted and watered them and are going to record their progress. We also looked at the life cycle of a bean. Once they start to grow the children will bring them home and you can plant them in the garden. Hopefully they will grow into large beanstalks with lots of pods!

Maths – Measure

We have done a little measuring this week using non-standard units. The children drew around their feet and cut out their foot shape and used it to estimate and then measure objects. They also used cubes, magic beans and stones. Some of thier estimates were fairly accurate!


I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I will back next week with more updates.





Weekly Update From P1A

It has been a really exciting week in Primary 1. On Monday we came back from lunch to find a trail of green glitter and a letter in our library corner!

After a very exciting discussion we opened the letter and this is what it said…

All of the children agreed that we must help the dragon and the characters of Fairyland. The dragon asked us to rebuild Fairyland in our classroom, so we decided to write to Mrs Stewart and ask her if we could. Some examples below-


Thankfully she agreed. As the dragon mentioned Jack we decided to start by reading Jack and the Beanstalk. We have read 3 slightly different versions and enjoyed all of them. After reading we decided we needed to build and decorate a beanstalk with lots of leaves.

We now have lots of beautifully decorated leaves and magic beans to put on and around the beanstalk (I will hopefully be able to post a picture of completed beanstalk next week)


Writing – Narrative Genre

For writing this week we wrote a story about Jack and his adventure. The children had to write who was in the story, where it took place, what happened and how Jack felt. They all did a fantastic job!



This week we took our numeracy work outside. We made giant number lines and practised jumping forwards and backwards to remind us which direction to go in when we are adding and subtracting.

Health and Wellbeing

This week we had a yoga lesson with Mrs Anderson. The children enjoyed meditating, pretending to move like jungle animals and even enjoyed the relaxation at the end.

I hope you all have a lovely long weekend and I look forward to welcoming the children back on Tuesday 4th May. I will update you on our Fairyland progress next week.


p6/5 week


This week in maths we have been learning about area. We also made posters finding the area of a rectangle and a triangle. Our class has also done centimetre square. Today we done time while calculating how many seconds are in an hour which we found out was 360.


This week in literacy we have been doing SRAs the skill that is skimming and scanning. We have also been doing spelling activities in spelling.


In art we did a vote on if we should draw a step-by-step drawing of a husky or a pug. The majority of the votes voted husky instead of pugs we all think we drew pretty well.


we did pair work presentations with our table partners. Everyone did fairly different presentations from movies to Iphones to food.

That’s all for P6/5 this week.


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