Weekly Update From Primary 1

We have had a great second week in Primary One. All the children have settled really well, so please don’t worry about them. Some pictures and information below  of the things the children have been getting up to this week. They have really enjoyed getting to know their buddies and this week the buddies helped out in the playground and came into class to help the children decorate their very own Elmer and to think about what makes them special. Some pictures below-





Literacy –

The children have been practising writing their names in different ways and developing their fine motor skills.



They have also been demonstrating some super cutting skill.


The children have been using their prediction skills when being read to. They have enjoyed all the stories and have been able to make lots of sensible predictions based on the information from the story.


In number the children have been practising their forward and backward counting skills, ordering numbers and counting simple collections. They have also enjoyed playing number games with their friends.


I hope you enjoyed seeing some of the activities that the children have enjoyed this week. Have a lovely weekend and I shall update the blog again next week.


Weekly Update From P1

A warm welcome to all our new Primary one children and their families. It has been a busy and exciting week so far. All the children have settled in well and are enjoying learning our daily routines. They are already displaying good independence skills and are becoming quicker at getting organised each day.

We are very fortunate to have P7 buddies to help out at playtime and lunchtime. The children have already formed  friendships with them and enjoy talking and playing with them.

In class the children have been building relationships, constructing our class charter, exploring the learning areas and have enjoyed role play, the house corner and construction. The children are learning to recognise and write their name, count collections and match dot patterns to numerals.

Hopefully next week I will be able to post pictures of the children busily working on activities.

Have a lovely weekend and I look forward to welcoming the children back on Monday.


Weekly Update From P1A

I would just like to wish everyone a happy holiday. I hope you all get a chance to relax and have some family fun. It has been such a pleasure to teach your children this year and I am so proud of each and everyone of them. I  look forward to hearing how they are getting on in P2.

Enjoy your Summer!


This week we have been doing….


In maths we have been doing money as chimney sums and bus sums. In the previous math we have done we included the four functions which were addition, subtraction, times and division.


In drama we have been doing Oor Wullie , Oor Wullie is a Scottish cartoon ,  members in our class would act it in a Scottish accent.


In literacy we have done free writing. Free writing is were you can make up you imaginative story. Some people do dragons or princesses.


P4/3 Update

It has been another quick and busy week as we near the end of our time together in P4/3. The children have adapted well to change and enjoyed meeting their new teachers for next term. Mrs Morrison is proud of you all.

Health and Well-Being

We continued our ‘Changing Me’ topic and explored how our bodies change as we get older. The children displayed great maturity discussing the subject and both Mrs Morrison and Ms Webster were proud of them all. Well done P4/3!

Literacy and Numeracy

We have revised our writing skills as the children created their own imaginative stories. Mrs Morrison enjoyed reading them.

We revised our mental numeracy strategies that we have worked on during our number talks lessons. Keep practising P4/3!

Next week is our last week together and what a journey it has been. I am so proud of each and every one of them as they have adapted so well to the changes that have occurred throughout the year. Well done P4/3!



Weekly Update From P1A

I hope you have all had a good week. It has been very exciting in Primary 1, the children have now all had the opportunity to meet their new Primary 2 teacher. Both Miss Borsby and Miss Orr were very impressed by the children, so off to a great start!

Some pictures the children wanted to share-

Maths – Money

This week we have revisited the topic of money. The children have been identifying coins, matching coins and making different amounts using a range of coins.

The children also enjoyed playing a number frame loop game and taking part in an interactive game called “Hit the button” where the children have a minute to answer either number bond or addition questions.


The children wrote to the dragon for the last time. They explained what they enjoyed most about his visits. Some pictures below-

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I will be back next week with the final blog from P1A!

Weekly Update From P1A

I hope you have all had a good week. We have had another very busy week of learning in Primary 1. The children have enjoyed yoga with Mrs Anderson and a trip to our school library.

Writing – The Three Billy Goats Gruff

The children have completed a number of writing activities around the fairytale The Three Billy Goats Gruff. Firstly, they used a guided draw to help create their very own trolls. They then thought of some good descriptive words they could use to descibe how he looks and his personality.  Some scary examples below-

After reading the story, we began to think about where the troll might have gone after he was pushed into the river by the big billy goat. The children drew Wanted posters and extended the story by using their own ideas. Some super examples below-


Some children went on to seqeunce the story-

Health and Wellbeing – Changing Me

We are continuing to explore the changes that occur as we grow and develop. This week we focused on differences that occur in our bodies from birth until the aged of 5. Some examples below-

Numeracy – Addition and Subtraction

This week we have carried out a number of tasks around number bonds to 10. The focus being, to help make the connection between addition and subtraction. Making connections can be a tricky concept but, I am pleased to say that almost everyone can now see the link and hopefully will use this strategy when adding bigger numbers. The children chose the pictures below to be included in this weeks blog.



I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I will be back next week with our second last Primary 1A post!

Weekly Update From P1A

I hope you have all had a good week and  managed to enjoy the beautiful weather we have been experiencing. Some highlights of this weeks learning.

Fairyland – Goldilocks and the Three Bears

This week we have been enjoying the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. The children enjoyed making different sized porridge bowls using repeating patterns.

The children have also enjoyed using masks to retell the story.


This week we have carried out 2 pieces of work around the story. The first was a sorry letter from Golidlocks to the 3 bears. The children had to say what she was sorry for and to promise never to do it again.

Indie commented that she is “really proud” of her writing.

The second piece of writing centred around the question “What happens Next?”The children did really well explaining the next part of the story.

Nemi and Indie are very proud to be able to write a number of sentences independently.

Numeracy Challenge!

Target Number


Robbie said he really enjoyed working with Emily they “make a good team”

Numeracy – Leading the learning

A good example of Indie explaining and leading the learning during a number talks lesson.

Health and Wellbeing

We are continuing with our “changing me” topic and after sorting some life cycles the children had to identify things that are different within themselves now they are 5 or 6.

Some other comments the children wanted to share-

Robbie – “I love coming to school and especially love breakfast club”

Danni – “I enjoyed blowing bubbles in the field with Mrs Dobbie”

Liam – “I am so quick, I am the fastest runner”

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I will be back next week with some more updates.

Weekly Update From P1A


I hope you have all had a good week. We have been very busy in P1 and the children would like to share some of their learning with you.

Firstly, I just wanted to give you an update on the beans that we are growing in our “greenhouses”. It is really interesting for the children to see what usually happens under the soil.


Writing – Little Red Riding Hood

This week we have been reading Little Red Riding Hood and The Wolf’s Story. The Wolf’s story is a different version of Little Red Riding Hood. In this story the wolf explains that it wasn’t his fault, it was Little Red’s fault for bringing Grandma sticky toffees (ask your child to tell you more!) The children absolutely loved the story and had never thought about there being 2 sides to the story.

After much discussion we decided to vote for who we believed was telling the truth. We create a bar chart to display the results-

As you can see, most children believed that the wolf was telling the truth. The children then had to record which version they believed to be the truth and why. Some examples below-

The children then created a puppet show of their favourite version.

The children enjoyed creating their very own baskets for Grandma, using weaving to create a basket effect.

The children have also enjoyed creating imaginary stories using dragon masks from the castle-


Well done to the boys who challenge themselves to complete the subtraction train in record time! Also great job in creating number families to 14!

Health and Wellbeing

For the next few weeks we will be focusing on “Changing Me” . We began by revisiting lifecycles and how we change as we get older. The children had a discussion about what they would like to be when they grow up. We had lots of interesting occupations including, personal trainers, singers, painters etc.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I will be back next week with more updates.

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