Weekly Update From P1A

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas in P1A! The children are so excited.


Digital Learning

This week the children were given the opportunity to take part in the creation of a festive Stop Frame Animation. It is animation that is captured one frame at time, with physical objects (in this case Mary, Joseph etc.) that are moved between frames. When you play back the sequence of images rapidly, it creates the illusion of movement.  Each class is contributing to the retelling of the Christmas story (when complied it will be available for you to view), Some pictures of the children demonstrating their skills.

The children are also learning a Christmas poem “Peppermint Sticks” which will be recorded and available to view during the last week of term. We have also began making Christmas decorations (a sneak peak below!)


Literacy – Writing

We have started our Christmas writing and this week they were asked to write “what they like about Christmas”. As you would expect all enjoyed getting presents, some said they liked putting up decorations and all wanted to play in the snow (at least one wish has been granted!). Some examples below


Our sounds this week have been “d” and “u”. We now have all the vowel sounds and the children have been working hard to blend the sound to make words and write short sentences. We have also been working extremely hard on reading and writing common words. Any help you could give them would really support the development of their reading and writing skills.

We are continuing to focus daily on teen numbers however, it important to consolidate numbers and number bonds within 10 so I created a fun challenge for them.  I split them into 3 teams and  gave them mats with dot patterns and cups with the answer on top. They had to quickly count and place the correct cup on top of the dot pattern. This went well so I changed it slightly. The children were then given mats with addition sums on it and cups with answers on top. They found this challenging but great fun. They can be very competitive!

Health and Wellbeing

This week we looked at friendship. How to make new friends and something they could offer a new friend. The children came up with a number of suggestions –

Robbie – “I would ask them to join a game”

Katie – “treat them nicely and if they got hurt I would help them”

Emily – “play games with them”

They made some lovely friendship tokens.


I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I will be back next week with more news from P1A.


Weekly Update From P1A

The children have had another busy learning week. We have been doing lots of filming of our Sharing the Learning. The children hope you enjoy seeing them working hard in and around the school. Some of this weeks learning the children would like to share with you.


Writing –

Our skills in persausive writing are developing really well (you can hear the children talking about them in our Sharing the Learning video). All the children are aware of what an opinion is and how to share it through their writing. This weeks topic was reading and why it is imoprtant. The children came up with lots of reasons such as -Sahel -“I will be able to read more books when I get older”, Conlon “I will have fun finding out new and interesting facts”etc.  Some examples below-

“b” and “h” sounds

This week the children have been introduced to “b” and “h”. They have been blending these sounds with others that they already know to create words. Some children are now reading short sentences. I am very proud of them!

Within our Sharing the Learning video there is a short number talk where the children are encourged to share their counting strategies. The aim is to find the most efficent way. I hope you find it interesting. We have been counting collections to 20 as well as consolidating knowlege of number bonds within 10.


Health and Wellbeing

Last week the children discussed the important issue of bullying and what it means to be bullied. This week we focused on what to do if a friend was being bullied. Some responses

Sahel said “I would ask the bully why are you bullying my friend?” and he though his friend would be very sad.

Robbie said “I would make the bully say sorry”

Conlon said “I would tell an adult” and thought his friend would be angry.

Indie thought her friend would feel terrified.

We all agreed that you should tell the bully to stop and speak to a trusted adult.

Have a lovely weekend, and I will be back next week with more news from Primary One.

Primary 1B Learning Highlights.

Health and Wellbeing

This week in health and wellbeing we have been continuing to focus on the topic of bullying. We have been discussing strategies to help us should we ever be a victim of bullying or should we see it happening in our playground. Here are some of our very sensible suggestions.

Jack – I would find out who the bully is and tell a teacher.

Saatvik – I would stick up for my friend and tell the bully to stop.

Cooper – I would help my friend to stop crying and play with them to keep them safe.

Kaleb – I would tell one of my trusted adults.

This week in our yoga session we were learning how to  perform some yoga animal poses. We visited old Macdonald’s farm and had great fun being flapping chickens, galloping horses and dogs searching for bones! We are really enjoying our yoga sessions. Here are some examples of how it makes us feel.

Jack – Yoga makes me feel so calm and relaxed.

Mikah – Yoga makes me sit quietly.

Cooper – Yoga makes me patient.

Kaleb – Yoga makes me so happy.


This week we reach our final week for focusing on the Persuasive writing genre. We have worked hard on this particular writing area and are feeling confident showcasing our learning with you all on our special videos (watch this space!) This week we have been writing about why reading is so important. Here are some examples of our work.

We were able to share verbally and through our sentences some of the reasons we believe reading is so important.

Arianna – I like reading because it is fun.

Alfie – I like reading because it is good for you.

Reuben- I like reading because it can make your brain smart.

Saatvik – I like reading because if you know how to read you can do anything.

We have also been learning two new common words, me and we. Our new sounds this week have been h and d.

Our word boost story this week has been ‘The Frightened Little Owl’, by Mark Ezra. We have enjoyed listening to the story and completing all the different activities. We are excellent at using and recognising all of the word boost words we have learned so far we are even beginning to understand the colours of the words and what they mean. (yellow – describing words- adjectives and red are doing words -verbs) This week’s Boost words are – familiar, tremble, tumble and vanish.


This week we have had a new focus for our maths work. We have been learning to recognise and name 2D shapes. We have been discussing their properties, how they look and how they feel. We have been using mathematical language such as edges, sides and corners as well as all the correct names for a number of 2D shape. It has been a bit of a challenge remembering the properties of a pentagon, hexagon and an octagon. Throughout the week we have been spotting all of these shapes within our classroom. Here are some of the activities we have been investigating to help us develop this skill.

We hope you have enjoyed our blog update for this week.

Have an amazing weekend.

Mrs Stevenson and Primary 1B

P6/5 Week


In Maths we have been doing a little bit of the 4X table and division. We have been doing some recording for ”Share The Learning” for parents so far we have done the comutitive law of multiplcation with cubes.


Going back to the recording in literacy during the recording we asked questions about our reading books Charlottes Web, Tom Gates, Fantastic Funny Frightening books.


Every Monday at 10:00 We do Chinese with real Chinese in China and learn their launguge

Mrs Lockhart’s Days

We have been enjoying a poetry session every Friday. Each Friday we hear a new poem and also listen to some of our favourites from the previous weeks.

James James Morrison Morrison is my favourite – Stevi

I really like the version where they sing James James Morrison Morrison – Roman.

The King’s Breakfast is my favourite -Ryley

Me too -Sophie G

I really enjoyed our new poem Macavity the Mystery Cat – Emily

Weekly Update From P1A

We have had another very busy week in Primary 1A and the children would like to share some of their learning with you.

‘We now have our very own classroom shop called “Dean’s Store”

We have used as many real items of food (with price labels) as we can and even have a full sized working till! The children have been so excited and had such a brillant time  playing in the shop. Although it is fun, there are a number of additional benefits such as, writing a shopping list, turn taking, discussion, counting money giving change. Some fun pictures below-


Writing  –

The children are continuing to develop their persuasive writing skills and this week they have been giving their opinions on pets. They all agreed that pets are great to have and came up with super words to describe them, such as” cute, playful, friendly, fluffy and the best!” Some examples below-

Our sounds this week have been “e” and “f”. Some pictures below of the activities the children have taken part in.

Although we are working on numbers beyond 10, the children are consolidating their knowledge of number bonds to 10. They have been doing this through games from Educationcity and team challenges.

Health and Wellbeing

We are continuing to celebrate difference and this week we focused on bullying. The children finished their gingerbread men by creating an anti-bullying slogan for his cap. Conlon came up with a excellent message “No Bullies Here!”

I hope you have a great week and I will post more news from P1A next week.


P56’s blog

Apostrophes have two diferent purposes. They connect two words together: “It is” turns into “It’s”. They can also be for someones property. It sometimes comes before the s.

In maths we have been working on decimals. Decimals are things that can represent wholes or percentiges. When you go to the shops you get something £2.50 the 2 that represents units.

The 5 represnts 5 tenths and the 0 represnts hundredths.

Weekly Update from P1A

Welcome to this weeks blog. We have had a super week, working hard and learning lots. The children have chosen some areas of their learning they would like to share with you.

We celebrated Remembrance day by making poppies and observing the 2 minute silence.


Literacy -Writing

This week we have continued to develop our skills in persuasive writing. The children had to give an opinion about play, why and what they enjoyed about it. Some examples below-

  – “o” sound

This week we have been learning about the “o” sound. The children have been writing, making and using the sound to create 3 letters words. Some children have been challenging themselves to create short sentences using a mixture of CVC words and common words!

O owls made with Cheerios!

As well as working on number bonds to 10 this week, I set the children 2 number matching challenges. In the first challenge they were given a large sheet of paper with numbers on it, they had to place the correct number sums on top of the answer. The second challenge was similar however, this time they had to match the correct dot pattern to the number. They enjoyed and did well on both!


Health and Wellbeing 

This week our health and wellbeing has been linked to Children in Need. We have listened to clips from the BBC and Joe Wicks about the importance of mental health and reconnecting and valuing those around us. The children choose a friend from the class to compliment them and say what makes them special, they then drew them a special picture. Some examples below-

Lastly a picture of the children getting ready for Children in Need 2020.

Have a great weekend. More updates next week.

This Week in P3/2



This week we have been practicing our spelling every day during ELF and Smart Start.

Harrison- “We have been spelling our words in different colours”.


We have been reading our book to ourselves and in our groups. We also were using the book to help us answer the questions.

Lucy- “We were skim reading to find fact in the book”.


We continued writing a persuasive piece of writing this week.

Levente- “I was persuading the reader that snow was fun because my brother and I love to play in the snow”.




This week we have been rounding numbers to the nearest 10.

Tyler N. “We use the chant 0 to 4 slide to the floor. 5 to 9 clime the vine. This helped us work out if we round up or down. For 54, we look at the ones and because it’s 4 we round down to 50. For 99, we look at the ones and because there is 9, we round up to 100”.


This week we continued to learn about the Up Helly Aa Festival. We had to collaborate as group and create a small drama to describe the key features of the Up Helly Aa.

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