News From P1A

Hello and a huge welcome to all our new primary one parents and friends.

All of the children have settled in really well and are becoming more familiar with the daily school routine. I update our P1A blog every week, it is a lovely way for us to share our learning with you and keep you informed of up and coming events. I will include as many picture as I can because I know you will enjoy seeing all the super learning that’s going on. A little shout out here- if you have not returned your photograph consent form I would be grateful if you could so so, that I can post pictures of the children on this blog.

This week we have enjoying reading The Rainbow Fish and Giraffes Can’t Dance.


The books are about sharing, caring and things that we would like to be able to do (just like Gerald the Giraffe).These kinds of stories help us to think about our school values and how we treat others. I am hopeful that by next week we will have our class charter up and running. The sharing and agreeing of the charter is very important to ensure that we have the best learning environment possible (I will post pictures of it next week).

For our smart start activities this week we have been –

learning to recognise our names and attempting to write them.

Copying and continuing patterns

Threading to help with our fine motor skills

Forming numerals with playdough and other naturals materials.

In numeracy we have been recognising  and ordering numbers, counting forward and back to 10 and beyond and playing lots of counting games.

On Wednesday, the children  enjoyed their very first outdoor learning lesson with Mrs Dobbie and she is looking forward to spending Wednesday afternoons with them.

Most importantly the children have enjoyed exploring the classroom and getting to know one another again.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I will update the blog next week, hopefully with lots of photographs of our learning.

Primary One – Friday 26th June 2020

Good Morning Everyone!

Well it’s my last blog! I can’t believe that the summer holidays are here already. I am feeling a little sad that we are not together saying goodbye but I know that I will see you all again in August. I have loved being your Primary one teacher, it has been such a privilege to see you all develop in confidence and ability. I am so proud of each and everyone of you and I can’t wait to see what you achieve in Primary 2. Lets finish Disney’s virtual trip. Enjoy!

    Disney’s Virtual Trip

Activity 1

L.I. I am learning to share my experiences in a postcard/diary

S.C. I can share my experiences with others. I can write short words

S.C. I can share my experiences. I can add detail to make my writing more interesting

Make a postcard to tell somebody all about your virtual trip to Disney Land! You will need to draw a detailed picture on one side and write your message on the other side. Challenge: Can you write the person’s address?

Extension – Write a diary entry about your day at Disney Land, remember to include what you did at various times throughout the day. How descriptive can you be?

Activity 2

L.I. I am learning to use coins to make amounts

S.C. I can use coins to make amounts

S.C. I can give change

S.C. I can add amounts together

Here is a snack menu from Disney Land.

Circle the snack that you would like, and choose the correct coins to pay for it. There are 3 slides, so you could do this 3 times. Challenge: How much change would you get if you paid with a 10p coin?

Extension –  Circle 2 snacks that you would like, how much will it cost all together? Use the coins to pay for the items. Challenge: How many ice creams could you get for 50p?

Activity 3 STEM Challenge

L.I. I am learning to build a design.

SC:  I can select materials that will work for my design. I can create an interesting design. My design is stable and stays up.

Look at the picture of Cinderella’s castle. Can you create your own castle using materials of your choice? You could use sticks, blocks, or anything else that you wish. Be as creative as you can!

Activity 4 Random Acts of Wildness

Today’s challenge –      

 “Switch off to Tune In”Can you turn off all electronic gadgets today?

Have an amazing holiday everyone, keep safe and even though you will not be in my class I will see you and your new teacher will keep me updated on your progress. Goodbye for now!



P5 Friday 26th June

Good Morning P5 and welcome to your last day!

schools out last day of school GIF (GIF Image)

Let’s get energized. Choose the Joe Wicks workout :

Or try some Street Dance Moves on this site:

Or why not just turn up your favourite tunes and dance your cares away!

As it is the last day I have suggested a few activities you might want to try. Just pick and choose what you would like to do today.

1.If you like listening to short stories her is one about a seagull:

2.Health-resilience alphabet T is for talk

3. Finish personal project / fashion show/ theme park challenges. You can share any work on TEAMS or you can email to the school if you prefer.

4. Look back at the BLOG and complete or try again any of the activities that you enjoyed.

5. Art activity-The Yo-Yo Mo show- Watch Mo who likes to doodle while listening to music. then join in and grab some paper and pens when you are ready! Do whatever you feel like doing. If you do not like this video there are other shorter videos here:

6. Reflective Questions-Think about the following –Reflective questions set 4

7. Practise your learning using these online games

I am in a staff meeting at 10am and so am unable to be on TEAMS at that time. So just carry on with any of the activities above.

11:30 Class Video chat.

You have been a brilliant class this year P5. Enjoy your summer break! look after yourselves – I can’t wait to see you when you return as P6.

summer GIF (GIF Image)

Primary One – Thursday 25th June 2020

Good Morning Everyone!

Thursday Sticker for iOS & Android | GIPHY

I hope you all enjoyed Wellbeing Wednesday. As its the second last day of term some fun activities for you to try.

Activity 1

Activity 1 encourages you to reflect on your learning in Primary 1. Discuss each question with an adult. Enjoy!

Activity 2 

For activity 2 I would like you to think about all the things that made Primary 1 special and write or draw them under the headings below. Remember you can use your jotter. I would love to know about your favourite memories so if you can, take a picture and send it to me via the school email.

Activity 3 – Random Acts of Wildness

Today’s activity –      

Draw a wild landscape, if you need a little help why not look at pictures from the internet or from books you may have at home. Enjoy!

Activity 4 – Disney’s Virtual Trip

L.I. to listen and answer questions

S.C. I can listen carefully. I can recall information that I have heard

S.C. I can recall information that I have heard

S.C. I can question what I have heard – do I agree? Is that really best?

Listen to ‘Under the Sea’.

Why does Sebastian think it is better to live under the sea? Record yourself explaining 2 reasons from the song.

You could identify 2 reasons as above and then also think about why it might not be better to live on land. You could create your own short song/verse to convince Sebastian if you wish!

Have a fantastic day and I will be back tomorrow for the last time!

Thursday 25th June

Good Morning! Let’s get energized. Here is the link to the Joe Wicks workout : or if you would like to try some Street Dance Moves try these videos on this site:

Sadly, I am not able to be on TEAMS much today because I am working in school so just work through the day’s activities and do the best you can. However, I will keep chat on in case you have any great ideas for what you would like to do on Friday-your last day!

Literacy – with David Walliams

Think about the questions and watch the two videos.

Then scroll down and choose one of the three activities to complete.

Health –Resilience Alphabet-S is for senses

After Break

Personal Project-continue with your presentation. When you have finished remember you can email to the school email address. If you have finished your personal project continue with your theme park or fashion show work.

Health – Reflection – Reflection Questions set 3

After Lunch

Continue with your theme park or fashion show project.

If you have finished this why not choose your own lesson from this page there are lots of different ideas:

Before you go.Do you like poetry?Watch this-

Or-if you like listening to short stories here is one about a crow and a peacock.


Tuesday 23rd June 2020

Good Morning Everyone! Happy Tuesday!

Have a great tuesday quotes quote gif tuesday tuesday quotes happy ...

Some tasks for you to complete today.

Activity 1 –     ou sound and    Reading

L.I. to understand that 2 letters can make 1 sound

S.C. I can say the sound to match the letter shape ou

S.C. I can blend this sound with other sounds to read words

For today’s task I would like you to practice reading the following sentences. In each sentence you will find words with either the igh, oi or ou sound in them. Can you read the sentences to different members of your family? If you find any words tricky why not practice writing them in you jotter? Remember to use your super blending skills.

Activity 2 –

L.I. to recognise number bonds up to 10

S.C.  I can  find 2 numbers when added together make 10

L.I. to match numerals to number words

S.C. I can read and write numbers from 1 to 20 in numbers and words

Enjoy playing the 2 games below from educationcity. Remember you can log in at anytime and try out other numeracy, maths and literacy activities. Enjoy!

Activity 3 – Random Acts of Wildness

Today’s challenge            

Use twigs, string and leaves or paper birds to make a wild mobile!

Activity 4 – Disney’s Virtual Trip

L.I. to identify and compare the weather in various places

S.C. I can identify the weather and understand the weather is different around the world

S.C. I can find out the temperature in various parts of the world. I can compare temperatures

Today’s challenge- Good luck and enjoy!

Have a great day. Remember tomorrow is “Wellness Wednesday” so I will be back with you on Thursday.

P5 Tuesday 23rd June

Good Morning everybody. Let’s get energized.Choose the Joe Wicks workout: or anything else you like.

Smart start –Newsround

Then write 3 sentences about what you have learnt.Extension – If you finish check out the rest of the Newsround website or catch up with any other work you need to finish.Chat will go back on about 9:55 to discuss learning.

Brainbreak-choose a different times table fact to practise using supermovers here:(scroll down)

Then continue with your personal project – don’t forget to email to the school when you have finished.

After Break

Health – Reflection Time –Now consider these next set of questions: Reflective set of questions 2

Remember you can discuss with someone at home if you would like to and also if you want you can write your ideas down in your jotter.

 Art –

After Lunch

Health – Resilience Alphabet – R is for remember

Challenge – continue with either the Design a Theme Park

or Organise a Fashion Show

Before you go:If you like audio stories there are lots here-read other than Julie Andres-the original Mary Poppins!

Or if you like to draw- The writer and illustrator of Grumpycorn is teaching kids how to draw that most elusive and beloved of creatures, the unicorn (among other things).


Primary One – Monday 22nd June 2020

Good Morning Everyone and welcome to your last week in Primary 1.

It has been a very quick and eventful year and definitely not one that we planned however, you have still managed to achieve lots of successes and should be very proud of yourselves!  Some task for you to complete today.

Activity 1 – New Sound ou

L.I. to understand that 2 letters can make 1 sound

S.C. I can say the sound to match the letter shape

S.C. I can blend this sound with other sounds to create words

Today’s new sound is ou. This sound lives in Inky’s Vowel House .


As you can see the ou sound lives on the bottom floor under the oi sound. The sailor is so excited that he falls out of the crow’s nest and breaks his arm and it hurts. He says “ou”.

The youtube video below maybe helpful with pronunciation of the sound.

Can you slide the sounds together to say the words below?

l – ou – d     c – l – ou – d      h – ou – s – e    m – ou – s – e     r – ou – n – d

f – ou – n – d      s – ou – n – d

Practice writing the ou sound and words in you jotter then complete the 2 ou Words Cut and Paste from your home learning Pack.

Activity 2 – Numeracy and Maths

L.I.  to understand and solve a word problem

S.C. I can understand what the problem is asking me to do

S.C. I can use pictures, numbers and words to explain what I did and how I did it

Some more math’s challenge cards for you to enjoy!

Activity 3 – Random Acts of Wildness

Today’s Challenge – Mediate in the wild


Activity 4- Virtual Trip

L.I. to read a map and give directions

S.C. I can use a simple map

S.C. I can give detailed directions on how to get somewhere

Look at the map of Disney Land. Can you find your way through the map?

1 Start at the Entrance and go to Donald’s house boat.

2 Start at the log flume and go to the rollercoaster.

3 Start at the pond and go to the Frozen ride.

Challenge: Can you give detailed directions on how to get from each place to the next. For example, “Turn left then go straight until you get to the pond”.

Have a great everyone and I will be back tomorrow with some more activities.



P5 Monday June 22nd

Good morning – Let’ get energized. Choose the Joe Wicks workout: or or why not try a warm-up with a professional football player-

Smart Start-Maths Online Games-Logic Puzzles

Now try the puzzles:

1. Ludicross

2. Plane Numbers

3. Squorder

If you have time or any problems with these games go on Sumdog(maths). Remember you can use your book for jottings if you need to.

Sadly, I am not able to be on TEAMS today so just work through the day’s activities and do the best you can. I will be on TEAMS tomorrow to discuss your learning.Good luck!Have a great day!

Health – Reflection

Sadly you will soon finish being a P5. You have much to look forward to as you move into P6. I thought it might be nice to spend a little time this week reflecting on your time as P5s.

Reflection Questions set one Think about the questions in this document. You can to talk to someone in your family if you want. If you would like to record your answers in your jotter that is a great idea.

After Break –

Brainbreak – Choose a times table fact to practise using supermovers here:(scroll down)

Drama with Fraser –  Play online with family and friends

Health-Resilience Alphabet – Q is for question

After Lunch

Personal Project

Continue work on preparing your presentation if you need to then email it to the school when it is finished.

Challenge – Then when you are ready continue with one of the challenges below.

Organise a Fashion Show

Design a Theme Park

Before you go: 

This is fantastic – famous people such as David Beckham, Eddie Redmayne, Stephen Fry, Dakota Fanning, Claudia Kim and Noma Dumezweni reading Harry Potter:


Find out about the solar system in this active video:

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