Primary 3/4

It has been nice for us all to be back together and hearing all about our news from the holidays!! We have reminded ourselves of the expected standards in the classroom and how we must work hard to achieve the best results.

Primary 4 children have been learning to play handball in preparation for the tournament next Wednesday. Please ensure your child has a bottle of water and sports clothing to change into.


P5/6 Hallowe’en Writing

This week we used these pumpkins to help us to write a story. In our story we had to describe these pumpkins using a simile or metaphor.

The pumpkin was as enormous as a beach ball. (Alicia)

The pumpkin was a wrinkly granny (Caiden) (The pumpkins had been in the classroom for a few days so were looking a bit wrinkly!)

The pumpkin was as bony as a skeleton. (Charlie)

In my story the pumpkins were in the pumpkin patch and then they turned into a balls of fire! (Corey)

This week’s blog was written by Corey and Miss Aikman.

Families Connect

The focus of today’s Families Connect session was ‘Book Talk’. We discussed how to make reading fun at home and then looked at different children’s books. We discussed which books the children would probably like best and why. When the children joined us we had snack together and then each adult read with their child, asking open questions as they went along. Each child was able to choose a book to take home with them. Aayan’s mum kindly brought us along some delicious cakes as it was Aayan’s birthday today! Happy birthday, Aayan!

Next time (25th October) we are going to be looking ‘beyond the page’ and making up stories using photo cards.


Prefects make their pledge

Congratulations to all of our 10 prefects who were introduced to the whole school at a special assembly on Friday! They were all thrilled to be given this important role and were excited to have the support of many family members on the day.

Primary 7 enjoyed their first visit to Deans Community High School swimming pool, as part of their transition programme. They were pleased to meet some of the staff  and enjoyed the chance to be in the High school.

As part of Health and Wellbeing this week P7 discussed what is bullying? We have our own simple definition- after much debate- which is :

when someone sets out to put you down “

whether it be verbal, physical, online or in person. Children were very open and honest about situations they have been in and are now designing posters they would like to give to each class to share their learning.


Families Connect

Yesterday our Families Connect group’s focus was on listening. The adults took part in some activities with one another before the children joined us. When the children arrived we all had snack together as usual and then we made ‘magic envelopes’. In the middle of the magic envelope the children drew pictures of one of their favourite things and then worked with the grown-ups to write clues about their favourite thing on the flaps of the envelope. We all got back together to try and guess what was inside each magic envelope. This was great fun!

Next week our focus is on books, we can’t wait!

Whats on next week…

Week beginning 8th October

Monday – 

Football Club 3.30-4.30pm

Tuesday – 

Let’s Cook group @ 1.30pm

Wednesday –

PEEP group in Nursery

P7 Swimming AM

Scripture Union club @ lunchtime

Football Club 3.30-4.30pm

Thursday –

Visit from British Transport Police AM

Families Connect group @ 1pm

Youth choir working with P3/4 and P4 PM

Friday – Last day of term!

Successful P7 and P1 assembly!

Thanks to all the parents and family and friends of Deans Primary for coming along today to support us! Everyone was a bit nervous beforehand but it all went to plan and there was lots of fun had by all – especially when the parents joined in with the Baby Shark song!

In outdoor learning we measured the playing field using trundle wheels.

We have learnt about World War 1 and the Treaty of Versailles.

We have learned how to round to 10, 100, 1000 in numeracy. We used a variety of dice and played games of chance.

We were disappointed that swimming was cancelled yesterday but hope to go next week when the filter is sorted.

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