Latest News From Primary One

Firstly Happy New Year to everyone, I hope you all enjoyed the holidays I know the children did, they couldn’t wait to share all their news at check in time. We  thought it would be a good idea to write a thank you letter to Santa, to tell him how much we loved our new toys.

On Wednesday we had a surprise visitor, Hamish McHaggis from Coorie Doon in the Highlands . He brought some amazing books with him. We have started to read all about his Scottish Adventures. The children are loving the new scots words from the books such as “braw”, “blether” and “peely wally”(lots more words to come!)

We created the first page of our Scottish floor book which demonstrated what we already know about Scotland.

Over the next few weeks we will use Hamish’s adventures as a vehicle to learn more about important places in Scotland such as Edinburgh Castle, Loch Ness, Glamis Castle, The Falkirk Wheel and the Islands of Scotland. We will also explore Scottish food, drink, music, wildlife, tartan etc.

In Math’s we will be exploring shape and time. We began today by looking at calendars for 2020. The children plotted their birthdays  and we discussed the purpose of a calendar and how to use it.


In a previous post I spoke about the importance of Developing the Young Workforce, it is an initiative which schools across West Lothian are developing. We are focusing on Social Intelligence which can be divided into 4 parts- Communication, Feeling, Collaborating and Leading. The children had some good ideas about how they would like to lead learning in our class-

Sophie would like to lead reading groups. She would do this by encouraging her peers to sound out words and point to each word as they were reading.

Louie feels confident when identifying sounds and would like to lead others by helping them use their sounds to create new words.

Jayden really enjoys art and would like to lead some art lessons by encouraging his peers to add more detail and use real life colours.

Mark would like to lead a number talk. He enjoys solving number problems and can lead and support others by explaining necessary steps that need to be taken to arrive at the  answer.

I shall keep you updated on their progress.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.




Happy New Year from P5

Although this week has been shorter than usual we have still been busy!


Using our knowledge of angles and clockwise and anti-clockwise turns we answered questions involving using an 8 point compass.

Lewis – It was challenging.


We revised multiplication learning from last year and then practised a new skill : multiplying a 2 digit multiple of 10 by another 2 digit multiple of 10 or a multiple of 100.

Number Talks

Our subtraction skills were revisited and we practised using various strategies with our talking partner.

STEM – Science

We learnt about the 3 main states of matter – solids, liquids and gases. In addition we learnt how materials can change from one state to another.

In the photo below we are in role as the molecules of a solid – tightly packed together and vibrating slightly.

We then pretended that we had been warmed up and this heat energy caused more vibrations so much so that we expanded and then we moved further away from each other because we had melted into a liquid.

Then we pretended that we had even more energy and we began to vibrate even more so much that some molecules started to escape.The photo below shows this process of evaporation when a material changes from a liquid into a gas.

Keris – Learning about the 3 states was fun.

Lacey – It was fun moving around the room as a gas.


As we have started a new year we thought about our future dreams and wrote these ideas onto little fluffy clouds which we have displayed in the classroom.

Bella – I want to become a fashion designer and a famous singer.

Chloe – I want to be a Hearts player or a contortionist.

Lewis – I want to be a professional footballer and in my spare time I would like to practise Mindfulness.

During this Health session we were practising the social intelligence skills of COMMUNICATING and FEELING. We have COLLABORATED to create ‘Our Sky of Dreams and Goals.’


We continued to improve our basketball skills.


We are reading Dino Egg by Charlie James and designed our own colourful dinosaur egg and modern dinosaur. We are going to use our ideas to write a story about a dinosaur hatching in our own homes; just like in the book. Watch this space!

Merry Christmas From All Of Us In Primary 3/4! 5 More Sleeps!

What a quick week it has been? The children have been super excited all week. They have worked very hard this week in all their activities.

At the start of the week we had a visitor in class. Mrs Hipsey came in to help us to design our very own Christmas themed plate. All the designs were fantastic. They can’t wait to take them home and start using them over the Christmas holidays. After the children had used the porcelain pens and paint Mrs Hipsey whisked them away to bake them. They have arrived just in time.

We all attended our Christmas party this week too! They all look so smart in their party clothes. We joined Primary 3 and 4 to dance away to Christmas tunes and play some party games. There was a very special visitor at the party and he gave all the children an early gift before his rounds on Christmas Eve.

This week we also began to make our very own viking helmets. This process is still ongoing and will be finished the first week back. We thoroughly enjoyed the  paper mache experience and we especially enjoyed the mess.

The children have also explored visual literacy this week. We looked at two winter themed pictures and discussed how these could be turned into a great story. The children had some great ideas. We made sure to include similes and adjectives to make our story more interesting. We discussed what characters our stories would include and describe what they would be like.

The children have been fantastic this week. They have had an eventful and creative week! I hope you all have a fantastic Christmas and I am looking forward to seeing you all again in 2020.

Merry Christmas From Primary One!

We have  had a really exciting week filled with Christmas activities. We have made Christmas cards and written letters to Santa. All the children tell me they are on the nice list. A few examples below.



We also read a beautiful story called Little Robin Red Vest.

It is a wonderful heart warming Christmas story about a little Robin who gives away his 7 vests to other animals who need them. On Christmas Eve he has no vests left and is tired and cold. Santa finds him and Mrs Claus makes him a beautiful red vest because he displayed true Christmas spirit. The children made some beautiful vests that they would have given to the robin.


Today was our Christmas party. We played games, danced ate food and welcomed Santa.

A great time had by all!

I would like to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year when it comes and I look forward to welcoming the children back on Tuesday 7th January 2020.


Happy Christmas from P5

Movie Treat

Our highlight this week was watching the movie Horrid Henry and eating pizza in class!

We also received a gift in the present dash!


This week we practised visualising shape nets and predicting if they would make a 3D shape or not. Then we used the polygon equipment to test our theories.

We learnt that not every net makes a shape.


We practised recall of table facts using online games on the laptops.


Talking and Listening

We listened to Carla’s Sandwich by Debbie Herman and wrote a short summary. Then we expressed our opinion about the text.


As part of our topic on Europe we compared Scotland with France. We used the laptops to research famous art galleries, castles, mountains and rivers.


P5 would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays!

Community Cafe

On Tuesday our brilliant Community Group led a Christmas Cafe where they had identified an issue around internet safety and children being fully protected and safe online over the festive period.  As part of this presentation, the children shared their knowledge of the ThinkUKnow Website, which has lots of resources to support you as parents/carers to help protect your children when online.  The group have attached the presentation they used for your reference, to support you with internet safety at home.  Please use this, especially if your children are getting new devices over the festive period.

Forkies sell out again!

Our Limited Edition Christmas Forkies have all sold out! We made 25 in total and gave each class a chance to win 2 per class. Both the reindeer and Santas were popular and we made £35 in total (thanks to some generous donations!)

We decided to use the money for Childline Christmas gifts ( a doll’s house for counselling,  and an hour for a counsellor to be available over Christmas) and wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone for your support!

Another fantastic week in P3/4!


In numeracy we continued exploring different number strategies to help with tightening our skills in addition. We we using chimney sums again this week, however, this time we had to carry over numbers. The class found this challenging but with plenty of peer and whole class discussion they were off!


In literacy this week we were reading pages from our class novel. The children were asked to read through these pages and highlight any adjectives they could find. After, the children were then asked to use dictionaries to find the definition of these words and a thesaurus to find alternative words.


Our P3 pupils did an excellent job in all of their performances this week. We would like to say a BIG thank you to all of our friends and family for your support during these performances.

The children all looked fab in their Christmas jumpers this week! They also enjoyed their Christmas lunches this week. Plenty of Christmas cheer!


We continued learning our Scottish dances. This week we focused on the Military two step. The children really enjoyed learning this dance and picked up the steps quite quickly.

Well done P3/4 another fantastic week. You have all worked so hard this weekend! Well done!


We are looking forward to our Christmas party next week. I’m sure we will all have a great time!

What’s on this week…

Week beginning 16th December 2019

Mon –

Breakfast club fitness fun – p4-7

Lunchtime Multi-sports club

11am Choir visit St Leonard Cheshire

P5-7 Christmas Treat Afternoon



9-10.30am Community Café

P3, P3/4 and P4 Christmas Party PM

6-7pm Community Christmas Carol Sing-along



Dad’s drop in session meet in Hub

Scripture Union lunch club



8.55-10am Parent Helpers Tea

10am Nursery Christmas Party

Move to the Beat workshops P5 and P5/6

P1, P1/2 and P2 Christmas Party PM

2pm Nursery Christmas Party








Feeling Festive in Primary 2/1.

It has been a busy week in Primary 2/1 and we are now in full festive mode. We decorated our classroom with Christmas trees, tinsel and fairy lights and we have even been enjoying having a ‘real’ fire crackling on our smart board whilst we work.


On Tuesday we had our Christmas jumper day and our Christmas dinner, it was very yummy!

Despite all the festivities we have still been working hard in the classroom. We have been learning all about the sound ‘e’ and are making great progress using the vowels we know to help us build and write new words. We have been writing more silly sentences using tricky words and the sounds we know to blend together and create CVC words.  We also had a go at some functional writing and created some wonderful invitations to our Nativity performance.

In numeracy we are continuing to develop our skills using number bonds for 10, we are enjoying using games on the smart board to help us and practising using concrete materials to help us. We are still practising our mental maths skills every day with our ‘Daily Five’, we are coming up with lots of strategies to help us such as, counting on, using our fingers or using a ten frame.

In Health and Wellbeing we are continuing to develop our focus on Celebrating Differences. This week we have been investigating the qualities which make a good friend. We have been working alongside Primary 1 where we came together to watch the story of ‘The Rainbow Fish’, this helped us to think about what makes a good friend and what doesn’t!

We designed a Friendship Token which displayed a quality which we would like in one of our friends. We had lots of lovely ideas which reflected our class charter and school values and we were able to share our thoughts confidently with the group.


This week we have also been having a big think about our learning environment. We spend so much time in our classroom everyday and it is important that we all have a say in how we would like it to look and what resources we have to help us learn.  We talked about all the things we like about our room and all the things we don’t. We then made a list of what we would like changed or included. The main items to come from this discussion was the inclusion of a ‘computer den’ and to improve our class library, making it more colourful. Here are some of our detailed designs. What this space to see what happens to our classroom in the New Year………


To round off the week we finally got to perform our Nativity ‘It’s a Baby’ to all of our friends and family. We have been working very hard over the last few weeks to perfect the actions and words to our songs. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and hope all the audience did too! We would like to thank everybody who attended for their valued support.

Dressed up and ready to perform!

We are looking forward to another festive week before we break up for the holidays. Please remember our class party will be held on Thursday afternoon, get those party clothes at the ready!!



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