Exciting News from Primary 1

We have had the most exciting week in Primary 1! It all began last Friday at assembly. The children who took part in the STEM challenge were all given a certificate and a winner from each class was chosen. Our winner was Elizabeth who created a super model of the Loch Ness Monster. Well done Elizabeth!

Our star award winner for doing extra reading practice at home was Maddison. Well done Maddison! keep up the great work.

On Monday afternoon we came back from lunch to find something very strange on our carpet.

It was a trail of glitter leading into our library. The trail ended beside a cushion and there on the cushion was a scroll!

We excitedly opened the scroll and read it.

The letter was from a dragon. The dragon was very sad and needed our help. He explained that Fairyland was disappearing, he had no castle to protect and all of the other characters had no  where to live because people were not reading fairytales anymore. The dragon had already visited our classroom and thought it would make an excellent fairyland from himself  and his friends to live in. Our challenge is to rebuild and read lots of fairytales. The children are so so excited. The first things they wanted to do was build a castle for the dragon to protect. They did this by drawing castles,  making them from wooden blocks, cubes and lego.

We have written letters to Mrs Stewart asking for her permission to decorate and change our classroom.

We have read Jack and the Beanstalk and have started building a beanstalk(pictures in next weeks blog) We have worked collaboratively to retell the story in the correct order.

More adventures from Primary I next week. Have a lovely weekend.


P5 Have Another Busy Week!


Our hockey skills continue to develop. This week we practised dribbling, tackling and shooting before getting into games.

Mason – I have got better at using the reverse stick.

Lacey – I have got better at passing.


We continued to read our group novels and some of us practised using different strategies to work out the meaning of tricky words. One group applied the skills we had been learning about persuasive writing and produced road safety posters as one of the characters dashed out into the road without looking!

With Miss Taylor we designed characters in preparation for World Book Day.

Chloe – I designed a famous footballer.

Eva – I came up with the idea of the richest singer in the world.

Mason – A famous taekwondo athlete.

On Wednesday we learnt how to write an exposition. First we looked at an article that someone had written about why dogs make the best pets. Then with a partner we wrote our own persuasive piece. Some of us persuaded other people that Lewis Capaldi was the best singer and others that McDonalds was the best restaurant!

Lacey – I liked writing about Lewis Capaldi because he is funny and I love his music.


Using the laptops we were able to consolidate our learning about fractions by playing fraction games.

Lacey – I liked ‘math man.’

Eva – I enjoyed ‘Jelly Golf.’ It helped me get better at fractions.

Charlie – I liked matching fractions to pictures – it helped me understand them.

We learnt how to use various strategies such as our multiplication skills and fraction walls to compare and order fractions.


During our last lesson on ‘line’ we drew a landscape. First, we looked at a landscape called ‘Starry Night’ by Vincent Van Gogh then we drew our own. We were impressed with the results!

Keris – I enjoyed the line art and using dark and light lines. It actually looked better than I thought it would!


This week we learnt about how cigarettes can have a negative effect on the human body. We had to answer multiple choice questions about smoking in groups.


We learnt about how WWII started and debated whether it actually could have been prevented. Keris suggested that if the countries talked to each other more it might have been stopped. In the future we decided that this was a good idea when we have any disagreements.

Snack menu in Deans Den

Here is the snack menu for the coming week; (paper copies will also be sent home)

Monday- Fruit

Tuesday- Ham or cheese sandwiches

Wednesday- Bagels with ham or cheese

Thursday- Fruit platter

Friday- Yoghurts or fruit choice

Special dietary requirements will be catered for. Any concerns please talk to Mrs Morrison ASAP, thank you.


P1/2 helping with Story in a Box competition

On Friday morning P1/2 had a chat about the whole school competition for World Book Day – which is to create a Story / Scene in a box. This has to be brought in on Thursday 5th March as part of our World Book Day celebrations.

A favourite story in P1/2 is “The Rainbow Fish”. We read the story again, discussed the characters and then created our own individual rainbow fish with colourful designs- and each one had a silver shiny scale and a rainbow scale.

We also worked together to create a Story in a box scene using all the characters. We were pleased with our results !! We now all know what to do to take part in the whole school competition!




This week our class have been learning how to multiply decimals. We tried our best to ensure that we put the the decimal point in the right place.  In addition to jotter work, we further embedded the skill we learnt by playing boards, card and Sumdog games.

For Science, learnt about the Principles of Ecotourism.  We then created our very own Resort Plan which follows the three basic principles of Ecotourism.


What’s on…

Week beginning 21st  February 2020



Mon –

 P1 and P2 multi-sports lunch club

P4-7 Football club 3.15pm

P5-7 art club 3.15pm

P1 science club 3.15pm

P5-7 Choir 3.15pm



PEEP sessions

NYCOS working with p4

Ukulele lunch club

Basketball lunch club

P3/4 Sharing the Learning

Planet soccer nursery session

Netball club at 3.15pm

Home learning club 3.15pm



Scripture Union lunch club

Planet soccer nursery session

P1-3 football club 3.15pm

Lego club 3.15pm

Numeracy club 3.15pm



P4 Futsal session

Zumba club 3.15pm

Cookery club 3.15pm

Lego club 3.15pm

Football tournament 3.15pm at DCHS



Handball P3-5 12.30pm


Despite it only being a short week we have still worked hard!


This week in our ongoing learning about fractions we recapped how to find fractions of amounts and practised finding equivalent fractions.

Monika – Fractions was hard but fun!

Leigha – I enjoyed learning different ways of working things out.

We also played fraction games to reinforce our learning.

After practising the x9 table for the last few weeks we are now going to practise the x3 table for the next two weeks before having a test.

Big Maths – More of us beat our score this week and we were very happy about that!


We have been learning about how to write persuasively.

Princess – I enjoyed doing the advert because I like designing things.

Shantell – I enjoyed the adverts – it was fun.


Using the laptops we researched the meaning of Christian artefacts.


We found out what would happen to our bodies if we misused alcohol.

Hannah – I enjoyed learning about the effects alcohol can have on the body.

Aleena – It was very interesting.


We continued our learning about how line is important when drawing. The work of Pablo Picasso and Joan Miro was considered before we went on to complete some expressive work. Some of us drew a person with spaghetti, nails or string for hair and then we tried to draw a hairy spider.

Samuel really enjoyed this work. He thought it was fun!

Mason-I liked the art.

Keris – My favourite part was drawing the hairy spiders.


Bella – I enjoyed flicking the ball in P.E. when we played hockey.

New Topic – WWII

Next week we will start learning about WWII.

Lewis – I enjoyed the WWII brainstorm. I am looking forward to our new topic.


In our class some people entered the school design competition and their brilliant designs earnt them a certificate. The overall class winner won a ‘Build a Volcano’ set.



Well it has been a shorter week this week in P3/4.


In numeracy  this week we have continued to explore different strategies to use in subtraction. Last week the circles were introduced to the inverse rule of addition and subtraction within numbers up to 100. This week they continued to use this strategy to check their answers to an addition problem. They were able to achieve this by reversing the process and using a subtraction sum to see if their answer was correct in the addition sum. The triangles and rectangles were introduced to this strategy this week. They were challenged to use the inverse rule working with numbers up to 20. The children were able to use their knowledge of number facts of numbers within 20 to successfully use this strategy. The children were given an extra challenge, they were asked to try using this strategies


P3/4 and P3 continued working on ‘Oor Wee Tour of Scotland’ topic. The children worked collaboratively in their groups to create  a dramatatised advert to encourage tourism in Glasgow. The children were to use their acting skilss to show what Glasgow has to offer and why people should visit. The children were also tasked with writing their own script of facts about Glasgow today and Glasgow in the past.

The children were given the opportunity lead their own learning by working in their groups and sharing ideas with one one another. This really helped the children to solidify their idea for an advert and how they would present. The children then were given the chance to do a practice run, this allowed feedback from their peers with a clear picture of any next steps needed to tighten up their advert for when they come to recording it.


We used our dictionary skills to locate this weeks spelling words. the children were asked to find the definition of the word and write them next to their spelling words. The children enjoy using this strategy. Next the children will be asked to use a thesaurus to find words of a similar meaning. This will help them expand their vocabulary and attain an understanding of when and how to use different words.

Primary One Update

A shorter update than normal because of the holiday weekend.


The children are continuing to enjoy writing independently. During smart start they are using a word mat and the tricky word wall to create interesting sentences. Vrishti, Oliver and Louie were very proud of the work they produced.

Over the past weeks we have been working very hard to write sentences that include the who and what they are doing (some extending their work to include where the sentence takes place) This week we tried to add some descriptive phrases to make our writing more interesting. The children came up with some great describing words (they had a picture of a teddy bear) such as missing eye, chewed ear, fluffy fur, big smile and much loved. Some examples below.



We are continuing with subtraction in a very hands on way using the children themselves,  leaves and cubes.

We are also now doing 5 mental maths questions a day, the children are really enjoying this challenge.

Have a lovely weekend.

P6/7 getting “Crafty!” again

With the countdown to the Deans Primary Spring Fair on now (6 weeks on Friday!) P6/7 have started preparing resources for their Easter Craft packs  and creating products to sell. We also looked at ways of advertising.

One of our new products  to sell at the Fair, is a jar of chocolate micro eggs (mini eggs but smaller!) with a bunny or chick on top. These will sell at £1.00.

Someone who previously supported our Forky craft sales, heard about this new product and ordered 20!! Our first bulk order was completed on Thursday afternoon -hooray!


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