Family Learning

On Friday we held our first aid family learning course. Parents and children learned what to do if they found somebody unconscious, how to put them in the recovery position, how to give CPR and how to bandage a casualty who is bleeding from a wound. Alan from The Lowport Centre was a great teacher and taught everyone a special mnemonic checklist to follow upon finding somebody unconscious:

Danger – check for danger at the scene

Response – is the person able to respond? Are they conscious?

Shout – shout for help

Airway – is their airway clear?

Breathing – are they breathing?

CPR – if they are unconscious and not breathing, begin CPR

All parents and children involved thought this was a valuable learning experience, although they hope to never have to put their new skills to the test!


We have a very exciting opportunity coming up at Deans Primary. We are going to be holding a parent and child first aid course in school on Friday 22nd March from 9:30am-12:30pm. This will be run by staff from the Low Port Centre and we are sure this will be a very valuable experience for all those involved. There is no charge to parents/carers for this.

Spaces are very limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

If you would like to participate with your child please return the slip in your child’s bag to school office as soon as possible.

Oor Wullie and other delights


We have enjoyed creating our own Oor Wullie stories. We used tableaux in drama and took photographs of them. We got our ideas from magazines and cartoon strips. It was really fun.

We have been working on long division in maths and continuing with our mental maths and practising our tables with Big Maths Beat That etc.

P7 Mindfulness

Each week P7 have been having a mindfulness session with Mrs Moyes. To begin with we find a comfy space to sit or lie in, we take 3 big deep breaths in through our nose and then we begin listening to relaxing music. Mrs Moyes then reads us a mindfulness story to help us relax. The stories help us be calm, relax and focus.

Emma – Once we have done mindfulness we go back to class and we are able to concentrate and finish our work

James L-S – We sometimes get to hold the guinea pigs during mindfulness, stroking them makes me feel relaxed

Brandon – The story makes me see pictures in my head

Kevin – Mindfulness makes me feel relaxed

Nearly Christmas!

We had fun selling all these stress balls and Christmas crackers at the fayre.

This week we did a lot of maths and we looked at Bob Ross, which we might do in the future.

Primary 6/7 have been doing a new thing with “Around the World” when we use it to practise our mental maths.


Busy,Busy, Busy!


We have been making stress-balls, Christmas Crackers and loop games for the Christmas Fayre. We had fun making all these things. We also made a game called pin the nose on Rudolph.

Primary 6/7 have been doing Judo. Boys doing together and then the girls. This picture shows an example of what we did. We had a great time at Judo. We had a great time as a class.

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