Before Break
Break – Lunch
Let’s start the day with Joe Wicks
Gratitude – Lesson Presentation
1 and 2 point perspective drawing
Please fill out this survey. It should only take about 5 minutes.
May I also please remind that P6s need to submit their ‘Buddy request’ today.
Let’s exercise!
LI_ percentage from an amount_ with calculator
Mrs Anderson needs your help (1)
#Lesson Presentation Viking Life- after you read the PowerPoint, why not create a fact file, a poster, a diorama or a story based on what you learnt.
Personal Project
Looking forward to seeing all of you!
Good morning P6/7! I hope you had a lovely weekend. Just a reminder that I will be reading our class novel at 11 today. So I hope to see you all in Teams 🙂
Let’s Let’s start the day with Joe Wicks or choose any type of exercise like go noodle but it needs to be last 30 minutes.
LI and instruction percentage from any amount
Before Break
8_12_Topic_1_Debit_and_credit_cards_Activity_sheet_UK 8_12_Topic_1_Different_ways_to_pay_Infographic_UK 8_12_Topic_1_How_can_I_pay_for_things_Presentation_UK
Break – Lunch
The Plague in Edinburgh questions
After Lunch
Please do the challenges I set in Sumdog today 🙂
t2-i-141-ks2-what-is-coding-powerpoint-english_ver_2 (1)
Do you want to learn how to sketch a Viking? Try this tutorial.