What have P6 been up to this week?


Jaxson – I enjoyed drawing a WW2 soldier and his equipment.

Silence Day in aid of Ukraine

Well despite everyone thinking we would never manage it…we did! There was the odd blip. (Miss Stanway was the first to forget.)

Anton – I was surprised at how much money we raised.

(So far £71). Thanks so much for your generous donations.

Hope – It was hard but we remembered why we were doing it.

It helped that we spent some time outside drawing and going on the trim track even though we could only communicate on our whiteboards.

We even practised some BSL (British Sign Language). Our favourite sign was for hometime…it was a tough day!


On Monday it was National Poetry Day. We listened to a poem and then wrote poems of our own.


Robbie – I enjoyed the water cycle song.

What have P6 been up to this week?

Numeracy and Maths

This week was ‘Mathematics and its Impact on the World Week.’

We discovered how important maths is in the world around us and in the world of work. Using the laptops we researched different occupations and found out what mathematical skills are needed.

Katie – A doctor measures temperature and calculates weight.

Callum – A therapist needs to know the time when a patient is coming.

Alexis – A writer needs to understand money in order to buy their equipment.

Robbie – An artist uses geometry and shape.

We also researched famous mathematicians.

Here is Callum’s poster.

Here is Fraser’s poster.

Katie – I learnt that Isaac Newton got hit on the head by an apple and discovered gravity!

Bailey – Riemann came from Germany and was an expert in physics.

Kaiden – Descartes died in a science lab!



In our groups we read a section of the text and then wrote down our predictions for what would happen next based on what had happened so far.

In addition we took time to read the amazing science-fiction stories we had all written!

Kaiden – I liked the robots in Fraser’s story.

Robbie – I liked the monster in Callum’s story when it crashed into the ocean and scared people.

Naavah- I liked the story I read because it was detailed.


Bailey – I enjoyed learning about a police diver and writing about them in my descriptive writing.


We talked about alcohol and the effects it can have on your body. We also discussed the difference between responsible and anti-social drinking and the misuse of alcohol.

We also talked about what to do in an emergency and how to put people in the recovery position:

PE – Netball

We practised dodging away from a defender in order to be in a good place to receive the ball.

Naavah – I have got better at netball.

Emily was amazing at catching the ball this week. She has worked very hard at this.

Outdoor Learning

Naavah – We went litter picking, planted more trees and emptied the compost bin.

Hope – We need to start again with the compost bin because a packet was put in which means it won’t work.


We learnt to write block code and use a loop function. Then we uploaded a link to my app on TEAMS.

Kyle – A race car driver was doing a course but a person didn’t look left or right and so a car hit him! The step forward would be on loop. I put a note up saying always look left and right!

Emily – In mine there are two animals racing, they start at different times and the panda wins. An alert then comes up to say the panda has won!

Participation Friday

We sold our rocks for the first time last week and sold out! So this week we have been busy making more to sell.

Some of us have even used the Ukraine flag on our rocks as part of our designs which have positive messages.

Important Announcement about Next Thursday

We are having a silent day in order to raise money for Ukraine. We will have to communicate using whiteboards when in school. However, we are allowed to talk at lunchtime and break. Miss Stanway will try not to speak during the entire day. We know will be quite difficult but the people of Ukraine are going through a challenging time at the moment so we are going to try really hard!

P6/5 Week ending Friday 11th March


No Green Gym, so we took advantage of the lovely weather and went outside and looked at the trees and classified them (deciduous, evergreen, conifer, pine etc). In the afternoon we did a flow chart to help us look at classification

Maths – continued work on fractions, with most of the class looking at mixed numbers.

In language new spelling words went out.

In PE we extended our learning on hockey, focusing on passing and shooting.


In language today we created scripts for Macbeth and his good and evil consciences. We were able to use drama to help bring this to life, and LM excelled in this. We did this for extended writing, with some of the class working in small groups.

For maths we continued to look at fractions, with most of the class now having a much better understanding of equivalent fractions.

Coding with Mrs B was great fun, as always.


Maths: one group continued their work on fractions. The rest of the class consolidated their recent maths work by creating loop games.

Language today was extra spelling activity. We also finished writing our “Macbeth’s Consciences”.

Mrs D continued the work on planting trees and posted on Twitter for people to stop walking their dogs in the field.

For IDL we quickly went back over facts and myths in Scotland.


Maths: continued looking at equivalent fractions, drawing pizzas to help us.

Language today was working on questions about the new reading books to help with our comprehension. We also did an extra spelling activity, again.

For IDL we made “fortune tellers” about Henry VIII.

Some of the children helped support the P1s and 2s with their ICT.

We even managed to squeeze in a quick music lesson!


Maths: worked on more pizza!

PE: football activities with Mrs M. Also our class game: “Ball Tig”





What Have P6 Been Up To This Week?



We have started to learn about a new genre – descriptive writing.

Having studied the structure of a descriptive text about a Rescue Helicopter Pilot we watched a video about the Scottish Mounted Police. Then together we wrote a descriptive piece about their role.

Bailey – They are different to normal police because they ride horses and wear different uniforms.

Cameron – The genre’s structure was title, introduction, characteristics and evaluation.


We read our group novels and practised inventing our own inferential questions based on what we had read.

Talking and Listening

This week we invented a story which we told to our partner. We looked at a picture stimulus which was an elephant. Here is the link:


We came up with some great narrative ideas based on it!

Outdoor Learning

Hope – We planted thorn bushes with spikes. Please don’t touch them.

Emily – We planted them because the ones we planted before had been removed. It is also helping us work towards the net zero project.


We have really improved our ability to subtract mentally using a variety of mental methods.


This week we continued our coding work with Mrs Buntin. It was quite tricky but we were very proud of our achievements.


Once again we have continued to improve our netball skills this week. Maybe in the future one of us might play for Scotland!

Outdoor Learning

Once again Deans Primary have received a donation of saplings from the Woodland Trust. The children are not only hoping this will enhance the look of the school grounds but begin to support a Net Zero Community and improve the environment.

The children would like to ask all children, staff, parents, carers and members of the community to help us look after the saplings so they get the opportunity to grow into large, strong trees. Since they are newly planted and have not yet taken root we would appreciate it if you could stay away from the trees. If you see or hear of any issues with the trees can you please get in touch with Mrs Dobbie.


P6/5 Week ending Friday 4th March


Green Gym – we started this excellent activity today, with a problem solving task.

Maths – started looking at  scale, as this will help our understanding of the timelines we are working on

In language new spelling words went out. The class also wrote their narrative pieces “If I were a ….. “. The inspiration for this came from “Strawberry”, my pet snake which I had brought in and fascinated the class.

In PE we extended our learning on hockey, focusing keeping the ball close to the stick for accuracy on push passes. AS, SU, SD, EY  and SJR excelled.

For IDL today we carried on work on the timelines.


In language today we looked at the original script of “Macbeth” and some of the old fashioned words.

For maths we continued to look at scale.

For IDL today we continued work on the Tudors, with partners researching famous people from the time, and continued writing biographies about them. We also continued work on the timelines, adding baby photos and “Not to scale”



Maths: work on fractions including whole number.

Language today was another reading comprehension about the Tudors. The whole class found this very interesting.

The class was delighted to be able to at last support the P1s in ICT


With Ms T the class did activities relating to world book day.

We also did drama today based around “Macbeth”.

Mark worked with the class on a health activity on what will happen to the children in the future and they wrote letters to their future selves.

For IDL today we were finishing off work on biographies and timelines.



Maths: worked on times tables practise.

PE: tennis activities. Also our class game: “Ball Tig”





What Have P6 Been Up This Week?


In group reading we completed various comprehension challenges.

It was World Book Day on Thursday so we talked about our favourite books and had a quiz. There was also an emoji challenge – we had to guess the title of the book from the emoji clues!

Why not create some emoji codes of your own?


We had  a go at some challenging word problems involving money.

This week we also discussed various subtraction strategies e.g. partitioning, (but we discussed why this doesn’t always work!) and counting on.


Our new topic is the water cycle.

We learnt about the 3 changes of state.

Debbie – These are solids, liquids and gases.

Using drama we all became a molecule of a solid and acted out what happened when it was given heat energy.

Here we are tightly packed together as a solid!

Here we are as a liquid :

Finally we have reached boiling point and here we are as a gas!

We really liked being the molecules of a gas!

The process involved in this are:

Anoton-These are melting, freezing, condensing and evaporation.

Lily Elen – I enjoyed this drama!


As part of our ‘Healthy Me’ topic we learnt about different drugs and the dangerous effects they have on our body.


During our visit from Mark we wrote a letter to ourselves which we are going to open in one years time!

Topic / Digital Learning

Bailey – I enjoyed sharing my PopwerPoint about transport in WW2 to the rest of the class because everyone enjoyed it.


In netball we learned about positional play and focussed on attack and defence. It was quite tricky for the first time!

Kyle – I liked learning about the positions in netball. You can only go in certain areas.

Hope – I enjoyed being a crab!

(In this game the children played netball but could only move on their hands and feet which helped them to move into better positions.)

The class agreed their next steps were to practise positional play and reinforce attacking/defending roles.

P6/5 Week ending Friday 25th February


Maths was a continuation of work on halving, quartering and percentages.

In language new spelling words went out. The class also wrote their narrative pieces they planned last week. AS and NB excelled.

In PE we extended our learning on hockey, focusing on dribbling and keeping the ball close to the stick. AS, SU, SD, EY  and SJR excelled.

For IDL today we went back to looking at the Tudors.


In language today we split into four groups and wrote plays. Two groups re-wrote the scene from “Macbeth” with the witches. The other two groups adapted the story of “Anne Frank” and “Little Red Riding Hood”. MDs excelled in his writing.

We were able to perform most of these plays at the end of the day. SU was an amazing wolf! CB, SHP, MM, AD, EY, DW, KH and AS all excelled in drama.

For maths we split into two groups, one of which EY lead, going back over previous work on directions. The other group looked at Roman numerals.

Coding with Mrs B was great fun, as always.

For IDL today we continued work on the Tudors, with partners researching famous people from the time, and started writing biographies about them.



Reading activity: Continued work on summarising the previous book, focussing on the quality of the summary and assessment.

Maths: work on giving directions

The class went to Scotmid with Mrs D today to continue their work on promoting a net zero environment.

With Ms T the class did a book survey because it is national book week next week.

In maths one group looked at fractions while another group worked on practising their tables.


Maths: went back to working on algebra and equations, which we will briefly continue with on Friday. AD, CB, AS, DW, MxD, JH (whose maths is brilliant!) and SJR excelled in this.

Language today was a reading comprehension about the Tudors. Nearly the whole class found this very interesting, and the timeline very useful. MM,SU, EY, AD, CB, AS and MxD excelled in this.

Mark worked with the class on a health activity on the school values, that these can be a transferable skill that the children could practise at home.

Some of the class did an art activity of drawing winter trees. SU and MM excelled in this.

Continuing our work on the Tudors the class started to make timelines in Publisher, including when they were born. AD, DW and MxD excelled in this.



Maths: worked on timelines, and briefly looked at scale.

PE: tennis activities. Also continued refining the rules of our class game: “Ball Tig”





What have P6 been up to this week?


This week was ‘Expressions and Equations’ focus week.

Emily – I had bever done algebra before but I thought I had done well.

Anton – Algebra is when a letter is put in instead of a number.


We continued to practise our comprehension skills in group reading and also our spellings.

On Friday we will be learning about figures of speech.

In writing this week we were very excited to start writing up our science-fiction stories that we had planned with a partner last week.

Bella, Robbie, Joel, Hope and Emily shared what they had written so far by reading aloud to the whole class. We were very impressed!


Cameron – I enjoyed netball and am getting better at catching.

Anton – I was surprised how good I was at pivoting.

The children have quickly developed their skills and have greatly improved their positional play and would like to devlop their shooting ability.

Bella – I am getting better at throwing and catching.


Next week is World Book Day and we started to design a mural for the school library. This is a whole school competition and will be judged by the reading ambassadors.

Bella – I enjoyed this.

Headstrong – Mental Health

Mark visited us this week and we discussed our school values and the importance of these at school and home.

Outdoor Learning

Bella – We completed a traffic survey.

There were lots of vans and cars but no buses and lorries.

Hope – Why don’t people walk to the shops when they can?

Emily – This is part of our Net Zero learning. This is when carbon dioxide and oxygen levels are balanced.

As part of our learning we looked at different types of bins in the community.

Emily – We are monitoring the bins in the lunch hall as well.This is really working very well. There is less plastic in the food bin.

P6/5 Week ending Friday 18th February







Reading activity: new reading books out to all. Worked on summarising the previous book.

Maths: work on giving directions

Science: classification of living things. We learned that fish are cold blooded.


Maths: gone back to looking at the relationship between fractions, percentages and decimals. We will continue to work on this.

Language today was working on predicting the new reading books.

Mark worked with the class on a health activity on individuals perceived themselves and were perceived by others.

Science was again looking at classification of animals, and we will continue to look at some of the characteristics that help to classify.

Mrs D continued the work on the BP net zero challenge



Maths: one small group continued their work on place value while the majority of the class worked on the addition of mixed whole number and fractions.

Spelling, as usual.

Music: listened to a piece of music and discussed what it sounded like. It was “The Storm” from Britten’s opera “Peter Grimes”. The class thought it reminded them of lots of very relevant things, such as Disney’s “Sorcerer’s Apprentice”

PE: tennis activities, during which SU, SJR, SD and MM were able to lead the learning with one of the activities. Also refining the rules of our class game: “Ball Tig”





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