This Week in Primary 5

This week in Primary 5 we have been busy filming our Sharing the Learning video to send out to our parents and carers to tell them all about what we are learning in Numeracy and Maths and how people at home can help us.

We have been working on dividing by 8 and 6, or showing the link between division and multiplication this week. One group had an opportunity to use a calculator with their tasks this week.


In Spelling this week, we practised our words by creating spelling flowers. This is where we write the word in the middle and then write the letters which make up the word on each petal. We also played noughts and crosses using our spelling words. Every time we got a word right, we got to put our nought or cross down!


In Writing we have continued our Narrative writing. This week we used an idea from watching an Author’s Live episode with Cressida Cowell who wrote the ‘How To Train Your Dragon’ books, where we drew a map first and then used this map to create a plan for an adventure story. Mrs Hillan showed us a few examples of maps, such as the map of Neverland. We will use these maps and plans to write our stories next week!

In Reading we made predictions again, based on where we are at in our group readers. It is interesting to see if our predictions are correct as we read on.

Lewis D – I predict that the tiger will turn out a different colour from the colour a tiger is meant to be.

Olivia – I predict that the children are going to be late to the palace because the police are going to stop them for too long.

Erin R – I predict that the crowd of people are not going to let the children past and the Queen will think they are not coming.

Kayleigh – I predict that Biff and Wilf got trapped and then the man took the Blue Eye.

Chloe – I think the man has the Blue Eye but the children get it again and they go back to the castle.

Sophie C – I predict that the ferris wheel will break down at the fair.


Since it was the celebration of Robert Burns on Tuesday, we talked about him, listened to some of his poems and did a little bit of research on him. We also designed our own tartans.

P6/5 Week starting Monday 17th January


Maths – All groups were looking at fractions again today; one group were looking at a problem solving activity that involved common denominators. They were also then given support to teach another group how to solve word problems.

Literacy – new spelling words out to all. Continuing work on our group reading books. Also started writing the script for a short film “How to use Loop Games”.

PE – team sports. Looking at strategies and applying these to a variety of team sports including football, hockey and dodgeball.


Maths: still working on fractions, today we were looking at more complex multiple fractions of a whole number, and used this to help our ability to multiply and divide. A small also extended their learning by looking at word problems.

Literacy: extended writing on a narrative theme, with a focus on structure, similes, metaphors and adjectives.

In the afternoon we looked at coding with “Mrs B and the Beebots”.


Assessments for both numeracy and literacy. One group also worked on writing questions about the text they were given on dog statues. Another group worked on story writing and characterisation. To support these activities we also used appropriate activities on Education City.

The class were also training to go to Mars with Mrs Dobbie!


Maths: finishing off work on fractions

Literacy: using questions about the groups reading texts that the children had created. Making notes for the answers and then transferring these into a short summary of the text.

Art with Ms T in the afternoon.


Assembly, where RM got the star award for the class and the whole class won the peg challenge.

Maths: one group started a review of all the work they have done on Maths, another started work on percentages, with some of these also looking to extend their learning with more challenging resources.


Primary 5’s Update

This week in Primary 5 we have been very lucky to start sessions on digital learning with the help of Mrs Buntin. We are beginning by looking at coding. This week we spoke about creating algorithms and we made some up to make BeeBot move to make a chosen digital number by going forward, left, right or backwards:

Digital Numbers On White Background Stock Vector (Royalty Free) 1404265058

We are excited to learn more next time! Here are some pictures of us this week:

In Reading we have gone back to revisit our prediction skills. We did these for our group readers this week. Here are some we made:

Sophie C – Fern is going to go back to the barn and Wilbur is going to be missing.

Sophie G – I think that Fern’s mum is going to start believing the stories that Fern has been telling and she will go to the barn and see Wilbur and Charlotte etc all talking.

Erin R – I think that when all the kids go to see the Queen, the castle is going to stink-bombed.

Ariah – I think crickets are going to wake up Wilbur. He is then going to go to Fern’s house and Charlotte is going to go and look for him, then get lost.

Jessica – I think that when Mr Stofflees is finished painting that the tiger is going to come to life.


In Spelling we practised our words by writing them in alphabetical order. This was challenging, especially when some of our words started with the same letter! We also selected some other tasks to help us practise our words.

In Writing we created a new narrative story. This week we took some inspiration from our class novel where one of the characters was briefly taken back in time to when he was born. Then Mrs Hillan showed us part of a story she had created, but this time her character went into the future! We used these stories to then create a plan first, then used this to write our own Adventure in Time stories, remembering that we needed to include a problem and resolution. Please have a look at us hard at work and read some of our stories below:

In Numeracy this week we have continued using our division skills and we have worked hard using the SHM textbooks. One group have looked at dividing by 10, 100 and 1000’s and the other has worked on dividing by 2, 4, 5 and 8.

In topic, we have put our Space topic on hold to do a Scottish Mini topic on The Celts. We have started this week by creating a thought shower together of what we know, what we would like to know and how we can find out. The Blue shows what we already know, the Orange shows what we would like to find out and the Green shows how we might find out:


Happy New Year from Primary 5!


Happy New Year GIF Images 2022 - Animated Pic Free Download

Happy New Year from Primary 5! We hope everyone is safe and well!

We are excited to be back at school for a new term and looking forward to learning lots of new things.

This week we have spent some time discussing our New Year’s Resolutions and what these mean. Here are some of the resolutions we have made:

Daniel – To be a better drawer.

Ryley – To feed my dog and play with my dog more.

Erin P – To learn to play football.

Erin R – To play a full song on my trombone.

Lewis D – To take my skills in football to the next step.

Chloe – To spend more time with my family.

Ciaran – To get better at football.

We have also discussed what we really liked about last year and our hopes and goals for this year. Here are some of them:

In our writing this week we have started our new genre of Narrative writing. We discussed how this is where we can really let our imaginations run wild! We have to work on giving lots of details for characters, setting etc. We started off this week by looking at the example in the big book, which was all about a Great BMX Race. We discussed this piece and then thought about races or competitions that we have taken part in and this is what we wrote about. Here are some pictures of us busy writing our stories:

Some of us also shared our stories with the class:

In Numeracy we have been continuing to work on our division skills and started off by testing each other on our knowledge so far. We have also worked on our Number Talk skills, looking at the place value of numbers to work out our answers.

Next week we look forward to some more new learning!

P6/5 17th December

Monday 13th

Maths: we went back to look at measure, comparing centimetres and meters, and using these skills on classroom objects.

Personal projects: we started researching these by reading about them on the internet, books and making notes. SD, SU, AS, EY, MaD, CB, ShP, SS, KH, EC, SJR, JH and AD are all very excited about these.

STEM: for today’s challenge the class went outside to find maths in nature. We were able to identify symmetry in leaves, tessellation in tree bark and Fibonacci sequences, and spirals, in the pollen of a daisy, a pine cone and a snail’s shell.

Tuesday 14th

Maths: continue work on measure, measuring each other’s heights accurately, ensuring the meter rules were the right way round. One group continued work on converting meters to centimetres while another group worked on fractions. KM and SU exceeded in the conversion of decimals. SJR did exceptionally well with her fractions.

Personal Projects: we continued our background reading and research and worked on our note taking. EY excelled in this activity today.

STEM: our project for today was “Dancing Salt”. We used sound vibrations to make it dance. The louder the sound the more it danced.

Wednesday 15th

Maths: continuing work on measure, including estimating and decimals. MM and SU were very accurate in their estimations.

Literacy: we have been reviewing the spelling we have done so far this year.

History: the whole class are really into history, so we made a timeline of all the historical events that we could think of and discussed these. From these we identified what topics the class had already done and the next one they want to do: Tudors.

Silent disco: GREAT FUN!!!!

Thursday 16th

Maths: continuing work on measure and decimals, the class found the work that we have done so far very supportive and were able to complete today’s activity much more easily. SD completed the activity especially quickly. One group continued their work on fractions, looking at equivalent fractions

Literacy/History: lead by the class’s new found interest in history they were provided with sets history reference books that split history into nine different periods. They loved reading these and sharing the facts they learned with each other. They also re-enforced their learning from Wednesday of a history timeline by putting the sets in chronological order.

STEM: the whole class really bought into today’s activity which was to make igloos out of marshmallows.

Friday 17th

Pyjama day!

PE: mat work

Maths: practiced instant recall of addition, including decimals

Literacy: ensured that the Mr Topley publisher documents were “bumped up” and ready to print for display.

Spent time looking at the learning intentions for all the individual pieces of work on display.





P.5 STEM Challenge


We had an interesting STEM challenge to complete on Wednesday. We had to design and build an igloo using only marshmallows and cocktail sticks!

There was a lot of discussion and planning to begin with. We looked at igloo images to inspire us. Then the building began……..

We had mixed results!

Good effort all round P.5!


Primary 5 Update

This week in Numeracy we have been doing some Christmas Numeracy which has helped us to recap and reinforce our addition, subtraction, multiplication and division skills.


In Literacy we have been continuing our class novel ‘The Christmasaurus and The Winter Witch’. We are really enjoying this. Here are some of our thoughts so far:

Ciaran – It’s very exciting to listen to the second book!

Kayleigh – It’s really exciting because I like how the Christmasaurus helps Santa.

Jessica – It is fun to listen to Mrs Hillan reading the book because when she stops it is good to think of what will happen next.

Lewis D – I liked it when we met a new person called Sub-Zero!

Ariah – I like that we have read the first book and now we are getting to read the second book.

In Writing we have written some Christmas/Winter related narrative stories. Some of these are below for you to enjoy!


We also watched a Pantomime, which was Aladdin. Here is what we thought of it:

Chloe – It was funny when the boy dressed up as a girl.

Lewis R – It was a little bit funny because the girl was dressed as Aladdin.

Erin P – It was funny because whenever the mum came in, Aladdin went behind her doing silly things.

Gracie – It was funny because Aladdin was doing Tik Tok dances and the mum tried it but kept on failing.


We have also taken part in some STEM activities too. We worked alongside Mrs Hillan to create a snowstorm in a jar. This is what we had to do:

  1. Fill the jar about half of the way full with baby oil. In a separate bowl, blend water and a few tablespoons of  white paint.
  2. Add glitter and blue food coloring to the oil, and then top off the jar with water and paint mixture.Don’t fill the jar  to the very top, make sure it is only about a maximum of three-fourths full.
  3. Drop the Alka-Seltzer tablet into the jar and take a step back. The Alka-Seltzer tablet will activate and you can watch the storm whirl in the jar right before your eyes!

Mrs Hillan has said we will hopefully have a chance to do this individually/in pairs after the holidays when more people have brought in jars/bottles.

Sophie G – I think it was so cool that it looked like there was a snowstorm!

Rihanna – I think it was really fun to watch and to see the paint etc go up and mix.

Holly – It was really cool – it looked really cool in the jar.


We also completed a ‘Dancing Salt’ activity where we looked at the effect of vibrations created by soundwaves on salt which was sitting on clingfilm on the top of a bowl and then placed next to a speaker. We also tried this with sugar and rice.

Kayleigh – I thought it was really cool how the salt moved when the speaker was near playing music.

Jessica – It was cool to watch it dance.

Erin R – It was interesting how the rice didn’t dance like the others. This was because it was heavier than the others and more difficult for it to dance.


We also had our Silent Disco which was great fun!! Mrs Hillan was impressed with our dance moves!!!

It has been a fun week of learning this week!

P6/5 Friday 10th December

Monday 6th

Maths: continuing our work on algebra this morning we looked at function machines. MM and SU continued their work on word problems. ShP was again pleased with the work he produced.

Literacy: summarising group reading books. MiD was especially pleased with the neatness of the presentation of his work. We finished reading “Macbeth” as a class.

PE: Continuing activities based on balancing, we focused this week on tightrope walking – only about six inches above the ground! AS showed her previous experience gained from doing bar work in gymnastics and MM also excelled.

Tuesday 7th

Literacy: made notes on “Macbeth” and re-wrote these as a summary. SD, DW, KH, SP excelled in their summary, and especially AS, who has really trimmed the fat off her writing.

Maths: continuing our work on algebra this morning we looked at using symbols instead of numbers and the functions. SJR excelled, and did two sets of work. MM, SD and SU continued their work on word problems.

Wednesday 8th

Out-door learning and Tuckshop with Mrs D

Maths: practicing instant recall of tables using BMBT, working on the application of tables to problems on Ed. City, with the children able to choose an activity appropriate to themselves. EY significantly improved her score in BMBT.

Literacy: continuing work on “Macbeth”.

Thursday 9th

Maths: created beautiful posters demonstrating the wonderful maths we have been doing this year. SU, MM, AS and EY all excelled. In fact the whole class excelled in this activity.

Literacy: spelling assessment. Again the whole class were extremely pleased as the great emphasis we have put on spelling recently has paid off and everyone  has progressed really well. We also continued work on “Macbeth”. ShP was especially proud of the fact that he was able to incorporate his learning in this into the next activity:

Art: creating drawings of myths and legends from around the world. AD, SoP, JH, EC, AS and SB were especially proud of the work they did.

Friday 10th

PE: football, star of the match was MxD.

Maths: algebra using letters instead of symbols and briefly looking at equivalence, which MxD showed a good understanding.

Literacy: looked at some of the best examples of persuasive writing, CB, SB, AD, DW and EY excelled in this.



Our Week In Primary 5

We have had another busy week in Primary 5 and we started it off with a very fun day of Digital Learning on Monday! We worked in 3 groups – one on typing skills, one on making Stop Frame Animation and one on coding. We discussed how these skills will be useful for us not only now, but in the future when we are looking to get jobs. Most, if not all jobs nowadays, use digital technologies.

Here are our thoughts on our Digital Learning Day:

Chloe – It was fun playing the typing game and doing the coding.

Ryley – I enjoyed when we were doing the typing skills as we could figure out without looking, where to put our fingers.

Giullia – It was really exciting to do the lego for the coding.

Erin R – When I did the stop frame animation it was very fun, and when I did the coding on the ipad, it was also very fun!

Ciaran – It was really good to know how to type fast as you can get to different websites on the internet faster.

Sophie C – I enjoyed doing the coding with the lego with Rihanna. It didn’t really work out but it was still fun!

Summer – It was really good for a change instead of doing maths, reading etc.

Kullyn – It was really exciting when we were doing the stop frame animation.


Here are some photos of us:

In Numeracy we have been back looking at our Division skills. We have been trying hard to remember that we can use our knowledge of our times tables to help with this.

In Literacy this week, we have written a letter to Santa to persuade him to visit us this year with some presents. Here were some of the reasons we gave:

Ciaran – I said I was kind at school.

Erin P – I said that I make my bed every morning.

Ryley – I said I have been feeding my dog every single day.

Chloe – I said I do the dishes every day.

Ariah – I said that I take my dog out every second day of the week.

In topic we have continued our research. Here are some pictures showing our International Space Station drawings and our research so far on what we have learned from space explorations:

We are looking forward to next week when we will have more learning, but also our Silent Disco! We must remember to practise for Deans Got Talent if we want to audition for this on the 17th!

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